Diet Drinks

I hear so many different things about if you should drink diet drinks or not. What is everyone's thoughts on this?


  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    You just opened a can of worms. Ha!
    I say as long as you are getting your 64+ oz of water a day, have one or two.
    I don't think that it's ok to drink a 2 liter a day, but a little isn't going to kill you.
    (No watch the aspertame police come and get me!)
    Have fun.
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    I'm not really for or against them but I recently read something that made a lot of sense for me personally. Sometimes when I have the artificially sweetened drinks I find I get really bloated and I read the reason for this is because your body doesn't recognize artificial sweeteners as food so it does not know how to process them which can cause gas and bloating. I think that is why "they" say they can cause you to gain weight it is bloating or water weight I guess.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I drink 2-3 diet cokes a day
  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    Diet drinks are 100% absolute garbage, and they dont help you lose weight they do the opposite. They are sweetened with dangerous chemicals (artificial sweeteners). I dont understand why people would rather put poison in their bodies to supposedly lose weight, isnt the point of weight loss to be healthy in the first place? :)
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    im offically scared of aspartame and artifical sweetners and so should you be! i say no to the diet drinks
  • Kamila02
    Kamila02 Posts: 54 Member
    I lose weight faster when I'm not drinking soda pops. My work outs are better and harder when I'm not drinking soda pops. There is so much that is innately bad for you in a soda, water is GOOD. Having said this, I drink about one (8 oz) a week... with something salty.
  • Liz75
    Liz75 Posts: 80 Member
    I try to avoid them, its all so artificial and causes bloating. If you drink fruit juices instead, watch out though, they contain a lot of sugars and can really push up daily calorie totals, as I've recently discovered! I've drank 2 litres of water today for the first time (on purpose), and its not been too much of a struggle!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    So, all of you that are against aspertame - If I go check your food diary - I'm not going to see anything that's processed? Nothing that has any chemicals in it.....
  • KPaden1221
    KPaden1221 Posts: 433
    The only diet drink i drink is Diet Sprite. other than that, i've been cutting out cokes and sodas except for on weekends, then i allow myself one.. they just make me feel EW and bloated and weighed down..
  • ArmyWife815
    I drink one from time to time. Not daily but if I want a diet Mount Dew I am going to drink it.:smile: I've just noticed that since I am trying to get 8 to10 glasses of water in a day I don't have "the room" for diet drinks.

    As far as insulin resistance/ sugar/ and sugar substitutes slowing down weight loss maybe someone else would care to explain that.
  • toddgaines
    toddgaines Posts: 130
    I'm a bit of a pop-aholic. I would typically drink 3 cans of coke a day before I decided I needed to lose weight. I don't drink coffee or tea and so it is where I got my caffeine from. I switched to diet (Coke Zero), and it does take care of my pop cravings and gives me my caffeine boost when I need it. Many people say it actually increases your appetite, but I find it fills me up and quenches my craving for sweets.

    The other issues are that aspartame is linked to every side effect in the book, including cancer and Alzheimer’s. However, at the rate I was going I was going to die of a heart attack or stroke way before either of those other things got me. And really, what doesn't cause cancer these days? The air, the water.. unless you live in a bubble you are going to be exposed to carcinogens. It's all about trade offs, but I personally have no issues with diet pop.
  • tsalter2004
    tsalter2004 Posts: 8 Member
    As long as you are drinking your water, I don't see why you can't have 1 a day. I've heard they are bad for you too. I am a recovering Dr. Pepper-aholic and I have 1 diet Dr. Pepper a day.
  • jenism
    jenism Posts: 31 Member
    My sister suffered from really bad migraines since she was a teen. She went to doctors, specialists, holistic specialists and no one could figure out what was wrong or help her.

    She cut aspartame out of her diet completely, and guess what.... no more migraines.
  • browneyesbb89
    browneyesbb89 Posts: 141 Member
    I grew up drinking diet sodas because that is what my parents drink. I was doing really good not drinking so much soda. I would only drink it about once a week as a treat. Now i am back up to three to four times a week. In the process of cutting back again because I know i feel better when i don't drink at much. I just love my diet pepsi. Its not good on my stomache though. I have problems with heartburn and it does not help at all.
  • Aamilah
    Aamilah Posts: 62 Member
    Diet drinks are 100% absolute garbage, and they dont help you lose weight they do the opposite. They are sweetened with dangerous chemicals (artificial sweeteners). I dont understand why people would rather put poison in their bodies to supposedly lose weight, isnt the point of weight loss to be healthy in the first place? :)

    That is so true!!!!!!!!! great post!!!!!!!!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I did a research paper on sweeteners a couple of years ago. My research made me personally decide to never use them. Aspartame, for example, breaks down into formaldehyde in the body. Yeah, embalming fluid! That far outweighed any cancer risk, obesity risk, or diabetes risk of other sweeteners in my mind. My professor, on the other hand, made a comment as he sipped his Diet Coke that at least he will be well preserved and won't need as much when he dies. His opinion was that in moderation anything is okay to eat. I somewhat agree with that. If you enjoy something, by all means have some, but try not to overdo it. Thankfully, for me, I don't enjoy diet products. LOL
  • bluehorsesjp
    Diet drinks are 100% absolute garbage, and they dont help you lose weight they do the opposite. They are sweetened with dangerous chemicals (artificial sweeteners). I dont understand why people would rather put poison in their bodies to supposedly lose weight, isnt the point of weight loss to be healthy in the first place? :)

    I agree with this. I try to eat as clean as possible. A diet drink has too many chemical variables in it to count as clean.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    As you can see from above...there are those that are okay with it and others not. If you have been drinking them and want to cut down on them, take your time to do it. How does your body feel when you drink them? We can't go from couch potatoe to skinny in a day and you can't cut out everything that is bad for you (or not) in a day either. Everything in moderation and setting small goals is what gets us to a good positive place. Everyone is an individual and everyone will have their own opinion. I drink 1-2 a day and I am okay with that. If I feel like giving them up I will do so and couldn't care less what others think about it. How do YOU feel about them? What is YOUR opinion of it? Go with what YOUR body says and what YOU are comfortable with.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have one from time to time. But I wont have a regular one.