Home Strength Exercises?

Hi guys!

At the moment my form of exercise is dog walking. I tend to take a good 1 1/2 or 2 hours walk a day with my dog through some fields and wooded areas, there is slops about so I get a good workout out of it I believe (plus the dog obviously loves it).

I know though it's good to not just focus on cardiovascular exercise, but to also get some strength workouts involved to, to build up the muscle.

The thing is, I have no idea what is good to do. I don't intend to join a gym, I just need something I can do from home comfortably enough to go with my daily dog walking. Any help would be fantastic please.



  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Push ups, sit ups, squats are all 3 great exercises that dont require any equipment. You can also get like an exercise ball and do tons of core strengthing exercises or resistence band and do exercises with that.

    The other option is to get a set of dumbbells . Then you can do just about any set of fitness gym work outs with the weights.

    Good luck!
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    Try resistance bands. A DVD player, a little elbow room, and a door are all you need to get an inexpensive full-body workout with a set of bands. I recommend getting a set with at least three bands of different sizes, detachable handles, and a DVD for form and pace.

    You can also add wrist and ankle weights to your dog walk (or a weighted jogger's vest for your inner hard core).

    Good luck.
  • searchcj
    Pilates uses almost no equipment and you get some great strength training. I also do Leslie Sansone strength training and with minimal cost output for free weights you get some good toning. Check them out at the library to rent before spending money on the actualy DVDs.
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    HI and Welcome. I tried to look thru your profile, but dont know where at what weight you are starting so some exercises will be hard to do at first. Walking is excellent cardio and will help you get some lbs off at first.

    Like I said depending on what you weigh now and your overall condition, you can start to do some weights at home. Start small maybe 5lbs and maybe work yrself up to where the weight are getting hard to do.

    Do some dancing in a room for 30 minutes or however long you can do it, maybe some old fashioned exercises like bending down, touch toes etc. Also you might want to try some resistance bands..
    Once you start to lose some Lbs it will be easier for you to get into some more rigorous exercise routines.

    Just keep walking, do a little more every day, move those arms, lift those legs and get yr heart pumping :)

    Good luck, You will find support here :)
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I've had great results with Gilian Michaels Yoga DVD, had ZERO Yoga expeirnece prior

    I work out a ton but didn't see results in my arms alone that this DVD has done for me in the last month!
  • designingsean
    hundredpushups.com and all of their related websites (squats and situps).

    These programs require no hardware and very little time per week relative to other programs, but can have a noticeable impact depending on where you are.

    These have been a great way for me to get up from the couch without trying to step in to some every day program that I end up dropping out of because I can't keep up.
  • bluehorsesjp
    Do you need a schedule and structure, or do you have the self discipline to work out by yourself?
    If you have self discipline there are tons of exercises on the internet or youtube that can point you in the right direction. I don't know if I can add sites, but spark people and prevention have quite a few.

    I have no self discipline, so I am using the Chalene extreme program. It is a 90 day circuit training program, which sounds like a huge deal, but really is not. I just pop in the dvd with the work out that is scheduled for that day (calendar comes with the program, so I don't have to think about it) do the the work out and I am done. I started it with a resistance band, but have now bought a few sets of dumb bells. I have seen a huge difference in my strength and muscle tone, plus my muscles are burning calories around the clock so I can eat more :). Not to mention the inches I have lost off my waist and hips.
    There are 3 days of resistance training and 2 cardio days. Most of the workouts are only 35-45 minutes so they can fit into a hectic schedule.

    There are a lot of programs out there that are similar. I personally like the Chalene extreme program, but something like that will help keep you on track. Juillian 30 day shred is another one. And Cathe has a few more, but I am not as familiar with those.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Jair Love's dvds are GREAT for strength! I also like Jackie Warner's dvds. You can really feel the burn with them. Jillian's No More Trouble Zones is also a good one.

    The only place I work out is at my house, so I've invested in some dumbbells and have quite a few dvds. But I've had great results from it!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I like Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and her No More Trouble Zones. I have thought about her yoga, so I'm glad to see a good review on here. Just haven't done the purchasing of it.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I like Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and her No More Trouble Zones. I have thought about her yoga, so I'm glad to see a good review on here. Just haven't done the purchasing of it.

    I tried level two yesterday, thinking 1 month in I would be a pro ... Nope, got half way through it and went back to level 1! haha I strength train a lot, but this is really really really good for my body, I was showing bf my muscles, and he also says he notices more back muscles on me! woop!