OMG!!!! Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Is this for real.. I think I have this. You know how you google symptoms to help self-doctor yourself.. I do that whenever I'm having a problem - however.. I have never matched every single symptom listed before. I think I have IBS.. Well I'm pretty sure I do.. it makes perfect sense. FML!


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    There's no test for it... They will test for dangerous causes with similar symptoms. If they find nothing/can't fix it, they call it IBS.

    There's no curing it, and people that don't have it don't understand it.

    Diet usually has the biggest impact on helping at least.
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    i just went to the doctor last week regarding this. she suggested i try (metamucil) fiber for a month. i've also taken to acidophilus supplements. it's the stuff found in yogurt. i like yogurt, just get sick of eating it everyday. and diet plays a big role in it. hope you find some relief! :)
  • Motivationrequired
    I've got it and wheat makes it worse, also stress and lack of sleep hun, I've stayed off wheat (well tried to) since starting MFP and really did help me as some days I'd look pregnant I was that bloated!!
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I was diagnosed with it 7 years ago. Just figured out his summer it's due to a gluten intolerance. Find ou if a food is causing this like wheat, dairy etc
  • countingitall
    countingitall Posts: 59 Member
    I have IBS. It can be miserable. But can help drop the pounds fast sometimes. I always think that when I am having a attack. Stress brings mine on big time.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    Try being a man with IBS. It's so rare the doctors just think you're a crackpot! I'd off you some advice, but really I don't have any, I just have good days and bad days.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I hope you are taking your concerns to your Doc.
    And this from a guy who detests going to the Doc.....
  • PrincessGlitterTush
    I find that it is food related.. If I have a lot of dairy like a milkshake - I just feel nauseas, but I had a potato this morning and I wanna die. All the symptoms.. Maybe I need to just make notes of how I'm feeling to eliminate the culprits.. POTATO is now off of my list thats all I know..

    Thanks guys.. appreciate it - and will discuss it with my doc now as I also have blocked ears and Í need to get them drained..

  • nsp1981
    I have it as well. My doctor gave me samples of Align and another medicine. I take the medicine when I am having a flare up. You take one tablet for times a day as needed. My stomach hurts when I eat greens, cabbage, and etc. Also, when I eat dairy products. There is no cure for IBS. Research says it is caused by stress, physical, mental, and emotional abuse. There are also other factors. My doctor asked me if I wanted to participate in a cognitive behavior study. I might do it. Plus the cost is free. I hope you feel better and find the right doctor that can help you.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I think I might have it too. I'm actually seeing a new General Practictioner today who I hope will take it more seriously than the others I've seen. Eating yogurt every morning helps, but it doesn't totally prevent the flare ups and I'm very bloated maybe 80% of the time.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I have it when I eat Wheat products. Th doctors had no solutions, I changed my diet and it all went away. I lived with it for so long, I thought it was normal, turns it not so much.

    Check your diet.
  • jcbernahl
    jcbernahl Posts: 61 Member
    I've had it for 28 years. Of course when it first started with me I was pregnant with my son and told they weren't sure what it was but as the years progressed they had a name for it. It all depends on the person as to what foods can trigger it. My daughter also has it and different foods trigger hers that don't trigger mine and vice-versa. Process of elimination is what finally worked for me but there are times when I can't figure out what has triggered it. A healthy diet definitely will eliminate the majority of the problems. And as the years go by certain foods that used to cause it don't and food that never did cause it do. With many diary is a problem as well as fried or rich foods. Since living with it for so long I've learned a lot!! Talk with your doctor and see if there are suggestions for helping you. I take priobotics daily which help tremendously for me but everyone is different.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You really should go to the doctor. You could have diverticulitis. Very similar symptoms.
  • diddyk
    diddyk Posts: 269 Member
    IBS is miserable. There are 3 types, IBS -D, IBS-C, and alternating. I've been diagnosed with it, but not before they ruled out allergies, food intolerance's, Crohn's and Colitis. If your doctor isn't testing for those first, something is wrong.

