diet soda or no diet soda



  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    Dont' drink, don't use tobacco, don't eat crappy foods anymore. I drink a lot of Diet Mtn Dew. Guy has to have a vice. ;)
  • Gunff
    Gunff Posts: 47
    3 - 4 a week. you're fine.

    I hate the taste of most diet but Pepsi Max and Diet Orange are unbeliveably good tasting.

    i keep it to 1 or less a week, and my wife drinks regular pepsi probably 2 - 3 a week. As long as you are counting calories and drinking enough water, you'll be fine.
  • mwright24skinny
    mwright24skinny Posts: 122 Member
    I drink diet rite when I need something
  • KarlDR
    KarlDR Posts: 55 Member
    I did drink them a lot until I started dieting, I think since then I've had 2 cans in about 3 weeks and I can honestly say I don't miss it. At first drinking plain water wasn't as satisfying but now I don't even think about it. I think everyone agrees they are not good for you. Perhaps you could try giving them up for a couple of weeks and see if you really miss them, and if so I doubt 3 or 4 a week will do you much harm - but water will be better for you if you can cope without the diet fizzy drinks.
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Carbonation deteriorates your bone density. So does Caffeine when consumed in large quantities. That's before we talk about the artificial ingredients and colors that ARE KNOW carcinogenics. Fact from Biology educators.

    Jillian Michaels talks about this issue pretty heavily. She drank a 6 pack of diet soda a day, and when she got her own tv spot after the biggest loser. They had her get tested for bone density as the staple example on the show. Come to find out she had beginning stages of osteopenia. She was 35 at the time.

    That was from the soda. She cut it out entirely as a result.

    If that don't motivate you, then consider this. Soda has ZERO nutritional value, in fact it's nutritional defeceit. What's that mean? It means it takes away rather than gives. Sure a soda a week, two cans a week not a big deal. As long as your not counting it as fluid intake. Drink as much water and more for every can you drink. But moderation is the key to it all.

    Remember a 32 oz, is nearly three cans. And this is for diet. Don't get me started on the sugar and how high fructose interacts with your liver.
  • FluffyCanadianGirl
    My hubby loves pop and he has switched to diet because cutting them out completely was really hard for him. I, on the other hand, can't stand diet pop, I don't drink juice, not a huge coffee/tea drinker, and only like milk in my cereal lol. I drink only water but some days have a really hard time getting in my full amount, so I have to remind myself a lot.

    When my hubby was losing weight, he continued to drink diet pop, and it really didn't have any adverse effect on his weight loss. He knows it's not the best for him, but it's better than regular!
  • Emily_Katherine
    I load up a glass with ice and diet soda as a 0-cal treat. I know it's not the best for you, but it is delicious.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    diet soda has zero calories. hence, diet soda alone will not make you gain weight. it's unpossible.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I havent drank a soda in 5.5 years! Wowza....i do remember having more cravings when i did drink diet soda. Cravings for junk and lots of fast food.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    As long as your not counting it as fluid intake. Drink as much water and more for every can you drink.

    Completely wrong. In terms of hydration soda counts just as much as pure water. Caffeine does not dehydrate you.
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    I use to drink them, but after making some serious dietary changes, I realized they should go too. If I am not going to eat burgers and fries, I damn sure am not going to drink some chemical concoction that doesn't really taste that good anyway.

    Try seltzer and a little bit of real fruit juice. Makes a wonderful drink.

  • KatiD83
    KatiD83 Posts: 152 Member
    I had to give up carbonated drinks when I had 2 wisdom teeth taken out 2 weeks ago. I think it's helped my weight loss. I had already cut them down to 3 a week so it wasn't too hard to quit. Since I've been off of them I don't crave them. I plan to only go back to them once I need them, say with a pizza dinner or special occasion.
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    As long as your not counting it as fluid intake. Drink as much water and more for every can you drink.

    Completely wrong. In terms of hydration soda counts just as much as pure water. Caffeine does not dehydrate you.

    This isn't about dehydration. It's about health. Carbonic Acid which is what's added to make carbonated water, has a ph level of 3-4. Which is not neutral. Water is a 7. Which makes soda acidic. That is why you ALWAYS drink equal amounts of water to soda. Sure you can count it, but your not doing yourself justice if your drinking acidic ph level water. It defeats the purpose of flushing your system!

    No one said caffeine dehydrates you. It reduces bone density. Please take the time to understand what the hell your saying.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I drink it all the time and have successfully lost 49 pounds. It has never made me more hungry or anything :)
  • ♥Lexi♥
    NO SODA. Period.
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    I love Diet Cherry Pepsi & Diet Dr. Pepper. I drink them whenever I feel like it as long as I get in my 8 cups of water too.
  • beautifulbrat
    I love Diet Cherry Pepsi & Diet Dr. Pepper. I drink them whenever I feel like it as long as I get in my 8 cups of water too.

  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    Your body takes the art. sweeter and uses it like sugar, when you eat sugar and a lot of stuff has sugar in it the body deosnt know what to do with it so it stores it as fat, thus you gain weight. I know for personal trial and error I used the art. sweetener I gained, I stop, I lose. It may be different for others but most of the people I talk to about it agrees. Try it and see what happens, if nothing changes then u should be good. If it does then you are better off. I ate 1200 calories a day I count everything even black pepper. The only thing I changed was the art. sweetener.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Your body takes the art. sweeter and uses it like sugar, when you eat sugar and a lot of stuff has sugar in it the body deosnt know what to do with it so it stores it as fat, thus you gain weight. I know for personal trial and error I used the art. sweetener I gained, I stop, I lose. It may be different for others but most of the people I talk to about it agrees. Try it and see what happens, if nothing changes then u should be good. If it does then you are better off. I ate 1200 calories a day I count everything even black pepper. The only thing I changed was the art. sweetener.

    I think you're thinking about trans fats.
  • cayadear
    cayadear Posts: 79 Member
    I haven't drunk soda consistently for about 2 years or so. Before then I was a soda fiend. That initial weaning off is terrible, but to me it's just like any other thing you have to work at--counting calories and forcing yourself to go to the gym included.

    I'm glad I did it, and now I only drink it occasionally, and not even as a "treat". The only time I ever drink soda is when I'm really thirsty, need to wet my mouth a little and there isn't a drinking fountain or bottle of water nearby, and when I do it's normally just a sip off of my boyfriend's or best friend's cup. :)

    Never transitioned from regular soda to diet soda, either. I always thought diet soda tasted so bad that I would rather have water instead, so...that's what I did, hahah. I have recently started hating wasting calories on things I'm not going to absolutely enjoy, so that goes hand in hand with that now.