cpldjski Member


  • I was thinking of posting this exact same topic this morning. I used to have this problem all the time, and then it went away. It came back the last week. When did I not have it? When I was slacking off and eating anything I wanted. When did it come back? When I started watching what I ate again. I have a banana every day,…
  • Try the Couch to 5k programs. There are a lot of different ones out there. It starts as a walking/running program and in 9 weeks they have you running a 5k. I am going to be starting week 9 tomorrow, although it has taken me longer than the 9 weeks, I can say I went from someone who couldn't run more than a block to…
  • I completely understand your fears. I started out at 258 pounds and was ashamed to go out to exercise. I thought that everyone would be looking and laughing at the "fat girl" trying to exercise. So the way I started, I got up at 5 in the morning to do it. It's dark then so not too many people outside. I started by just…
  • I have been Hypo for two and a half years. Right now my levels are all off kilter, but for me going the low-carb route worked. It took me about 13 months to loose the weight I have lost and I have been doing low-carb since July. I know many don't agree with it, but for me, it has worked. Good luck! Donna
  • I guess the best way to describe it is that my arms and legs feel like jello, but my stomach also gets upset. I feel sort of like I may need to throw up. I know that soreness is a good thing, but I feel physically drained and almost to the point of feeling ill. I don't have any blood sugar issues that I know of. I do have…
  • You should look up the C25K program. One of the goals I originally made for myself was to be able to run a mile without stopping. Thanks to this program, I am up to 2.75 without stopping. I'm not fast, but I keep going. I am in Wek 8 of the 9 Week program. I can't wait to finish. I still don't enjoy running, but the…
  • This is an interesting topic. I by no means consider myself a runner. I am still trying to finish Week 8 of C25k. I have done day one, but for some reason the thought of getting out of bed at 5 in the morning to run 2.75 miles terrifies me. I mentally talk myself out of it. It's horrible.
  • Congratulations!! I know what a big accomplishment that is. Keep up the great work!
  • I am on Week 6 of the couch to 5k. I hate running. I love the feeling of accomplishment when I am finished though. I don't think I will ever like it, but when I finish that 5k I will be very proud of myself. Good luck to you.
  • Tomorrow I have to do Week 5 day 3. The two mile run. I was complaining about how it goes from 2 3/4 mile runs to a two mile run. I kept saying there is no way I can do that. My husband lovingly reminded me that I didn't think I could do the 3/4 mile run either and I did. So we'll see how tomorrow goes. :)
  • I agree with most of the posters. It is definitely possible. I was having a really hard time losing and finally got on the right dose of Synthroid. During my weight loss journey I have swung the other way and actually became hyper. They are still trying to get my dosage correct, but I have lost weight so it is possible.…
  • I spent four years in the Marine Corps. My husband is an Active Duty CWO3 with 19 years in.
  • Our stories are pretty similar. My husband is in the Marine Corps and has deployed often. I finally decided to get healthy in December 2010. In July 2011 I tore a ligament in my foot and also found out I had tendonitis as well. I have had so many different types of casts and walking orthotics to try to fix the problem. I…
  • I am by no means a runner. I have always walked and just recently started the C25k program. But I was advised to do low carb by my doctor to try to help with my weight loss. I followed a pretty strict diet and usually stayed between 50-75 grams of carbs a day and lost weight. Around the middle of December I decided to…
  • Good job! I have incorporated jogging intervals into my walk. I managed two minutes jogging and two minutes of walking intervals for 26 minutes today. I was proud of myself but was complaining that I don't ever think I will be able to run a mile nonstop. My husband reminded me of how far I have come since starting and I…
  • I am so glad you posted this topic. I have thyroid issues as well and was chalking it up to that. The other day I was complaining about how cold I was and someone replied it was because of all the weight I had lost. I honestly had not even thought about it. I would rather been cold than back at my heaviest weight. :)
  • I have been walking for about 13 months now. Due to an injury I have only been able to walk or ride a bike. I have managed to lose all my weight with just walking. Just recently I have been able to add jogging as well. I walk and then jog and then walk and then jog. I do this as long as I can manage. :) Good luck. Feel…
  • I have been doing low carb for about 4 months. One thing I never restricted was my fruit. It is good in so many other ways that I just decided I would eat it anyways. I have continued to lose even though I have bananas, oranges and grapes.
  • I went low carb a few months ago. the Dreamfields pasta isn't too bad. You can tell a difference, but it works when you really want some pasta. :) Good luck.
  • I completely know what you mean. Moving that slider on the scale to the "200" and then the "250" and further was an absolute embarrassment. I started my journey at 259 pounds. I had to go to the doctor due to Thyroid issues. I talked to her honestly about my weight and how I felt and it helped. Something else that has…
  • Love the dress! You look absolutely fabulous. I sent my son to the Ball last year. I used the excuse that he should spend some time with his father. In reality, I was too ashamed to go after seeing the picture from the year before. I thought there was no way my husband would want to be seen with me, I sure didn't! This…
  • I want your arms! LOL Great job. Thanks for sharing. I have always been afraid of the weights, but have started doing a few. Gonna have to kick it up a notch!!
  • I have family history of Thyroid disorders, both hyper and hypo, on both sides. My mother had Grave's disease and had her Thyroid removed. Two years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's. I have been focused on losing weight now for almost a year, and have lost 72 pounds. In the past two months I have changed from hypo to…
  • First off, congratulations! You are absolutely gorgeous and love the dress! Good luck with the rest of your journey, I know you'll make it!
  • Thank you! Congrats on quitting smoking. That is a HUGE step in the right direction! I keep repeating to myself that I didn't put the weight on over night and it won't come off overnight either. December 19 will be my one year anniversary of my lifestyle change.
  • Figured it out, thanks for the help!
  • Yeah, not totally sure what I am doing wrong. They are on photobucket and I haven't moved them. Will have to keep messing with them. Thanks!
  • Thanks! My first question is, can you see the pics? haha I can't and am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have not followed any real specific plan. I walk for my exercise and stay under 1400 calories a day. The past two months I started following a low carb diet as my doctor said I was retaining a lot of water weight. I…
  • I said I will finally feel skinny when i can get into a pair of boots. :) Great job!!