Chalean Extreme

Anyone doing it??? I am soooo loving this chick! She is so motivational and quirky (LOL).....just wish I could make myself get up to get this workout done in the a.m. before work! What kind of results have you seen or what are your thoughts if just beginning? I've only done Burn Circuit 1 so far and listened to the audio but I really think I'm gonna get ALOT out of this! :happy:


  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    I finished about a month ago. My pic is my results from 3 months of Chalean Extreme. I too love Chalean. :) Im doing her new program Turbo Fire now :)
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I love Chalean Extreme! I'm in my 3rd month starting today. I'm a week late but havent gained anything so thats good.

    If you go in my profile and look at my posts thre is a board with a bunch of us doing Chalean Extreme. Feel free to check it out and chat with us :flowerforyou:
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I finished my first 'round' last month, and am now in week #4 of the ChaLean Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid. I love the program. Truly, I think this is one of the BEST strength training programs designed for women. Of course, guys can do it, too... : )
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I LOVE ChaLean Extreme! I did one round of it and then came back for another. I'm half way through the Burn Phase now. I'm actually about to do my morning workout in a few min, which is the Burn Intervals. :smile:

    Here's the link to the ChaLean Extreme thread if you want to join us:
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I'm doing P90X right now...and rocking it without seeing any results. Hello mom tummy. Day 39....yeah, feeling low this morning. Anyway, I know the problem is me and the fact that I go on auto pilot when it comes to food but I was hoping i would still see SOME sort of change, aside from cute little biceps.

    Back on topic, after P90X I am going to do ChaLean Extreme. I'm very excited! Good luck to everyone!
  • reesegirl521
    So here's my question...I see some great comments about this Chalean Extreme. Did you all buy it? If so, where do you recommend getting it from?
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    So here's my question...I see some great comments about this Chalean Extreme. Did you all buy it? If so, where do you recommend getting it from? mine from

    Only had it a lil bit and between gym workouts and everything else around the house, I'm just now getting started. But I'm telling you....she is one of THE BEST trainers I've come across on all my videos! She's kinda like a female Billy Blanks (taebo)....she will totally get you pumped and I don't think you could ever get bored with her! I like Jillian too but she gets on my nerves a bit.....NOT Chalene! I would def recommend looking into it. I wanted Turbo Fire (her new workout) but it's REALLY new and the only place you can get it right now is from Beachbody, which is wayyy expensive. So if I wait until I finish Chalean Extreme, somebody should have maybe put it up on least, that's what I'm hoping for. :wink:
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Just be wary that there has been a LOT of counterfeit rings recently busted selling bootleg fitness programs (P90X, ChaLean Extreme, etc.). I know everyone wants to save a buck, but a lot of the DVDs skip or simply don't play and don't come with the nutrition or fitness guides, so you're out whatever money you spent. If you order through Beachbody (or a Beachbody coach), you get a 30-day money back guarantee, and if you receive any DVDs that are defective or won't play, they will replace them free of charge.

    Okay...Public Service Announcement over...

    Seriously, it's worth EVERY PENNY!
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    Just be wary that there has been a LOT of counterfeit rings recently busted selling bootleg fitness programs (P90X, ChaLean Extreme, etc.). I know everyone wants to save a buck, but a lot of the DVDs skip or simply don't play and don't come with the nutrition or fitness guides, so you're out whatever money you spent. If you order through Beachbody (or a Beachbody coach), you get a 30-day money back guarantee, and if you receive any DVDs that are defective or won't play, they will replace them free of charge.

    Okay...Public Service Announcement over...

    Seriously, it's worth EVERY PENNY!

    yeah....there are crooks everywhere. But they do have a A-Z guarantee.....can't say I've ever had a bad experience....can't say I never will either though.
  • bluehorsesjp
    Love, Love, Love this program. And I am getting great results. I have lost 2" off my waist which is smaller than it ever has been and lost 6.5 of the 7lbs I am looking to loose.
    I am in my skinny jeans! and just generally smaller and tighter. Really this is an amazing program.

    As for where to get it. I bought mine off of Ebay and wish I hadn't. I did get the complete package, but my dvd's skip, or don't play in my dvd player so I have to play them on my computer, or vise versa. Of course there is no money back guarantee so I am stuck with them. And I only saved a whopping $20 :grumble:
    In hindsight I would have bought them from Beachbody and been able to replace them if I needed to.
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I'm about 50 days into my Chalean Routine and I'm absolutely loving it! I feel so strong and its awesome to workout with Chalene because she's!!!! She keeps me motivated and wanting to do it. Even on my day off the other day I was looking up Turbo Fire reviews and just watching them and listening to her talk about why she made it and the science behind it made me want to jump up and run down to my weight room and bust it out!!

    So far I've noticed that my muscles are more toned and that my fat is going away. I did P90X before I started Chalean and I feel I'm getting better results from Chalean (it may be because I'm in better shape now due to completely P90X before and that I'm consciously watching what I eat).

    You'll love it. And remember when you get the Push Phase, push yourself. Try to do what you don't think you can, and amazingly you will accomplish so much more!

    Good Luck!
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    I love it! I do 2 hours of Cardio a day so I was looking for one that just did weights and was very hard working to get the burn! It is great I do one every 2 days! Have fun with it!