New Facebook Home layout..



  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I also HATE it! :mad:
  • omardragon
    i actually love it I hate facebook. in general i hate fb now and i deleted my facebook account and made a new one to follow bands
  • methetree
    Have you also realised that you can't unfriend anyone......You can only block them...............

    Yes you can you have to go to their page and up in the right corner is a spot to unfriend:)

    if you click on block/report it gives you the option to unfriend as well.
    as for the changes, they suck as usual

    google + is where it's at
  • MrsSpratt
    MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
    I hate it, too. And I've never complained about any of their changes before. This one is just annoying.
  • toniRAD
    toniRAD Posts: 196 Member
    Ugh I hate it!. I think I'm just gonna start posting on twitter lol.
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    how can you filter your news feed and i don't just mean block things, i liked choosing to look at links separately, just having a read through status updates or nosying on peoples photos, not having it all shoved in my face at once!
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I can't stand it either. The double feed is annoying. I also don't like the fact that I can no longer sort by the TYPE of post. It used to be that I could look at just the status updates or just the links or just the photos. Now I can't view one type of post at a time. So I have to scroll through all the game posts just to see any updates from friends/family members. (Please don't tell me to block the game posts as they are for games that I actually play as well and blocking them if you play is not a good thing. I just liked the fact that I could filter what I was looking at.) Also, what makes something top news? A status update that says "i just cleaned my house" from a person who logs in every day is not top news as opposed to one that says something important (i.e. family news, wedding, pregnancy, new job, etc) from someone who logs in maybe once a week. I'd rather just have the newsfeed appear in the order in which it was posted and then be able to filter to what type of postings I want to read.

    And for the record, I'm on facebook every day. I won't switch to google plus because my family is all on facebook and they all live on the opposite side of the country. We don't get to talk much via phone because of our schedules so facebook is how we keep in touch and keep one another updated. So, it's easier to deal with the changes I hate rather than try and explain to all of my relatives (of which I have close to 150 of on facebook) that we should change over to a new site.
  • Chunkabutt83
    hate it!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    The internet is always hard, until you learn how to use it!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Absolutely hate it so far. It's a serious P.I.A.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    The worst part about it is all the people *****ing about it.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    FYI - TO GET OLD SETTINGS BACK (I don't know how long this will last!)

    Switching your language down at the bottom of the page from English (US) to English (UK) will give you the old style newsfeed back.

    This didn't work for me - although I did discover English (Pirate) - This has made me slightly happier about the situation!
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Am I the only one that hates it? Who needs TWO newsfeeds on one page?

    Ridiculous! :grumble:
  • heidiqt
    heidiqt Posts: 45 Member
    wow you guys crack me up with all your threats of joining google plus and myspace!Who are ya gonna chat with when you get there? "TWO TICKERS NOW ON MY FACEBOOK? OUTRAGE!!I WILL SHOW THIS FREE SERVICE WHO IS BOSS!!! HA HA HA:laugh:
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I tried to care about this and get all indignant with everyone but I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry for letting everyone down.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I tried to care about this and get all indignant with everyone but I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry for letting everyone down.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    FYI - TO GET OLD SETTINGS BACK (I don't know how long this will last!)

    Switching your language down at the bottom of the page from English (US) to English (UK) will give you the old style newsfeed back.

    This didn't work for me - although I did discover English (Pirate) - This has made me slightly happier about the situation!

    Yes. I am thinking about leaving my set language as English (Pirate) too. This is the only cool thing that has came about from this whole situation. lol
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Arrrr mateys! Avast, ye pirate speak gets old after 2 days