gyms...expensive or cheaper?

I am looking for some input from you all. I have the option of two different gyms. One I have been to a lot, and loved it. It is however, pricey. Its $42 monthly, or if you buy a year membership, its around $360.

The other gym has a couple locations, and I believe has most of the same stuff, pool, sauna, etc. They are running a special to get a years membership for $99. I spoke to someone that went there and he said it was okay. Most of their equipment was cheaper though.

What are your thoughts? I am a stay at home mom (for the most part), and have no babysitter and can't go to the gym in the evenings because my son goes to bed early, and will only go to sleep for me. Daddy also doesn't get home till about 6:30.
The cheaper gym has daycare for $1 per hour ( which I don't think I would use. Maybe though). The more expensive gym no longer has it.
Due to time constraints, I would probably only be able to hit the gym on weekends. Paying over $300 is a tough pill to swallow if I only use it twice a week or not at all.
Sorry this is long. What are your thoughts?


  • Tarah1218
    I use a "cheap" gym with old equipment and a daycare. I go every single day and the equipment has not been an issue. My kids love the daycare. I was worried about it at first but honestly, my oldest goes to prek 4x a week and he gets sick from prek more often than the gym. 1x a year from the gym and 6x+ a year from the school. I urge you to consider trying out the daycare. It is not only good social interaction for your child but it gives you a break to go let off steam and workout. My gym has a shower and I am able to shower after.
  • ImJDLookatME
    I would tour the cheaper gym, and if most equipment looks functional and meets your needs, just stick to it. If all the fancy gym has to offer is better tvs, then its not worth it. IMO
  • hguthrie33
    Make sure you check in to gyms or gym discounts that are avaliable thru your employer. I worked at my current job for 2 years before I learned that we had an AWESOME gym and it was FREE!!!! I have been going to for a year and a half now and love every minute of my steal of a deal. :noway:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Due to time constraints, I would probably only be able to hit the gym on weekends. Paying over $300 is a tough pill to swallow if I only use it twice a week or not at all.

    It would be a tough pill as well as a waste of money! I would look into getting second hand equipment, weights, bands, videos, or a game system that can be used at home when ever you have the time. If you are looking at the gym as a child free escape for a few hours a week, go for a walk or find a class to take. Yes I am a cheapskate.
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    If you feel like you need a gym, I'd say go with the cheap-o one! You know you probably won't be able to use it as much, and chances are you won't need all the super cool features that the expensive gym offers. I know I ALWAYS say I would love a pool and sauna, but I have YET to use them at my gym (and these came free!).

    Also: I clicked your profile! I'm from Hernando County, FL, too!!! :D
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I think if you aren't going to be able to go regularly, and you have room in your home, you should instead invest in some exercise equipment and/or some good exercise DVDs. Maybe some good running shoes for when the weather is nice. I have to exercise at home because of my schedule and my husband's schedule, and i have a $150 exercise bike and some Jillian Michaels DVDs. So I can be sure to get in 5-6 workouts per week. :)

    A gym just opened in my town that is $15 per month and $60 to sign up, so about $210 for a year. I know I could only go maybe once or twice per week so it's just not worth it for me. Instead I'll save my money up for the elliptical I want for $350! then I can use that several times per week.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I think if you aren't going to be able to go regularly, and you have room in your home, you should instead invest in some exercise equipment and/or some good exercise DVDs. Maybe some good running shoes for when the weather is nice. I have to exercise at home because of my schedule and my husband's schedule, and i have a $150 exercise bike and some Jillian Michaels DVDs. So I can be sure to get in 5-6 workouts per week. :)

    A gym just opened in my town that is $15 per month and $60 to sign up, so about $210 for a year. I know I could only go maybe once or twice per week so it's just not worth it for me. Instead I'll save my money up for the elliptical I want for $350! then I can use that several times per week.

    This - if you have major time constraints, it's better to invest in equipment you can use at home, then you can use it on your time without the hassle of daycare, driving time, etc.
  • Breedy75
    Breedy75 Posts: 54 Member
    Do you have a YMCA local to you? The ones by me have "child watch" that is included in the family plan (~$53).
  • caseyp1122
    caseyp1122 Posts: 79 Member
    Depends on the equipment. Is it rusty, breaks often, looks unsafe OR is it just cheap looking and made by companies you've never heard of?
  • Demwitted
    I am looking for some input from you all. I have the option of two different gyms. One I have been to a lot, and loved it. It is however, pricey. Its $42 monthly, or if you buy a year membership, its around $360.

