Very discouraged!

I have been working out for 7 months and have only lost 1 pound... I don't eat a lot and I run, spin and do strength training...I do have some days or a day when I do eat too much, but not everyday!!! I am 44 so that may be the problem!


  • sweetptgrl
    sweetptgrl Posts: 25 Member
    Sometimes you have to eat more then what you think you should. If you eat too little, your body stores everything vs burning calories. Also, have you tried taking measurements? Sometimes you don't loose weight because you are actually gaining muscle (it weights more). Try taking waist, hip and neck measurements and comparing them in 2 weeks or so. You might find you are making more progress then you think.
  • Have you had your hormone levels checked lately? I know that several months back, I had some issues with my hormone levels and it turned out this was causing me issues. So, basically, all my working out and watching what I ate was causing me to simply maintain my weight. Once, I got that regulated, then I started to lose weight. Sad, but true, being a woman, our hormones and age can affect our weight loss. And also, I agree with sweetptgrl, sometimes, if you don't eat enough calories, your body thinks you are starving yourself so it clings to everything it can.
  • mallred76
    mallred76 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm so sorry, it is so frustrating when you work hard yet see no results. Don't give up!

    First: Take a look at your food. You have to make sure that you eat enough calories or your body will hang on to that fat. I hit a plateau, increased my calories and started loosing weight again. Also, all calories are not created equal. You need to be sure that you are eating clean. Whole foods is best. Healthy fats are important and make sure you are getting enough protein. I changed my macros to 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. I also try to limit sodium.

    Second: Workout on a consistent basis. Add it some HIIT workouts. (High Intensity Interval Training) Do 10-15 HIIT then run or spin for 30 minutes 4 days a week. Also, lift heavier weights with lower reps. That is the only way to build muscle and muscle will speed your metabolism.

    Honestly your diet will make the most difference. I was in a car accident a couple years ago and gained 30 lbs in 6 months. I couldn't workout because of my injuries, but was able to lose the first 20 with just diet alone. Clean diet, focus on that and I'm sure you will see results.

    Good luck!
  • mallred76
    mallred76 Posts: 50 Member
    Have you had your hormone levels checked lately? I know that several months back, I had some issues with my hormone levels and it turned out this was causing me issues. So, basically, all my working out and watching what I ate was causing me to simply maintain my weight. Once, I got that regulated, then I started to lose weight. Sad, but true, being a woman, our hormones and age can affect our weight loss. And also, I agree with sweetptgrl, sometimes, if you don't eat enough calories, your body thinks you are starving yourself so it clings to everything it can.

    Ditto to this, regulating any hormone imbalances would be vital.
  • Have you had your hormone levels checked lately? I know that several months back, I had some issues with my hormone levels and it turned out this was causing me issues. So, basically, all my working out and watching what I ate was causing me to simply maintain my weight. Once, I got that regulated, then I started to lose weight
    I am in my 60's and had the same thing happen, I waited 5 months without losing a pound, but lost inches, before I checked everything and found after leveling hormones I had to lower my calorie count radically. Then I lost my pound a week. Keep active.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I'm so sorry, it is so frustrating when you work hard yet see no results. Don't give up!

    First: Take a look at your food. You have to make sure that you eat enough calories or your body will hang on to that fat. I hit a plateau, increased my calories and started loosing weight again. Also, all calories are not created equal. You need to be sure that you are eating clean. Whole foods is best. Healthy fats are important and make sure you are getting enough protein. I changed my macros to 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. I also try to limit sodium.

    Second: Workout on a consistent basis. Add it some HIIT workouts. (High Intensity Interval Training) Do 10-15 HIIT then run or spin for 30 minutes 4 days a week. Also, lift heavier weights with lower reps. That is the only way to build muscle and muscle will speed your metabolism.

    Honestly your diet will make the most difference. I was in a car accident a couple years ago and gained 30 lbs in 6 months. I couldn't workout because of my injuries, but was able to lose the first 20 with just diet alone. Clean diet, focus on that and I'm sure you will see results.

    Good luck!

    ^^^Pretty much this ^^^

    You need to make sure you are eating AT LEAST 1200 calories a day (should probably be more IMO). We can't see your diary but you said you don't eat a lot. MEASURE/WEIGH everything you can to make sure it's accurate. Eat back most of your exercise calories. Make sure you pay attention to coming in close to your macro-nutrient (carb, protein, fat) goals as well. I think 40%/30%/30% is a good ratio.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    It would make things better advice-wise if you had your diary open for viewing... sometimes the things you are currently eating (or lack thereof) can contribute to no weight-loss happening....
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Get out your tape measure or fat caliper to measure your progress. The scale is only one tool to measure success. Are you getting stronger? Can you hold plank longer or have you increased the amount of weight you can bench press?
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Sounds like you've already got some great advice. But the key could be in your comment about "not eating much". I too suspect you aren't eating enough. Open up your diary so we can better advise you.
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    Sometimes you don't loose weight because you are actually gaining muscle (it weights more).

    1 lb of muscle does not weight more than a 1lb of fat, a pound is a pound just less mass or leaner
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Sometimes you don't loose weight because you are actually gaining muscle (it weights more).

