Elliptical or treadmill?



  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Cybex Arc trainer!!:wink:

    Me too...I do intervals and can burn over 350 cals in 30 mins.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Cybex Arc trainer!!:wink:

    That is what I use in my gym... it is awesome. I hardly ever run on the treadmill, I much prefer to run outside.

    I feel the elliptical lets me get my heart rate up and helps be build up endurance without being as taxing on my body as a run... So I save my runs for Sunday mornings.

    BUT the Grand Pimp of all cardio is that stairmaster.... nothing leaves me sweating like that does!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Do you use an HRM? I burn about the same calories running as I do working hard on the elliptical, but the elliptical is very low-impact, so it FEELS easier.

    I prefer an elliptical, but I despise the treadmill and will only run and walk outside.
  • Mom2Asa
    Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
    I prefer the Elliptical because it is better on my knees. The treadmill hurts my knees and makes them swell but the Elliptical doesn't so pretty much it is whatever you like the most and feel the most cofortable on. You burn on them both but if you are miserable on one or the other you are less likely to hit your full potential because you are miserable and dread it.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Cybex Arc trainer!!:wink:

    Me too...I do intervals and can burn over 350 cals in 30 mins.

    I actually do mix it up...between stationary bike, intervals on the ARC and intervals on the treadmill.
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    Cybex Arc trainer!!:wink:

    ^^^^This ^^^^

    My trainer calls it "the beast"! I learned to love it!
  • chriscoates7025
    chriscoates7025 Posts: 131 Member
    Eliptical for me. I have been using the treadmill at the gym for a year and hate running, I was hoping to eventually like it, but that is not happening.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    are you wearing a HRM? Machine readings are guesstimates at best, and at worst, pulling figures out of the air. you should do whichever you prefer and will stick to. For me, thats cross country running
  • You answered your own question when you said the treadmill is much harder. Anytime you do a new exercise that your body is not used to, it shocks the system and that is what will change your body and improve your fitness level. Do not worry about which machine burns the most calories. If you always do the same thing at the gym day in and day out, you are going to notice diminishing returns. Change your workout = change your body. Plus, you will be excited to go to the gym if you know you are trying something new as opposed to knowing you are going to get on the same elliptical AGAIN. Push yourself on the treadmill until you're spent, then if you still want to go for longer, finish with the elliptical. Never do whats easiest, do whats hardest and most challenging, and you will notice results and improved fitness levels.
  • I personally do both. I do half my cardio on the elliptical and half on the treadmill. I prefer the elliptical because there isn't a temptation to walk and because it helps me burn more calories in less time so I don't have to be on it as long bit it really just comes down to whatever you prefer and what works for you because the important thing is will you be consistent. Good luck.
  • walking on the treadmill with a high incline! that's what i do at least (i'm 246 lbs, and walk at an incline of 15- the highest on my treadmill and an average of 3.5 mph, i adjust my speed and incline to cool off for about 2-5 minutes every 15-20 minutes and i burn 1200+ cals an hour... absolutely no running)
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Running on the treadmill burns more calories for me, but the elliptical does a job on my legs. I mix up my cardio all the time between the elliptical, treadmill, StairMaster, and the bike. My gym is getting arc trainers next week, so I am looking forward to trying something different.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I 'prefer' a treadmill because the motion is more linked to running, BUT I can do an elliptical while I have running injuries - achilles, lower back and heel problems. So had a treadmill for 15+ years and it has 'run its course' and now I replaced it with an ARC (elliptical like) and I am so happy I did - no excused when I am injured. Great for cardio!!!!

    I burn more calories on the ARC per time unit, AND I can stay on the ARC longer.
  • Stavakoli
    Stavakoli Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks for all the input everyone!! I really appreciate it : )
  • Gunff
    Gunff Posts: 47
    If you are looking to buy one? I'd highly recommend buying an elliptical. Typically (for me at least) if I want to run or walk I can go outside and do that, but if my knees are hurting that day, if I only had a treadmill or going outside I wouldn't do either one.

    At the Gym, I prefer elliptical and then run outside with my dog, but I've also done Treadmill if it is raining too much and I haven't been able to get outside.

    We own Pro Form Elliptical and it is nicer than the ones in the Gym.

    I burn about the same running compared to elliptical. use something like the following website for a better guess at # of calories burned compared to the defaults by the machines or MFP.


    The major down side is ellipticals are a lot more expensive, but If you are going to buy one make sure to check out Craigslist or Freecycle and you might be able to find someone in your area giving one away or selling it cheap.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    If you are exercising for about the same length of time and your heart rate is about the same for each machine than you are probably burning about the same amount of calories either way. Don't always go by the machines numbers.

    So basically it comes down to how often you are exercising and what you like better. I can do the elliptical 5-6 days a week no problem until I get bored. But I can only run on the treadmill about 3 days a week, any more I get shin splints.
  • andy2486
    andy2486 Posts: 93 Member
    The Cybex Arc Trainer is my fave too. I do it at least 4 times a week. I love that it has incline and resistance and different settings so that you can have it change just like a tredmill or you can make your own like I did:

    Start- 15 resistance at 3 incline
    After first 50 cals burned- 25 resistance at 5 incline
    100 cals burned- 50 resistance at 7 incline
    150 cals burned- 75 resitance at 8 or 9 incline
    200 cals burned- 100 resistance at 10 incline---- stay on this till the end of the hour and I burn anywhere from 700-1000 calories.

    My gym has TV's on all the machines which really makes the time fly by.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Definitely keep doing both...its better to change things up. If you do the same thing every day, your body gets used to it and it won't be as effective.
  • You should mix it up like others said. If you decide to use only one machine, make sure you do a different program each time. This will keep you working hard and force your body to adjust to the new workout. One of my personal favorites is the "Random" program on the treadmill. I have also done the Hill and the Fat Burn (which requires your heart rate).

    Something I realized recently, if you go to a big commercial gym, all you need to monitor your heart rate is a strap. Most straps are universal and the machine picks up the signal from the strap. You do not need to buy a separate monitor (usually a watch) unless you want to use it's recording functions.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Cybex Arc trainer!!:wink:

    Me too...I do intervals and can burn over 350 cals in 30 mins.

    Me too! I'm in love!