rhoward66 Member


  • Frank's Red Hot Sauce. I put that S#!+ on everything!
  • I have a protein shake every day that I work out. I have used GNC Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60 for many months and it tastes great. My wife recently started with Melaleuca so I have switched to their brand. For either brand, I use two scoops of protein powder, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1/2 of a banana, 1 cup of water and…
  • Count me in...my budget can't keep up with the things that Apple produces. I'm waiting for the new iPad to be announced!
  • That's awesome! Well done my friend!
    in Yay!!! Comment by rhoward66 January 2011
  • That is disgusting, but remember that not all of us old overly sweaty guys are like that!
  • My wife bought that book and I kind of scoffed at the idea of a vegetarian or vegan diet. I read it a couple of months ago, and my diet and changed considerably since then. It is pretty funny (and vulgar), and it gave me a lot to think about as far as what kinds of foods I put into my body.
  • I know that feeling! The hard part is getting past that feeling and idea in your head, and just get moving. Once your moving, your energy will pick up.
  • I like Micah's advice...Relax! I've been tracking my calories on this website for 6 months now, and I can relate to what you are describing. I certainly have thought a lot more about what I eat (and what I have eaten in the past) than I ever did. That's a good thing...I think that's the reason for logging what you eat.…
  • I'm on week 11 of my second time through P90X. I have always eaten the extra calories earned for the workouts, and I've lost considerable weight. I felt like I needed the extra calories to have the energy to push hard in the workouts. Don't get discouraged if you didn't lose weight in the first week. Drink plenty of water…
  • I created new workouts under Cardio for each of the P90X routines, and wear a heart rate monitor to record the calories burned for each.
  • I think you should rest those arms and work another body part or cardio.
  • I would think that if you consume more calories than your body needs, the excess would be stored as fat. That is the basis behind eating smaller, more frequent meals, right?
  • I log mine as cardio and enter the calories burned from my heart rate monitor.
  • I gave up diet Mt Dew (2-3 per day) and coffee (2-3 cups per day) about four months ago. I had headaches for a couple of days, but got through it. Now I keep reading about the benefits of caffeine to energize your workouts!
  • The menu plan basically lays out what you should eat every day (specific foods with some recipes for preparing some of the items). You also have the option of using the portion plan, which lets you pick which items you want to eat. It tells you how many portions of fat, carbs, protein, veggies, fruits, etc to eat each day.…
  • Awesome...I experienced very much the same thing with my blood pressure and P90X
  • Avocado!
  • I'm on my 1st week of the second round of P90X. The first several times I did Yoga X, it hurt. Now, I can definitley see improved flexibility when I do it, but I still am no where near the form that they show in the video. Are you experiencing the back pain during the video, or only the next day? You definitely should…
  • My opinion is that an occasional soda is okay, still get at least 8 glasses of plain water per day. Giving up sodas was the first thing I did to change my diet, and it was definitely one of the hardest changes!
  • Motivation really needs to come from within you. I gained weight for years while watching my wife get healthier and healthier until finally it clicked in my head that I didn't want to be fat any more. I now get up at 3 AM to work out before work, and trust me, most mornings when the alarm clock goes off, I don't want to…
  • I agree with the recommendation to see your doctor, but you also should incorporate some basic stretching into your pre and post workout routines if you don't already.
  • Definitely have your blood pressure checked. I have been taking HBP meds for years, and since losing weight and becoming more fit, I began experiencing light-headedness too. My doctor cut my meds in half, and I hope to cut them out completely soon!
  • If you have a receipt, you should be able to use it. The website has an online claim form...did you check it out? I have been included in similar class action lawsuits, and usually you end up getting a coupon or some similar discount off one of the company's product.
  • Remember that muscle burns calories better than fat, and exercising builds muscle!
  • I don't have an easy answer, but one thing you should strive to do is remove those tempting items from your fridge/pantry and replace them with healthy, delicious alternatives. I know that may not be easy to do with others in your household. And when you fall off the wagon a little, get back on the next day...burn some…
  • I can confirm that this is true for the iPhone 4. Does your iPod have iOS4 installed?
  • I think you should stick with what you're doing. Check how your clothing is fitting or track your measurements as other measures of success, not just weight. Consistent, long term healthy eating and exercise will eventually cause your weight to go down again. Keep it up!
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts are known as super-veggies. I love any one of these steamed until tender.
    in Veggies Comment by rhoward66 July 2010
  • Clean out your fridge/freezer/pantry. Take away those temptations!