    Nothing in particular seems to flare mine, but it definitely controls my life. Recommended to me were pro-biotics, fibre etc. Wish I could say they helped. If it's IBS - D like mine, never leave home without Imodium! I think I'm keeping them in business.
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    I've just started with this in the last few months though have a;ways had a 'problem bowel' Suspect food triggers for me are garlic, butter, wheat, tomaotes and possibly dairy.

    Have been looking into FODMAP's but many of the foods FODMAPS say to avoid are foods I am already avoiding as I'm on an arthritis diet. (Which has helped 95% of my arthritis symptoms and hardly any flare ups; this time last year I could barely walk, this year I'm running 5k+:

    Have yet to see my Doctor.....and will probably try a dietician too...
  • slicksps
    IBS is one of those illnesses which is diagnosed after everything else is ruled out. See a doctor ot start ruling out food intolerances. I thought I had IBS for 10 years, when I started this diet is cleared up accidentally one week! It was a week where I didn't drink much coffee but coffee wasn't the cause in this case, it was the three sugars I added to each cup. I've moved on to sweeteners and everything has settled down! I was elated when I found out it was fixable, before this I had to be careful of where I was and what I did for the first few hours of every morning! For 10 years! And it was just a simple fructose intolerance.

    Other common intolerances to rule out:
    Sugar (frucose)
    Milk (Lactose)
  • paul_draper
    paul_draper Posts: 91 Member
    I manage to control it with fibre. I take 6 teaspoons of Benefibre dissolved in my tea each day, it's flavourless and can be added to all sorts of things. Stress control is important so exercise will help and I also used some self-hypnosis tapes. If I do get bad or think i'm going to get bad I take peppermint oil capsules and it seems to work quite well.
  • adlwilmot
    I have it, I've just about nailed it!

    In my job I work shifts. These rotate from nights, days off, to lates, days off, to days, days off, then back to nights. It is also a job where you don't get to eat when you're hungry (or are very unlikely to have that privilege), will often go without food for the entire ten hour shift, and you can bet your bottom dollar you'll be dying to go to the toilet for a few hours at least twice a week.

    I was getting HORRENDOUS cramps in my abdominal region. It felt like I was giving birth. It used to get so bad that I would pass out though the pain. I went to the doctor and she said straight away that she suspected it was IBS. She suggested I eat when I was meant to eat and go to the toilet as soon as my body signalled me to. I followed this theory as best I could and found that I was getting less and less pain. I also found that if I started getting hunger pains and didn't eat, that 3 hours later I'd be rolling around on the floor in agony despite having eaten in the interim. I also learnt that if those hunger pains weren't pandered to within 20 minutes or so, that there was no going back and I WOULD be paying later on.

    Now when the radio beckons, I point blank refuse to respond and go eat and eat my lunch/dinner/snack! IBS solved and work a bit peed off with me, but knowing I can sue their backsides if they refuse to allow me to take my break (as dictated by law), and fail to work around a medical condition (one caused by THEM!)

    I think the key is a balanced diet, eating at regular times and most imporantly of all, listening to your body. Undoubtedly some people have certain food intolerances or lack certain things in their diet that bring IBS on, but I was lucky enough to suffer it due to sheer animal basics; eating when hungry and going to the toilet when you need to, so these are a good place to start.

    Good luck, it really is horrible, so I sympathise.
  • HeatherFeather10
    I have IBS-D and since I have started eating Paleo - it has literally stopped. MSG is a huge trigger for me and I can completely relate to those who carry Imodium with them at all times!!!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I have IBS as well. There are meds that can help but I preferred to change my diet. Find the foods that trigger it and stay away from them. I am now mostly symptom free. I stay away from breads and fatty foods. Those were my triggers.

    However I would suggest going to a gastro Dr....a colonoscopy can rule out a more serious problem.