I am not into fad diets and anything that is too extreme turns me off. What has worked for me is not eating carbs at night (from my South Beach days), portion control (nothing bigger than my palm unless it is a vegetable) and being more active. When I had my office job I would walk at lunch. Even 20 minutes made a…
Age 45 Current weight 125.8 Goal weight 122 Body fat 27.1% Waist 27 Bust 34 Hips 36 Very close to my goal weight, but feeling weak and flabby. In 2010 I did 2 rounds of Chalene extreme and got my waist down to 25" and a Body fat % of 19. That is my goal now. It is hard to get back on the work out wagon once you fall off.
Strength training. I used Chalene Extreme from Beach body and got great results. I seriously love this program. Toning has changed my body shape. I am just above what I think of as my goal weight by 2 whole pounds, but smaller and tighter all over. Chalene has you do minimal reps with heavier weights. It has changed my…
I just got TurboFire yesterday. I am so excited! I have done two rounds of CLX with great results, but I am not a cardio person, so I thought I should do some TF to lean out a bit more. I have one more week of Lean, or I can just jump into the hybrid. I wish the schedule had more of the CLX in it.
Why not?
There have been a lot of threads about sugars. You can do a search and see them. But basically, the sugar in an apple is fructose, the sugar in milk is lactose and the sugar that is refined is called sucrous. Fructose is easily converted by the body. Sucrose is not. MFP does not differentiate between the 3, so you will…
I lost 2" off my waist doing Chalene extreme which is a strength building program. So I would not dismiss muscle building exercises or strength training to loose belly fat. Muscles are going to burn calories 24 hours a day, while cardio only burns while you are doing it. Really the best way to loose belly fat is going to…
do a search for sugar. There are a couple of threads on this subject already
The sugar in milk is Lactose, the sugar in fruit is Fructose. Both of those are low gylcimic index sugars. They are absorbed by the body differently than table sugar. Honey is sucrose which is the same as table sugar. I do know that honey and table sugar are utilized by the body the same way. So unless you are doing a…
Caffeine bumps up estrogene production in your body, which is one of the reasons women with PMS get sore breast prior to their periods. Cutting out caffeine usually eliminates that symptom. And for me because I am estrogen dominant, ie my body produces too much estrogene which led to a whole host of other problems for me.…
I have a similar problem and have been bouncing around from 125-122 range. I even weighed myself first thing in the morning and then 40 minutes later after I did chores. I was 1 pound heavier..... grrrrr! So I do use the scale as a loose guide. If I "over indulge" a day or two, or miss a couple of work outs I make sure…
Do you need a schedule and structure, or do you have the self discipline to work out by yourself? If you have self discipline there are tons of exercises on the internet or youtube that can point you in the right direction. I don't know if I can add sites, but spark people and prevention have quite a few. I have no self…
Yes the Chalene extreme program while it is still a 90 day program has shorter workouts. The first phase, called the Burn phase has circuits that range from 35-45 minutes. They get longer in the final month or Lean phase, but by then you are into working out and don't mind a 50 minute workout. It worked well into my…
Do a search on Sugar. There have been multiple threads on this subject with loads of information.
ok, so I had to do a bit of research because this was going to make me crazy. this is what I found. "If you eat 300 grams of carbohydrate each day, then up to 30 grams could come from sugars. However, the new food label lumps all sugars together including milk (lactose) and fruit sugar (fructose) along with table sugar…
And reading a couple other posts on this thread made me think. People have to wean themselves off of diet drinks. They are hard to stop drinking, like smoking. Seems like people have a diet coke addiction. So what does that say about what is in a diet drink. You never hear anyone say they are addicted to water and need to…
I agree with this. I try to eat as clean as possible. A diet drink has too many chemical variables in it to count as clean.
I stay away from most commercial protein bars because they all seem to have so much extra sugar, or soy, or a whole bunch of stuff I can't pronounce. It just isn't worth the calories to me. I do like Larabars because they are pretty "clean" . I might have to try to make my own from one of the recipes here.
Fructose is sugar that naturally occurs in fruits and some vegetables. Not to be confused with glucose of high fructose corn syrup, it is very low on the GI index and is sent to the liver for absorption without messing with your insulin levels. I have found that most protein powders do contain it in varying levels. As for…
I can gain up to 5 lbs during that time of the month. If I stay true to my diet and drink a ton of water and continue to exercise despite cramps and cravings I loose the 5lbs after day 2 and am at the same weight I went into that TOM at the end. I refuse to let a 4 day blip keep me off my game and ruin all those hard won…
I am just finishing a round of Chalene extreme, which I loved! It is mostly strength training, but most of the ciricuts are around 35-45 minutes so it fits into my schedule nicely. I got great results and built some really impressively toned muscles. :smile: If you are looking for strength training this program really…
Love, Love, Love this program. And I am getting great results. I have lost 2" off my waist which is smaller than it ever has been and lost 6.5 of the 7lbs I am looking to loose. I am in my skinny jeans! and just generally smaller and tighter. Really this is an amazing program. As for where to get it. I bought mine off of…
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this program. It is the only at home program I have been able to stick too. The schedule is easy and the 35-45 minutes a day is very doable. I did not have a huge amount of weight to loose, just 7 lbs, but when I started I was feeling uncomfortable in my clothes and feeling flabby. I have lost all 7 lbs,…
I work full time as well. I also ride horses 6-7 days a week. Fitting in exercise is always a struggle. But I take a walk at lunch, and am doing Chalene extreme which is basically 35-45 minutes per workout. For me being able to workout at home whenever I want has been key. If I had to drive to a gym I would never leave the…
shakeology from Beach body
the chocolate tastes like dutch chocolate ice cream or maybe a dark chocolate. I mixed my Chocolate shakeology with almond milk, and frozen blueberries. It tasted like a delicious chocolate milk shake. The green berry is hard to explain. I think it tastes a bit like wheat grass, "green". It does not taste bad. I added…
I am in the Lean Phase right now and have noticed my butt is more lifted and firmer, so not bigger, but differently shaped. I like it and had to giggle when I saw an ad on late night TV for a pair of panties with pads in them to get the same effect. I will try to remember the name, but it was pretty funny. Of course I…
Wow Kamill02, Excellent summary. Thank you
I LOVE coffee, but don't drink caffeine anymore. So I will occasionally have a decaf latte or cup of love. I read about how caffeine alters your blood sugar and wrecks havoc on your adrenal glands. Since the adrenal glands monitor hormones it messes that up too. As a woman with funky hormones I figured I needed to stay…