

  • first - whoever brought up that muscle and fat weigh the same, don't be a jerk. We all (Including you) know what they meant by that and correcting is just being mean. 2nd - I'm pretty sure you can gain muscle while in a deficit, just not much.
  • If you are looking to buy one? I'd highly recommend buying an elliptical. Typically (for me at least) if I want to run or walk I can go outside and do that, but if my knees are hurting that day, if I only had a treadmill or going outside I wouldn't do either one. At the Gym, I prefer elliptical and then run outside with my…
  • I enjoy bikes when my legs are hurting from doing the same activity over and over. I don't use it often at the gym because it hurts my kneeds. I'd go to Sears or Academy or whatever is close to you and see if they have the exact bike you are looking at and see if you even like it before you get it. However, we have a…
  • i had lemon pepper fish today. it was really good. I didn't have any leftovers in the house for lunch today so I stole it from my wife's lunch stash. Hopefully she doesn't get too mad :)
  • 3 - 4 a week. you're fine. I hate the taste of most diet but Pepsi Max and Diet Orange are unbeliveably good tasting. i keep it to 1 or less a week, and my wife drinks regular pepsi probably 2 - 3 a week. As long as you are counting calories and drinking enough water, you'll be fine.
  • get a large pork roast, submerge it in water in a crock pot on high for 8 hours. drain, put on BBQ sauce and put it on low until it is warm. It will serve lots and lots of meals and leftovers. We turn them into pulled prok sandwichs, I've put them on chips to make nachos, you can buy a cheap pilsbury(or off-brand) roll-out…
  • we call it ATM in america too but it also means at the moment.
  • I hit my maintenance calories once a week or at least 1 day every other week. it isn't bad, as long as you don't make a habit out of it. enjoy yourself and congrats!
  • check the gym's website. Typically they have free 7 day or 14 day free memberships to get people in and try it out.
  • Actually going over by a certain amount every so often is encouraged. If you have it set to losing 2 lbs a week you can go over up to 1,000 calories and still be at 0 if you are at -.5 you only get a 250 coushin, but enjoy yourself and just make sure you pace yourself at the party! (I never log parties or cheat days, and…
  • There is a clip on the show "The Soup" where Nancy Grace is screaming Booze and Hot Pants! does that count as hearing of them?
  • we had a cheap gold's gym one from Walmart and it was terrible. It was loud, and poorly made and broke very quickly. We now have a Pro-Form which is better than any elliptical i've ever used, even in a gym. But they are more expensive, However our Health insurance (United Health Care) has a program that lets you get…
  • I go a little under halfway between machine and MFP. When I'm on the elliptical it usually says i do about 12 calories per minute, where MFP gives more around 15. so in 25 minutes the machine is around 270. MFP at 375ish. When I used a website and entered all of my information and average heart rate it shows about 311. so…
  • maintenance calories that MFP give you don't include excercise, I would bet that if you take the Maintenance and calculate excercise calories and eat them back you'll be in pretty good shape. Also as stated above, if you are gaining weight it isn't going to be fat. When you hit your goal make sure to measure again, arms,…
  • This is also a debated topic, that most people believe and have never challenged.
  • wow I was going to say eat it but CMmrsfloyd has a much better idea.
  • Yoplait Strawberry greek yogurt, they have regular and x2 protien. x2 is a little bit harder to take
  • I hardly ever drink pop, but Diet Orange is absolutly amazing. I always have some stocked up around the house, also, for those of you that hate the taste of diet pop, Pepsi MAX really does taste like regular pepsi with 0 calories. IMO, the world says we're all going to die from everything we eat or drink, I even saw a long…
  • I watch ESPN or ESPN2, Check my fantasy football leagues, or I'm on my phone reading MFP Blogs, or news, sometimes even read books while on the elliptical.
  • 1 day isn't so bad, especially if you have made it for 2 weeks. I go 750 - 1000 over at least once a week and am still doing ok as long as i'm under or close the other 6 days.
  • if you switched it up and did something lighter in the morning like an easy walk or run outside (C25K), and save the DVD for later in the day it works out better, At least for me. I always feel much better after being outside and running or wakling than after trying to do a strenous excercise inside. I always feel tired…
  • It also depends on where you have your goal set. If you are set at -2 LBS a week, then you need to be more delligent about eating back more of your excercise calories. If you are set at -1 then you already have an extra amount of + calories in your diet that if you had chose -2 you wouldn't have. my actual goal is -1.5…
    in Addicted Comment by Gunff November 2011
  • These are specifically designed for the magic bullet blender (Which is absolutely amazing) but it'll work in any blender.
  • It means feeling good when outside and playing with my puppy, Or chasing her down when she runs away and not so tired I have to go get the car to catch her. It means getting my BMI under obese so that I won't be leaving my family earlier than I should. It means being able to help older friends and family move heavy objects…
  • Read this thread: it talks about how you can actually reduce weight in specific zones if you work out those musclse.
  • shoes, shoes, shoes. make sure you have good running shoes!
  • EA Active Sports 2 is very very good all-around workout game. it comes with a Heartrate monitor and strength tension bands. Dance Dance Revolution (Much older) is very good, it gets your whole body moving and jumping and steping around. I lost close to 30 lbs doing this one when I was in college, the down side is you have…
    in Wii Games Comment by Gunff November 2011
  • I'm big on the anti-ipod campaign because I think they are over priced, and you have to use I-tunes. I have a Phillips GoGear Vibe 4GB MP3 player. It cost $20 on a black friday sale and the battery lasts like 40+ hours, I think new you can get them for $40 from Amazon.
  • i'm 6'0 - 210 and I have it set for a goal of losing 2 lbs a week and it has me set at 1470 calories. I set mine to -2lbs a week just so I could see what the minimum calories I have to hit is. I try to stay between 0 and -250 and i do eat my excercise calories for the most part. I'm still losing weight. On a side note, If…
  • It is all about the calorie deficit. Cardio burns more calories per minute which allows you to eat more during the day and still maintain your deficit. If you are doing weights, you just have to have a lower calorie intake. If you log your weight trainnig(There is an option under cardio for this) compared to elliptical for…
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