Late morning hunger (more like starvation!)

Hi guys!

Any tips for coping with an 11:00 hunger pang while at work?? I am trying to just "deal" with the hunger sensation, but at times it's too much to bear. I've been trying to keep it down to a 100 cal protein shake between 8am-1pm, but around 11 like clockwork, I get so hungry it makes me feel light headed. I've been resorting to the pretzels in my boss's office!!

Oh and PS...water DOES NOT HELP!!!!

What's funny is that on the weekends especially when I'm not on any kind of schedule, I can go quite a while without a meal and it doesn't bother me. Who knows, maybe it's all mental and I just get bored at work too often.

This whole issue could be resolved with a new job :laugh:

Anyway, has anyone discovered the secret to this phenomenon?? All/any tips are appreciated!!



  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    I get this only at work too! I think its boredom.

    I've started having an options hot chocolate or a highlights hot chocolate. Only 40 calories, probably not amazingly healthy but it makes me feel like I'm getting something until lunch.

    Or I just sit and eat half a cucumber at my desk. It depends how weird you want to look in front of your work colleagues?!
  • shrednyc85
    shrednyc85 Posts: 46 Member
    Special K 90 calorie bars. I absolutely live on these for the 11 am hunger pains that come with working out in the am. I can make it to lunch after I have one of these. Another idea is a banana - those can be pretty filling I find.
  • mauramalade
    mauramalade Posts: 10 Member
    Maybe have a handful of raw almonds? That is usually my go-to if I get hungry mid-morning.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Let me get this straight. Between 8am and 1pm, all you consume is 100 calories? Do you eat anything before 8am, or is it that you are going a full night and all morning without anything but your shake?

    Edited to add: You note that without a schedule, you can go quite a while between meals. Are you intentionally fasting?
  • heatherrose9
    heatherrose9 Posts: 122 Member
    What about a bigger breakfast? Add more fat and protein to your breakfast!
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    11am is my morning snack time too. I tend to have 1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes or some celery & PB.
  • starfish1783
    starfish1783 Posts: 120
    I agree with shrednyc - I usually have a banana or some Special K 100 calorie bars. I start work at 8:00 and my lunch isn't until 1:00, so around 11:00 i'm starving! Usually something around 100 calories keeps me going until 1:00.

    Good Luck! :drinker:
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I ALWAYS have a 10:30 snack. You need to keep your metabolism going. Have some celery and peanut butter or something to keep your stomach satisfied.
  • Stolenstar
    Stolenstar Posts: 22 Member
    I go for 2 dark rye ryvita's with a spread of light butter and that tends to keep me going :)
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I dont know..I need help too.

    It is 10:30 and I just ate my lunch ;(
  • smarty3
    smarty3 Posts: 11
    This is exactly what happens to me! If I don't eat breakfast until 11 on the weekends I'm fine, but eating early makes me so much hungrier. I just spread out my breakfast all morning, like eat one part at home, drink coffee on the road, and eat little parts all morning. Hope this helps!
  • asafcat
    asafcat Posts: 16 Member
    I have the same 11am hunger pangs and usually resort to a 1/2 serving size of almonds, a hard boiled egg, or a low fat mozzarella stick. I find a protein filled snack will keep the hunger at bay. If I have a carb filled snack during this time it will not satisfy my hunger pain. Of course everyone is different but this is what works for me. :)
  • aclark316
    aclark316 Posts: 66
    lol i am the opposite!!! i can deal with the hunger pangs at work but at home is when i get the hunger sensation. which is i feel is not good since there is so many more options to snack on. i have taken to drinking the crystal light energy packets. the curb my hunger a little have very few cals and are basically water. good luck!
  • amysuespears
    amysuespears Posts: 127
    My eating schedule is:
    breakfast: 7:30am
    snack: 10am
    lunch: 12-12:30pm
    snack: 2:30-3pm
    dinner: 5:30-6pm
    snack: 8pm

    never hungry... eat small meals... keeps the metabolism going and keeps you feeling satisfied all the time.
  • fromfattytohealthy
    fromfattytohealthy Posts: 60 Member
    What about a bigger breakfast? Add more fat and protein to your breakfast!

    Yes! Bigger breakfast. Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, and Dinner like a Pauper.

    Your breakfast should have a protein, a carb, a dairy, and a fruit. A fruit salad with Greek yogurt and a slice of whole wheat toast would be a good start to the morning. Make sure it's a big salad!

    Or simply add some granola to the shake for that added boost. Between breakfast and lunch, might I suggest an apple and some nuts? Not only will it be a healthy snack, it'll also give you a boost of lasting energy until lunch :smile:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I recommend eating.
  • Alford96
    Alford96 Posts: 70
    I know the feeling. I actually find that some fruit really helps with this for some reason. Really more than anything else. Especially something crunchy, like an apple.
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    I once read somewhere that if you are hungry you should think to yourself "am I hungry enough to eat an apple?" - if you are then great, eat an apple! If you aren't then you just can't be that hungry.

    I don't think this works for real people tho :D
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    Funny you should say that, 7-8 dark cherries have been helping and it's very low in calories.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I have found that eating a meal is the best way to stave off those hunger pains.

    I swear it works!