Has anyone read the book "Skinny B***h?"

By Rory Freedman and Kim Barnoin? I'm listening to it on MP3 audio book (downloadable free from my local library) and it is freaking hilarious.

"Put that F**king brownie down? Do you want to wear it on your A**?"

Kind of obnixious, but one of a kind, for sure.


  • nurse_jenie
    I read it. I laughed my whole way through the book:laugh: . She is rough but everything she says is true
  • js775219
    Yea I read it and I loved it: they are funny and insightful. I didn't become a vegan, but I do stay away from meat and dairy pretty much 90% of the time these days and it has helped a lot.
  • rhoward66
    rhoward66 Posts: 34 Member
    My wife bought that book and I kind of scoffed at the idea of a vegetarian or vegan diet. I read it a couple of months ago, and my diet and changed considerably since then. It is pretty funny (and vulgar), and it gave me a lot to think about as far as what kinds of foods I put into my body.
  • tacey21
    tacey21 Posts: 73 Member
    I thought it was funny...
    But after a while it felt like someone was yelling at me all the time.
    I also am not too keen on veganism. I can honestly tell you I havent met a vegan who weighed under 250lbs. I mean, undoubtedly they arent healthy vegans, but its not a great selling point :(
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    It really drives it home being humerous and harsh at the same time. I really liked it.
  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :laugh: I read the book and just cracked up reading it, I love it! Like others have said I cannot do the Vegan thing but I am pretty much eat only veggies, fruit for breakfast and lunches with my dinner consisting of either fish, chicken or lean pork with a vegetable with my 2 cups of skim milk which I REFUSE to give up! :laugh:
  • skinnyack
    yes- I thought it was entertaining as well as thought provoking. I did become vegan for a little while, but let's face it, kinda difficult. I now just eat fish and occasioanlly some chicken or beef- usually when I'm desperate. What really freaked me out was not so much the meat part, but the chemicals in lotions, make up etc. I do buy vegan/chemical free makeup, face wash, shampoo, toothpaste etc and I'm trying desperately to find a deoderant without aluminum that actually works for as hard as I work out... Toms and Jason brand just aren't cutting it....

    I also really liked the book- the omnivore's dilemma. Really really interesting. Written not so obnoxiously :-)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I'm going to try the sulfate-free organic wine...
  • DancingDreamer
    I also really liked the book- the omnivore's dilemma. Really really interesting. Written not so obnoxiously :-)

    i disagree. i wanted to punch that guy in the face the whole time. he's SOOOO full of himself. but maybe its just me.
    I'm going to try the sulfate-free organic wine...

    tell me how it is! sounds delish!
  • FutureMrsEssman
    FutureMrsEssman Posts: 81 Member
    Yes I agree with the above. Its very funny. And if you can handle that lifestyle kudos to you. I really can't do the vegan thing. I have done it before but there are so many more PROBLEMS when you completely take out meat. Mostly protein and B12 levels. I actually knew a girl who died because she didn't do it properly and she went into a coma and never came out. I just stick with lean meats like fish and chicken.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I thought it was funny...
    But after a while it felt like someone was yelling at me all the time.
    I also am not too keen on veganism. I can honestly tell you I havent met a vegan who weighed under 250lbs. I mean, undoubtedly they arent healthy vegans, but its not a great selling point :(

    You said it,but I was thinking it! I have only met one Vegan who was under 200lbs. and she was still pretty thick!
    I have never been a big meat eater,but I see pretty much all food as a vehicle for cheese! This book sounds like a must read!
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    yes- I thought it was entertaining as well as thought provoking. I did become vegan for a little while, but let's face it, kinda difficult. I now just eat fish and occasioanlly some chicken or beef- usually when I'm desperate. What really freaked me out was not so much the meat part, but the chemicals in lotions, make up etc. I do buy vegan/chemical free makeup, face wash, shampoo, toothpaste etc and I'm trying desperately to find a deoderant without aluminum that actually works for as hard as I work out... Toms and Jason brand just aren't cutting it....

    I also really liked the book- the omnivore's dilemma. Really really interesting. Written not so obnoxiously :-)

    I love the Arm & Hammer natural deodorant.
  • groucherella
    It was recommended to me by a friend without telling me it was "in your face" propaganda. I felt as if they were pushing veganism down my throat. I didn't care for it, myself.
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    I've read this book and honestly laughed my way through it. The women that wrote it are really harsh! The funniest thing about it was when they mentioned the disclaimer of not to put them down in case you ever see them pounding a keg of beer (or something to that effect).

    After reading that book, I was vegan for 2 days and gave up. lol. I used to be a vegetarian when I was a teenager but seriously, it's just not for me anymore. I do eat healthier after reading it and stick to organic foods as much as possible. The biggest influence I got from that book was to ditch the processed foods.
  • tacey21
    tacey21 Posts: 73 Member
    It was a long time ago that I had read a little bit of the book... So I jumped on amazon and read some of the reviews, just to see if I was being jaded or not...
    But nope.
    There are equal amounts of 5 star and 1 star reviews.
    All the 5 star reviews- "OMG, so funny!"
    All the 1 star reviews... well. They tell you its all propaganda and fictional pseudo-science and written by two girls who are trying to teach you how to disguise an eating disorder. Yeah.


    EDIT: (PS: You'll have to take the asterik out of the link. Silly MFP censorship)

    And a lot of them are written by vegans/vegetarians.

    Sorry... dont want to burst your bubble or anything :(
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    I read the book. It was pretty funny and I felt like I got a lot of interesting information out of it.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    After this link I borrowed the book from my friend. Awesome!! "Go suck your mothers tits. Go on. Go suck your mothers tits." I have not drank milk in a long time,and after that chapter I am seriously consdering giving up cheese and butter too!