Some thoughts on diet soda?

I don't drink soda (Id rather waste my calories on something chocolate) much less diet soda but my mother in law was here this weekend and left diet orange soda that she didn't want to take back home with her. I was surprised it had 0 calories and 0 sugar..and tasted REALLY good! But, this has gotta be too good to be true, right? It still has to be really bad for me, right?


  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    I'd like to know too because for me, diet coke is akin to me being a crack addict. If diet soda counts as 'water comsumption', I'm THERE.

    I'll probably die from some aspertame overdose, but that's about all I know about it,.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    oh boy, brace yourself.

    I think it's fine. Aspartame doesn't scare me.

    Prepare for the barrage of naysaying soda has a lot of enemies here on MFP!
  • kaylaCdewire1311
    I've read articles that say the chemicals in the diet soda make you crave food... so in essence, you aren't really doing any good. Plus it's got carcinogens in it, like aspertame.... (but, what doesn't??)
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Obviously, diet sodas are filled with chemicals. As a general rule, if you can't pronounce it, you probably shouldn't be putting it in your body. There are no studies that 100% prove the negative effects of those chemicals, however I doubt they are perfectly safe. In moderation, it shouldn't be a problem. Just be aware that diet foods are known to increase cravings since your body is trying to make up for the sweetness it tastes that isn't backed with calories.
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    I know there will soon be a crusade of anti-diet drink warriors upon this thread, but I'd just like to say that I'm a fan of them when I'm out - they really hit that spot sometimes. HOWEVER I do try my best to only drink herbal teas, black coffee and water when I'm at home. :)
  • kaylaCdewire1311
    oh boy, brace yourself.

    I think it's fine. Aspartame doesn't scare me.

    Prepare for the barrage of naysaying soda has a lot of enemies here on MFP!

    absolutely right, LOTS of enemies... but Diet Dr. Pepper is one of my favorite drinks!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I think it's fine. You have to live a little bit :)
  • mandydanyele
    All diet soda does is make me hungry :/ It's really not worth it for me because it's still full of junk.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    Obviously, diet sodas are filled with chemicals. As a general rule, if you can't pronounce it, you probably shouldn't be putting it in your body. There are no studies that 100% prove the negative effects of those chemicals, however I doubt they are perfectly safe. In moderation, it shouldn't be a problem. Just be aware that diet foods are known to increase cravings since your body is trying to make up for the sweetness it tastes that isn't backed with calories.

    carbonated water
    carmel color
    phosphoric acid
    potassium benzonare
    citric acid

    WOOHOOO!! I can pronounce them all. It's all good. (totally just being a smart *kitten*, not rude)

    Although I must admit, I used to pronounce aspartame instead of As-Par_tame I said Aspart-a-me (like sparticus). :tongue:
  • meltdownvixen
    I know there will soon be a crusade of anti-diet drink warriors upon this thread, but I'd just like to say that I'm a fan of them when I'm out - they really hit that spot sometimes. HOWEVER I do try my best to only drink herbal teas, black coffee and water when I'm at home. :)

    I agree with you. I haven't had any kind of soda in months, but today I craved it really bad and allowed myself to drink a pepsi max. Super cold, it was soo good. Won't make it a habit, but every once in a while they hit the spot.

    PS. They definitely DO NOT count for your water consuption. Actually you should up your water intake if you drink a soda that day, it will help
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I would sooner gargle used cat litter than drink that stuff.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Its a great alternative to full fat soda... if you're gonna drink that you;re better off drinking the diet stuff... Offset the so-called carcinogen aspartme with eating loads of healthy stuff... besides... I personally don't think its a great issue so long as you;re not guzzling litres of the stuff each week/day!
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    I'd say drink the diet orange while you have it but don't make it a habit. I am a full-blown diet coke addict and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Water and tea are a much better choices.
  • kaylaCdewire1311
    I would sooner gargle used cat litter than drink that stuff.

    LOL Hilarious.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Chemicals tend to be bad for us. Caramel colored sodas - both diet and regular - have some type of ingredient that leaches calcium from our bones.

    That being said, everything in moderation. I don't think soda should be the only thing you drink, but it can be a great treat a few times a week. I like Diet Coke and Diet Mountain Dew myself, but to each his own.
  • Gunff
    Gunff Posts: 47
    I hardly ever drink pop, but Diet Orange is absolutly amazing. I always have some stocked up around the house, also, for those of you that hate the taste of diet pop, Pepsi MAX really does taste like regular pepsi with 0 calories.

    IMO, the world says we're all going to die from everything we eat or drink, I even saw a long forum topic today saying we shouldn't take multi-vitamins because they are bad for us. If even the most basic of items like vitamins are bad for us, a diet soda once in a while surely isn't going to be any worse for you.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    If you use the search link just above this thread, and search for "diet soda", you will have a week's worth of reading. :laugh:

    I've heard the arguments, and am convinced that it is not a problem in moderation.
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    Everything is fine in moderation. I think that goes for diet soda as well. I wouldn't replace your water with it however, or drink a case a week. The aspartame in many sodas has been linked to cancer when taken in large quantities over long periods, but everything is linked to cancer. So, I say if you want to drink it, do it. :) Just remember it may lead to other cravings and it shouldn't be used to replace any of your necessary nutrients.
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    oh boy, brace yourself.

    I think it's fine. Aspartame doesn't scare me.

    Prepare for the barrage of naysaying soda has a lot of enemies here on MFP!

    absolutely right, LOTS of enemies... but Diet Dr. Pepper is one of my favorite drinks!

    I'm right there with you. Diet Dr. Pepper is good.