

  • I like Brut at the moment, but it's a deodorant rather than an antiperspirant. OK at this time of year but I do prefer virtually any antiperspirant once it gets a bit warm.
  • I'm going on the Jelly bean diet!
  • In my personal opinion, cellulite is one of the most overrated problems in the WHOLE world. It is so common it goes unnoticed. Of course marketing agencies airbrush it from magazines and posters as a matter of course, women who are unhappy with their bodies spend billions on possible cures. Happy people don't buy stuff.…
  • You're keeping below your calorie limit so it will have little or no impact on your weight loss. Calories are calories, whether good or bad. The 'good'/'bad' label refers more to nutrition however this is subjective. For example a 1400 calorie burger would be classed as 'bad' calories while 1400 meals consisting of salads,…
  • thefantasticmrsfox is as close as I can get CW 201 GW 176 5'11" 30 y/o (just)
  • If you kept within your budget why not? Everyone wants to look GOOD, handbags and accessories are part of that. I'm male I don't do handbags, but I buy clothes which make the most of my decreasing waistline because if I look good, I feel good, and that does more than just watching yourself drift across the BMI chart…
  • Baked apple is also delicious. Have you also looked into Sorbet if ice cream is a favourite? Just before I started my diet, I perfected home made ice cream and oh my god, it's so unhealthy I nearly had a heart attack just adding up the ingredients!!! But as said, if you can fit it into your calorie budget, then there's no…
  • Step ups, use a breeze block, the stairs, anything sturdy enough to support your weight plus impact. Just 15 mins can be 300 calories+ The same as if you walked for an hour!
  • IBS is one of those illnesses which is diagnosed after everything else is ruled out. See a doctor ot start ruling out food intolerances. I thought I had IBS for 10 years, when I started this diet is cleared up accidentally one week! It was a week where I didn't drink much coffee but coffee wasn't the cause in this case, it…
  • End of January appointment?!? Good lord and we think we have it tough in the UK, but we can normally see a doctor within a few days. Take it easy between now and then and good luck.
  • I had that about a month ago, I got down to 9kg off my weight and I was waiting to celebrate the 10th... and waiting... and waiting... I was getting very down but I kept on with it, I stayed strict, one day I even virtually starved myself to kick start the loss back to my old pattern... nothing worked... Then out of the…
  • Agree with the second poster. I was a smoker (which is why I gained the weight in the first place), but a web forum is no substitute for a good doctor... and the sooner the better for a speedy recovery time.
  • A chocolate sweet of the same size is about 50 calories, so I'd take a guess and try that. They're not the same as Moritz - Icy Squares. They're made by Hannah's of Scotland but their website isn't working:
  • Use a slicker brush which will help pull loose hairs from his undercoat, but you may also need to consider seeing a vet, particularly if the hair loss is resulting in bald patches. It could also be diet related. I've not used the furminator mentioned above but some people do swear by it.
  • Sugar, like any food is great in moderation. Oranges contain sugar, Lemon contains sugar. This article starts by saying the average US adult consumes 22 teaspoons per day! That is a lot, that's nearly 4 non-diet cans of cola!... most people, particularly those who are weight concious don't, so I wouldn't worry about a…
  • I always find it's a persona choice. I use something called 'Half spoon' which is basically half sugar, half sweetener and therefore half the calories. I can virtually tell you which sweetener or sugar has been put in my coffee, half spoon is enough sugar to trick me In terms of craving sweets, I always followed a golden…
  • PMSL at some of the replies. I think the best one is early on and explained more mathematically later: The extra 300g from drinking the oil comes from human fat having water [] in it. That actually explains it perfectly. (Thanks Larius and aj_rock, it makes complete sense) Rimdeker: So 1kg of oil being pretty close to 9000…
  • This means more here than anywhere ;)
  • Dave's spot on, just to add, 3500 calories is roughly 1lb of weight. If your deficit was 1000 calories like mine, you would theoretically lose 1lb of fat every 3.5 days.
  • It's really up to you as it makes little difference diet wise. It was once believed that tea, coffee and alcohol wouldn't count because of their diuretic effects. This is minimal however and if you're dehydrating on a desert island, any of these will hydrate you. Obviously don't count alcohol as water in terms of dieting…
  • I keep chickens so have eggs in abundance. I've seen crustless quiches however as a diet version of this amazing dish. I would probably line the bottom of the tin with a thin short crust pastry and leave the sides open. Alternatively make it full fat (the way we all love) but limit the portion sizes :-/ ...
  • You have some great answers; lots of things affect weight, not just food. Generally weight alone is a poor indicator to someone's health because it does fluctuate. One of my ex's was losing 4lbs per week (she was quite large), but she found that 1 week every month (linked to ....) she would hardly lose anything. Water is…
  • I had a carrot and coriander soup yesterday, I have a sweet tooth so it absolutely fits the bill. Serves 2: 4 chopped carrots in a pan with enough water to cover. 1 chopped onion A good dose of coriander leaves Vegetable stock cube Chili powder to taste (I like a lot, but is entirely optional) Boil all together, purée and…