    The other gym has a couple locations, and I believe has most of the same stuff, pool, sauna, etc. They are running a special to get a years membership for $99. I spoke to someone that went there and he said it was okay. Most of their equipment was cheaper though.

    What are your thoughts? I am a stay at home mom (for the most part), and have no babysitter and can't go to the gym in the evenings because my son goes to bed early, and will only go to sleep for me. Daddy also doesn't get home till about 6:30.
    The cheaper gym has daycare for $1 per hour ( which I don't think I would use. Maybe though). The more expensive gym no longer has it.
    Due to time constraints, I would probably only be able to hit the gym on weekends. Paying over $300 is a tough pill to swallow if I only use it twice a week or not at all.
    Sorry this is long. What are your thoughts?

    $42/mo is not that bad. My local Y is $70 and the gym I really want to join is $70... way out of my price range. My old gym was $40/mo. There was no pool or sauna, and it was worth every penny. Then again, I went almost every day.

    Does the cheaper gym offer a trial or tour? Go check it out. Maybe it's not shoddy quality. If your kids aren't super young, you may end up really liking the day care.

    On the other hand, if you are only going on weekends, do you really need a gym? Are you doing fitness stuff at home?
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    I am working out at home as much as possible. Unfortunately the only time I can do it is when my son takes his nap. He just can't stand it if he is awake and im not paying attention to him. He's only 12 months old, so I let him get away with it.

    The cheaper gym is the way im thinking of going, but I have to find the time to tour it. My only concern with the equipment is that if its really cheap and breaks a lot, ill go in and there will be maintenance tags on the pieces I want to use. The daycare would be great, but my son is very young ans VERY attached to me. He can be pretty difficult to deal with. But it might work out okay.

    Thanks for all the input. I wanted to see if anyone had any different viewpoints for me to think about.

    I wish I could buy a home gym, but my husband wont spend the money, at least not a lot of money, and I don't have anywhere to put it. Im using hand weights, and dvd's right now, but I have a stepper and resistance band packed away somewhere.
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    I just did trials at 2 gyms a couple of months ago. One was more expensive, but had all the extras (pool, racquetball, basketball courts, running tracks, etc). The other was not even 1/2 the price, a newer place and would meet 99% of my needs. Both are about 2-3 miles from my house. I went with the cheaper one and am happy with the decision. It meets my needs, I workout 6 days a week.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I am working out at home as much as possible. Unfortunately the only time I can do it is when my son takes his nap. He just can't stand it if he is awake and im not paying attention to him. He's only 12 months old, so I let him get away with it.

    The cheaper gym is the way im thinking of going, but I have to find the time to tour it. My only concern with the equipment is that if its really cheap and breaks a lot, ill go in and there will be maintenance tags on the pieces I want to use. The daycare would be great, but my son is very young ans VERY attached to me. He can be pretty difficult to deal with. But it might work out okay.

    Thanks for all the input. I wanted to see if anyone had any different viewpoints for me to think about.

    I wish I could buy a home gym, but my husband wont spend the money, at least not a lot of money, and I don't have anywhere to put it. Im using hand weights, and dvd's right now, but I have a stepper and resistance band packed away somewhere.
    You should give the daycare a try (maybe you can buy a one-month trial period?). It might be a good time to try to break your son of the habit a little bit, and maybe he'll learn to go to bed for his dad too..and you'd be freed up for an evening workout. I know he's little, but you have to remember to make some time for YOU, and not become one of those mom's who completely puts her own needs aside for her kids...because it probably won't get easier!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    I am paying £16.99 a month and can use all of the cahin in the UK - bargain, especially when you live as close to London as I do. As I am not into starting a professional carreer - the Gym I am using is perfectly fitting it's purpose. It's near work, so I hit it when I go to work or when I am coming off.

    I would give it a try, see how you get on with day care, cause this would be a good chance for you to get out and about and do something just for yourself - your tiny bit of me time basically.
  • Gunff
    Gunff Posts: 47
    check the gym's website. Typically they have free 7 day or 14 day free memberships to get people in and try it out.