can you save up calories over the week for a treat ??

hi guys the only reasonm i am asking this is because on a saturday me and hubby have a nice 3 course meal and dont reallty want that to vhange if i am honest , the meals veary from onr week to the next but its thew onmly time we have as a couple

any help or advice will be amazing cheers
em xx


  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I dont really save up during the week, but the day before & day of my splurge - I eat little before and do an extra 20 mins on my work out whatever it may be that day!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    mathmatically it would work
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Bottom line is this. If you are one of those that expect to lose every day then no.

    If you are one of the smart ones who know weight lost is something you do over time, then yes.

    If I want a big old hamburger, then I make sure I eat less during the day and at the end of the day the totals will still be under for that day. If I know Friday night is going to be special, then I will eat a little less the days before and not worry if I go over for one day. Thing is, you don't really want to make a habbit of it, but if you can't have fun now, then you will never stick with it to start with.
  • sharonuk10
    According to the British Heart Foundation. Yes you can save up and have a treat. I read this in their weight loss pamphlet.
  • hrgarry
    I have read that you can make up for indulging by reducing the number of calories you intake in days surrounding your event. The example they gave was if you overeat by 500 calories you can use 5 days to reduce your intake by 100/day. Throw in a little extra exercise if you can as well. Since it is all about the calories in and calories out can't see how that would hurt.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Yep you absolutely can. As long as you create a 3500 cal deficit per week you will lose one pound. 7000 for 2 pounds. How you choose to spend your cals is totally up to you! Enjoy!
  • msemejuru
    I eat out with my husband and kids after church so I always add to my workouts and decrease calories the day of and the day after. I also try to fill up on extra water and greens before the "splurge" begins.

    Keeping the portion sizes sensible will also let you enjoy the taste of the meal without the guilt. My daughter is 3 so sharing the food with her helps or I get the "to go" box when I get my food so I can box it up for my husband to take for lunch.

    Everything in moderation, just make sure you are enjoying your special time with your husband!
  • RCharlesworth
    Losing weight is all about burning/using more calories than you comsume over time. It all averages out in the long run. One day of a "special meal" or being over on your calories is offset by (hopefully most) other days when you are under (in the long run, say a week's time). So, a treat now and again is just fine (provided you're not going overboard). Losing weight a lifestyle change and we all have special events (family dinners, nights out, work or social obligations) that are part of that lifestyle and we have to incorporate them into what we do here on MFP or we run the risk of not sustaining our weight loss in the long run. Having said that, we can also make smart food choices on these special events that will mitigate some of the calorie overage. Opt for the salad and not the cheese covered appetizer. Have a baked entre rather than a deep fried one. And my favorite -- have the restaurant split the entre in two and plate it on two plates (one for you and one for your partner), and order an extra dinner salad. Restaurant portions are way out of control! Just some thoughts...
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    If I want pizza or a high-calorie dinner, I just do extra workouts to "earn" it. I went hiking a few weeks ago for a couple of hours, and it gave me an extra 2,000 calories to eat.
  • rhoward66
    rhoward66 Posts: 34 Member
    I would think that if you consume more calories than your body needs, the excess would be stored as fat. That is the basis behind eating smaller, more frequent meals, right?
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I would think that if you consume more calories than your body needs, the excess would be stored as fat. That is the basis behind eating smaller, more frequent meals, right?

    This is very true. But over time. Not in one day. Typically it takes a week. So zig zagging your calories (higher than goal/lower than goal/goal) throughout the week actually keeps your metabolism guessing and up to speed. Perfect for weight loss.
  • Jd_jaquez
    Jd_jaquez Posts: 34 Member
    This is very true. But over time. Not in one day. Typically it takes a week. So zig zagging your calories (higher than goal/lower than goal/goal) throughout the week actually keeps your metabolism guessing and up to speed. Perfect for weight loss.

    Interesting good to know thx.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    mathmatically it would work
    Ditto. If you weigh yourself once a week, then it will all even itself out in the end.