Late morning hunger (more like starvation!)



  • EyeLikeTacos
    EyeLikeTacos Posts: 324 Member
    Hi guys!

    Any tips for coping with an 11:00 hunger pang while at work?? I am trying to just "deal" with the hunger sensation, but at times it's too much to bear. I've been trying to keep it down to a 100 cal protein shake between 8am-1pm, but around 11 like clockwork, I get so hungry it makes me feel light headed. I've been resorting to the pretzels in my boss's office!!

    Oh and PS...water DOES NOT HELP!!!!

    What's funny is that on the weekends especially when I'm not on any kind of schedule, I can go quite a while without a meal and it doesn't bother me. Who knows, maybe it's all mental and I just get bored at work too often.

    This whole issue could be resolved with a new job :laugh:

    Anyway, has anyone discovered the secret to this phenomenon?? All/any tips are appreciated!!


    I go through this myself...especially after a major workout.....

    So what I do is I preplan my mid morning snack all while staying within my macro and calorie totals...

    So if you planned on eating lunch around 12 or 1...have a hand ful of almonds, planters energy nutrition mix, fiber bar, rice cake with PB, or half a bowl of oatmeal with a half a scoop of protein mix....I usually go with one of those....ALSO, drink Green Tea...that will help supress your hunger.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    That's a long time to go without eating unless you're doing some kind of intermittent fasting.. why don't you eat something more than 100cals??
  • classictoaster
    I just starting intermittent fasting because I was suffering the same thing. Didn't matter if I ate 100 or 300 calories at 7AM, by 9:30-10:30 I would be ravenous. I just started skipping breakfast because I wasn't really hungry when I woke up, and the late morning hunger went away on it's own.

    I'm not sure if this would work for you (I'd recommend researching before just doing this, please please please I am not a health professional AT ALL haha), but that's what cured it for me.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    I don't go to lunch until 1:00, so this 2 hours lapse suuuuucks...!!!
  • gogospice
    gogospice Posts: 185 Member
    My go to snack for situations like this is a hardboiled egg. I don't know what it is, but it fills me up instantly and I'm good to go!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I use 100 calorie pop corn,
    I pop it, put in a baggie and snack on it all day
    It helps
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    My recommendation is don't try to go 5 hours without eating. Not all bodies are cut out for that. If you want to keep your snack to 100 calories, make it 100 calories that fill you up. Veggies and protein do it for me. Shakes just never quite fill me up if they are 100 cals or less. They're just too wimpy.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
  • jdier
    jdier Posts: 110 Member
    Let me get this straight. Between 8am and 1pm, all you consume is 100 calories? Do you eat anything before 8am, or is it that you are going a full night and all morning without anything but your shake?

    Edited to add: You note that without a schedule, you can go quite a while between meals. Are you intentionally fasting?

    That and:
    You need to eat if your body is telling you it's starving. My guess is that you're not netting (after your workout calories) your BMR (what your body needs to NOT starve)!
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    I like to have greek yogurt with fruit as a mid-morning snack. Or something like a hard boiled egg, piece of string cheese or a piece of fruit to tide me over until lunch.

    On days I am voracious (usually due to a lot of exercise the day before) I just move lunch earlier and eat slowly. I know that can't happen for most people, just I eat lunch at my desk (no paid lunch break - unless I want to stay later at work).
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    ...I've been trying to keep it down to a 100 cal protein shake between 8am-1pm, but around 11 like clockwork, I get so hungry it makes me feel light headed.

    If you aren't eating in the mornings you're getting super hungry and light headed because your blood sugar is crashing and your body is trying to tell you to EAT SOMETHING.

    If you are eating before 8am, you'd do better to eat half of your breakfast early, and then half later... Eating more regularly will help avoid blood sugar crashes, lightheadedness, etc.

    Not sure what you're eating as your diary is not open... but you will feel fuller for longer if you have protein and fats for breakfast. If you prefer carb heavy breakfasts, look for a complex carb (like oatmeal) - something that your body will take a while to break down, it will keep your energy level more even.
  • amysuespears
    amysuespears Posts: 127
    I just starting intermittent fasting because I was suffering the same thing. Didn't matter if I ate 100 or 300 calories at 7AM, by 9:30-10:30 I would be ravenous. I just started skipping breakfast because I wasn't really hungry when I woke up, and the late morning hunger went away on it's own.

