Gym Stories

Ok I know we've all got them, the lady with her hair and make up perfect, lifting 1 lb on the machine...
So heres mine of the week: Yesterday I was at the gym and an old overly sweaty guy stands 5 inches away from me while I'm finishing my set on the rowing lift machine,, wipping his sweat off, towel hitting me, then he burps a loud, chunky burp right at my ear, says "ohh, oops, sorry" and walks away. I finish my set and he grabs machine.


  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    all I can say to that is GROSS
  • btuman43
    What a pig!! I couldnt imagine.

    I basically go to the gym with my ipod cranked and dont talk to anyone. lol Sounds anti-social I know, but I just want to get in and get out. Its not social hour for me.
  • rhoward66
    rhoward66 Posts: 34 Member
    That is disgusting, but remember that not all of us old overly sweaty guys are like that!
  • hjy319
    hjy319 Posts: 269 Member
    I agree, my MP# player is on, it my time for me, no cell phone no distractions, just me time!
  • aws_pandemic
    aws_pandemic Posts: 6 Member
    I had a dude in my gym the other day hitting one set on every machine, struggling to get 5-6 reps out.. at the end of each of his "sets" he would turn to who ever was closest to him and complain about how he can usually do more weight and he doesn't know whats going on. I happened to be the person that he was next to a few times, and everytime he exhaled it reeked of cigarettes. Maybe if you didn't smoke walking up to the gym, you wouldn't be having such a hard time... lol
  • 35again
    35again Posts: 46 Member
    This morning I saw a guy who, I swear, looked just like one of the original Oompa Loompas. All he needed was white eyebrows and an bad orange spray tan (and be a foot shorter if you're going for actual replica lol). But the face & hair, spot on.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I probably would have elbowed the guy hovering over me at the rowing machine. I can't stand people in my personal space. I have literally done some ballistic arm stretching to mark my circle of personal space and hit people acting like I didn't realize they were there. Oops, I guess you shouldn't stand so close. LOL

    My personal favorite gym story was the little old lady who came up to me asking that I change the music playing over the loudspeakers. I work in the gym, so I get a lot of music change requests even though they should be directed to the people at the front desk who can actually control the music. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the song though, that made this woman complain. It was a standard 80's track that played all the time. Then she explained that she thought it was vulgar. The song was "Venus" and she misunderstood the line "I'm your Venus and I'm on fire" and thought it was completely inappropriate that they were singing about male genitalia. I must admit, I broke out laughing. I couldn't keep a straight face. I then told her what the word was so she understood what I was laughing about and told her about a couple of songs that I had the wrong words for too so she didn't feel bad about hearing it wrong. But anytime I need good laugh, I just picture that sweet little white haired woman.
  • hjy319
    hjy319 Posts: 269 Member
    I probably would have elbowed the guy hovering over me at the rowing machine. I can't stand people in my personal space. I have literally done some ballistic arm stretching to mark my circle of personal space and hit people acting like I didn't realize they were there. Oops, I guess you shouldn't stand so close. LOL

    My personal favorite gym story was the little old lady who came up to me asking that I change the music playing over the loudspeakers. I work in the gym, so I get a lot of music change requests even though they should be directed to the people at the front desk who can actually control the music. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the song though, that made this woman complain. It was a standard 80's track that played all the time. Then she explained that she thought it was vulgar. The song was "Venus" and she misunderstood the line "I'm your Venus and I'm on fire" and thought it was completely inappropriate that they were singing about male genitalia. I must admit, I broke out laughing. I couldn't keep a straight face. I then told her what the word was so she understood what I was laughing about and told her about a couple of songs that I had the wrong words for too so she didn't feel bad about hearing it wrong. But anytime I need good laugh, I just picture that sweet little white haired woman.

    I'll try the arm stretching next time! Thanks
    And the story made me crack up! Thank you!