    1 lb of muscle does not weight more than a 1lb of fat, a pound is a pound just less mass or leaner

    1lb of fat takes more room to fill in the body than 1lb of muscle...hence the 'you look leaner'
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Sometimes you don't loose weight because you are actually gaining muscle (it weights more).

    1 lb of muscle does not weight more than a 1lb of fat, a pound is a pound just less mass or leaner

    1lb of fat takes more room to fill in the body than 1lb of muscle...hence the 'you look leaner'

    You can't GAIN MUSCLE in a caloric deficit.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I have been working out for 7 months and have only lost 1 pound... I don't eat a lot and I run, spin and do strength training...I do have some days or a day when I do eat too much, but not everyday!!! I am 44 so that may be the problem!

    Please make an appointment with an endocrinologist. I did. I also only lost 10 pounds in over 3 months. Yes, my thyroid is not functioning properly but it is hyperthyroid, so I should be losing. In the beginning, I ate 1200 calories, lost nothing. Back to a second doctor who said eat less. I did, I lost, minimal exercise. Meanwhile, I was being bombarded with people telling me I was starving, eat more, yadda, yadda. I went to a third doctor, highly recommended by OTHER DOCTORS. SHE examined all my blood work, was totally thorough, even consulted with me for a good 20 minutes. i explained my frustration, told her about this site. She said, as difficult as it is, based on my age, my metabolism, the fact that I am unable to exercise too much, due to a bad hip, to eat 1000 calories a day. I said what about starvation mode? She said, it takes a long time for that to happen and it was not ann issue for me. I saw her 2 days ago, edited my profile and closed my diary. Your Doctor is the expert. I know people are trying to help, but the bottom line is SEE A ENDOCRINOLOGIST..Please.
  • It would make things better advice-wise if you had your diary open for viewing... sometimes the things you are currently eating (or lack thereof) can contribute to no weight-loss happening....

    Or may want to take your diary to a nutritionalist or a naturapath. They can look for foods or food combinations that are working against you. They can also add foods or suppliments that help fill voids that start to appear as we get older.

    Sometimes even thought we are eating the right amount of calories we aren't getting the right amount of nutrients. This gives the body the same reaction as starvation. Also sometimes even though we are getting the right calories and the right nutrients we are taking in foods that we are intollerant to (perhaps glutten, lactos, molds, yeasts, etc) and the bodies reaction will be to retain water, trap toxins to fat, and slow the metabolism to slow absorbtion.

    Finally they can help regulate the digestion process which is a big deal in health and in weight loss.

    Good luck and keep tracking to your weight loss goal!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    It would make things better advice-wise if you had your diary open for viewing... sometimes the things you are currently eating (or lack thereof) can contribute to no weight-loss happening....

    This ^^^ Also, take your measurements regularly, judge your strength, body tone, ability to increase your work outs (weight or time) all of those figure into making you healthy, not just the scale numbers (even though I do obsess on them now and then myself). Keep it up and good luck. PS: you might check into having a body scan done at your health clinic to accurately measure your body fat % - they are not very expensive. Then do a follow up 6 months later to see your progress.
  • Gunff
    Gunff Posts: 47
    Sometimes you don't loose weight because you are actually gaining muscle (it weights more).

    1 lb of muscle does not weight more than a 1lb of fat, a pound is a pound just less mass or leaner

    1lb of fat takes more room to fill in the body than 1lb of muscle...hence the 'you look leaner'

    You can't GAIN MUSCLE in a caloric deficit.

    first - whoever brought up that muscle and fat weigh the same, don't be a jerk. We all (Including you) know what they meant by that and correcting is just being mean.

    2nd - I'm pretty sure you can gain muscle while in a deficit, just not much.
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    Talk to your doctorto make sure your thyroid is functioning like it should, and make an appointment with a dietician to go over your diet! I know your frutration!
  • Me tooo! I am getting very discouraged and I just started MFP?? ? ?
    I'm having a hard time trying to find time to work out! I walk a lot but I don't feel that, that is enough. I think I will do better after the holidays.
    But, as for you......Keep up the good work...It will come off. Remember we didn't wake up one day over weight, it gradually came on and it is gradually coming off!
    I am having an AWFUL time with will power right now.....I know I can do this, I need to get my mind set on....
    Stay positive, you will reach your goal!
    As for me....I need a whole lot of prayer.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member

    Losing weight over 60 is much different then losing weight when you are younger. I hope you read this.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Me tooo! I am getting very discouraged and I just started MFP?? ? ?
    I'm having a hard time trying to find time to work out! I walk a lot but I don't feel that, that is enough. I think I will do better after the holidays.
    But, as for you......Keep up the good work...It will come off. Remember we didn't wake up one day over weight, it gradually came on and it is gradually coming off!
    I am having an AWFUL time with will power right now.....I know I can do this, I need to get my mind set on....
    Stay positive, you will reach your goal!
    As for me....I need a whole lot of prayer.

    Patience!!! This is not a race or a contest. One day at a time! This is a lifestyle change!