Looking for PROTEIN shake suggestions!

Hi there,
Looking for a good protein shake... Please suggest anything you think might be good for a young adult woman- I'm hoping to shed just a few pounds, and to get a little more muscle definition. Already have the weight lifting and cardio down, I just need something to supplement that!
Taste matters too :)


  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    I love the Atkins Line both the shakes and bars! http://www.atkins.com/Homepage.aspx:drinker:
  • CharityD
    CharityD Posts: 193
    I use Champion Low Sugar Whey. It's 125 cal/scoop but has 26 g protein and only 1 g of sugar. And it tastes good (I use vanilla).
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Chocolate Covered Frozen Banana
    280 Calories 20g of Protein
  • S_H84
    S_H84 Posts: 75
    I like the Body Fortress brand that you can buy at Walmart. It comes in Chocolate and vanilla powder. You can make amazing fruit smoothies with it. I have a bunch of frozen fruit in the freezer.
    Very yummy and good for you :)
  • Sandeee
    Sandeee Posts: 53 Member
    I lOVE Atkins Dark Chocolate Shakes. It's yummy and filling!
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    There's one called Isopur which is carb free and comes in a variety of flavors like chocolate, vanilla, banana creme. I've tried the banana creme and it's not so bad.
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    I use the Herbalife Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix. There are 7 flavors and hey each have 9 g. Protein.

    When I do, for example, the Wild Berry flavor, I use a XXX flavored Vitamin Water Zero, with a packet of Crystal Light Raspberry Ice flavor packet to go, ice , 2 scoops of Shake mix, and 1 cup of Vanilla Silk (or you can use low fat milk). All of this comes to 200 calories. It actually makes enough to fill the blender, so I will have half for breakfast (plenty filling) and the other half for another part of the day's snack.

    A lady that I know had twin boys and she couldn't breastfeed them, so she checked with her Dr. and he told her it was perfectly fine to use instead of infant formula. Her boys are healthy pre-teens now, and are still loving the Formula 1 shakes instead of soda, etc.

    That's my 2 cents worth for today! :drinker:
  • vencellia
    vencellia Posts: 89 Member
    I love Whey Factors they are cheap and taste good @vitacost.com And also Gnc has a great line of shakes!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If you have any issues with whey protein like I do (baaad gas and bloating) an alternative is powdered egg whites. You can add it to nearly anything to increase the protein content without adding flavor or texture. It will make the food/beverage a little thicker though. 1Tbs gets you about 40 cals and 10g protein, no carbs or fats. I like using 2T with berries, ice, and a bit of rice milk and splenda to taste. It also makes a great frap if you are a coffee lover... use lots of ice, strong brewed coffee, rice milk and splenda (maybe a bit of sugar free choc syrup....shhhhh)
  • megan518
    megan518 Posts: 8 Member
  • Bloodie
    Bloodie Posts: 53
    Hmm i think its delicious and im using it ... Nature's Plus Spirutein protein meal chocolate shake :)
  • laurenpence
    laurenpence Posts: 147
    I have been drinking protein shakes for a few years now and I finally found the best tasting one that also packs some major protein. It is GNC Pro performance AMP: Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60. It helps with muscle strength, building lean muscle and helping your body recover from a workout. I take mine in the morning with one cup of skim milk and one scoop of protein. One scoop of protein has 93 calories in it and 20g of protein! I like the chocolate one the best. The vanilla one is really good too especially if you mixed it with milk, ice and orange juice......it tastes like an orange julious. Or you can put whatever kinds of fruits in there to make it the flavor you want. Since I crave chocolate so much I decided to try it and I love it! This protein has really helped me gain strength, lean muscle and lose fat. I am 23 years old if that helps at all. I say give this a shot. Its not very expensive and I think it is worth the 20$ for 21 1 scoop servings.
  • angiereid
    angiereid Posts: 158
    my friend who had a gastric bypass drinks this stuff called pure protein and i have to say it is pretty good i eat the pure protein bars because they have 20 grams of protein and only 180-200 calories and 2 of sugar very low on most things. the drink packs in a whopping 35g of protein with 170 calories and about the same amt of sugar. she drinks it because with gastric bypass they lose alot of nutrients at first but i cant see this being bad. hope that helps
  • shimacrema
    shimacrema Posts: 87
    I drink Syntha-6 protein shake and it is the bomb. bodybuilding.com sells the smallest size if you want to try it out without spending alot. I love the vanilla milkshake flavor.

  • bluehorsesjp
    shakeology from Beach body
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I just picked up Muscle Milk the other week from Costco in Chocolate. It mixes really well and tasted good with 26g of protein.
  • Sara2525
    Sara2525 Posts: 50 Member
    My favorite is the Evopro chocolate flavor protein shakes. I buy it from Smoothie D's but I'm not sure where else they are located. They have vanilla too that's really good with frozen fruit mixed in.
  • Seanamw
    Seanamw Posts: 5
    Boy do I have a good one for you! It's the one the trainer Jackie uses on the reality show "Workout". She posted this early, now charges for it...I kept it!

    1 scoop whey protein
    1 cup soy milk
    1 cup blue berries (or any fruit)
    1 scoop berlean's greens
    1 tsp flax oil
    1 package non sugar sweetener
    crushed ice (cubes make it lumpy)

    It's delicious, she makes all the people she trains drink this for breakfast every day!