    I'm not sure if this would work for you (I'd recommend researching before just doing this, please please please I am not a health professional AT ALL haha), but that's what cured it for me.

    I have studied nutrition a bit, and for most people, this will not work. Your body needs fuel in the morning to start the metabolism... the reason not eating cured your mid-morning hunger is because you stalled your metabolism... your body thinks you're starving and is probably storing everything as fat. You may be losing weight, but imaging how much more efficient it would be if you were eating properly :). Eating 5-6 smaller meals a day (including breakfast) will increase your metabolism, causing you to burn fat faster. Yes, you'll be hungry more often, but carry some almonds or a piece of fruit. I pre-plan and pack all my meals and take them to work with me. I also have a can of almonds in my desk if I start getting hungry... a handful will cure any hunger pains. :)
  • SaundraU
    SaundraU Posts: 77
    I have several options:

    Fiber one 90 cal bar
    Special K Fruit Crisps
    Special K Cracker Chips
    String Cheese Stick
    Baby carrots

    I also make a bottle of water (3 cups) and mix with 1 crystal light energy drink.

    I find I need to eat breakfast - Dannon Light and Fit yogurt on the way to work (this is after my walk/run of 4.??? miles with my 2 dobes), then a snack around 9am (1 of the above) (this is after doing Insanity at work with Colleges) , then a snack around 11am (or take an early lunch) another snack mid afternoon prior to 3pm. A snack when I get home, then dinner and a snack at night before bed (usually light popcorn, half a kit Kat or Smart one desert.)
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I eat breakfast when I get to work, around 8-ish. I don't eat lunch until 1 so a mid/late morning snack is always scheduled. I have it between 10 and 11 when I get hungry again. Usually I have an ounce of almonds (lately been coupling them with some greek yogurt) and this tides me over nicely until lunch.

    I also have a late afternoon snack as well, usually around 4 or so and this snack is a cucumber and either a serving of baby carrots or a piece of fruit.
  • classictoaster
    Okay I'm rereading your situation and I'm thinking my reply sucks. Just eat - it sounds like your body is crying for help if you're "starving". Maybe a piece of toast with some peanut butter - healthy fats like that always keep me feeling fuller longer.
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I usually eat breakfast between 6:30-8 (being realistic more like 7:30 -8 when I get to work), a snack around 10/10:30, lunch at 12/12:30, maybe another snack that afternoon depending on how hungry I am, and a protein shake when I'm getting ready to leave work around 4 before the gym. Then aother protein shake after the gym and then dinner. My breakfast is between 200-300 cals and very high in protein, snacks are usually veggies or a fruit (unless the fruit is with my breakfast) or some nuts. Lunch varies, but usually try to keep the protein higher during that meal as well.

    I think you really should eat more than 100 cals between that time, having such little food will make you more likely to binge at a later time during the day. Your body is hungry at 11 because has a right to be, I would say up your calories or have a snack at that time. I love veggies for this
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I eat a banana or small bowl of grapes. Ooo..that reminds me! It's about time to eat!

    Seriously, you probably need to eat something small to tide you over. If water isn't filling you up, then you are hungry.
  • rusialeelee
    rusialeelee Posts: 143
    yup. I packed some baby carrot and raw almonds. Just have healthy raw munchies around.
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    I've simply decided to eat my lunch at 11 instead of 12. Who says lunch time is at 12? I eat breakfast at 7. In four hours, it is 11- so I'm hungry! In another 4 hours it is 3 pm- time for a protein filled snack. Another 4 hours is 7 pm- about the time I get dinner on the table. Forget the "normal" eating time. Are you hungry? Eat!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I have found that eating a meal is the best way to stave off those hunger pains.

    I swear it works!
    I recommend eating.
    I eat a banana or small bowl of grapes. Ooo..that reminds me! It's about time to eat!

    Seriously, you probably need to eat something small to tide you over. If water isn't filling you up, then you are hungry.

    These things helped me and I lost weight doing it!