Only you know how your husband generally thinks and what his weaknesses are. I would go with your gut! I personally think it is completely unnecessary for my husband to post on those forums.
Wow! Inspiring and helpful for me to see. Congrats. :smile:
Awesome job! Thanks for the encouragement! :smile:
^ That and: You need to eat if your body is telling you it's starving. My guess is that you're not netting (after your workout calories) your BMR (what your body needs to NOT starve)!
Make sure that you're netting above your BMR (after exercise calories) so as not to kick your body into starvation mode...
I'm 5'4" and aiming for my pre-pregnancy weight of 120 or right around there! Friend me if you would like. :smile:
I know that 30 Day Shred does not allow for rest days for your muscles (unless you do it every other day). Make sure that you alternate days.
I always have a glass or two of milk each day for strong bones, etc. When I have chocolate cravings I heat 8 oz. of milk, add unsweetened baking cocoa to taste, and a packet of stevia. I whisk all of this together. I'm really only consuming the calories from the milk!
Makeup actually clogs your pores and can cause breakouts, so no, I don't wear it when I work out. I don't need it anyway...:wink:
DA BEARS! :happy:
I have been working out since my kids were born. They are now 3 and 4 years old (boys). When they were 2 I would put them down for a nap and work out or just kept them in the pack & play in the room with me (with toddler puzzles or other toys). You could put one of the Baby Einstein Dvds in kids were rapt with…
I have used my Polar FT4 for a month now and I LOVE it. I also bought a bottle of Spectra 360 Electrode gel (what they use for ultrasounds,etc. ) so the signal is picked up better by the HRM (as recommended by other athletes). It has worked wonderfully. I bought mine on with free shipping.
My S.O. cheated on me and the conclusion that I have come to, is NOT that I'm not enough (because, believe me, it was), it's that he's TOO SELFISH to appreciate what he does have. Good for you as far as leaving is concerned! You will be happier in the end.
No, less, but I'm not sure why you brought that up now...
Whoops- meant Jessastar!
addictedtoaer Pretty, cheerful eyes! 10
1. How fun it is to do push-ups! 2. That I can actually have favorite exercise moves and not just favorite foods! 3. How important a support system is for healthy living!
Thanks for this! I was wondering about how many calories, etc. That's the tricky part. Awesome job on your weight loss!
I was confused myself. You might want to call your Dr. and ask how many calories you should be consuming. They will know what is healthy for you!
Inspiring! Keep up the great work!
Well, I log it as Crystal Light so the 5 calories count. You could also check it off as 1 cup for your water supply for the day b/c water is the base.
A natural calcium supplement. You can find them at any grocery store.
Yes, it's hard. Thanks for the kind acknowledgement! :smile:
I use light ranch dressing and add some oregano on top of it for sandwiches. Very delicious!
Ok- the revised plan is every other day -100 push ups. I totally forgot about the need to rest the muscles...whoops. Guess I'm a little over-zealous!:wink:
Inspiring! Keep up the great work!
Yes, I received the shock of my life when I was trying on black skirts (the style I wore when I was thin & pre-baby at a size 4). At that time I was in a size 14 and it was horrible that I couldn't find a black skirt that looked good. I was very upset in the dressing room that day. But it spurred me on to lose that weight!…
I do not eat enough leafy greens, so that may be why my iron is low. I do eat whole wheat, whole grains,etc. and no enriched flour (except for the occasional cookie). I've been tired like this for years, so I suspect iron. Thanks!
I do take Vitamin B12 and have noticed a bit of a difference. I really need to take a multi-vitamin though! Thanks for the reminder! Could be that I need more Iron.
How about replacing those really nice "fat" jeans with some really nice "skinny" jeans? Sell the really nice "fat" ones on Craigslist or eBay if they are worth a lot and are in great condition.