I Am Scared To Run.....

Hi there!!

I am most known for my hula hoop and spin bike exercise routines (hence the name: spinqueen!)

Recently, however, I have had the "itch" to go out and run! I don't know where it came from...it just popped into my head one night, as I was relaxing before bed! This even being after a REALLY long, hard day of house remodeling (my husband & I "flip" houses for a living). I had shoveled rock all day, for 3 days straight.

Anyways...I am 242lbs. I am not HUGE, by any means...in fact...I am pretty small for the number on the scale.
However, I feel slightly self-conscious about running outdoors.
Biggest fear: animals. I was chased and almost attacked by a dog when I was 13. Scared the hell out of me!
Second fear: looking like a bouncing "blob".
I know I shouldn't care what others think of me....but I know from experience how people look at you differently, and how they treat you differently when you are not thin.

I want to do the C25K...I have the app on my phone...just afraid to take that next step.

Any suggestions?

Have any of you been in my position? If so...how did you get over your fears and worries? Did you have success?

I have heard people say that running is an excellent form of weight loss, as well as conditioning. I just need it for weight loss. I'm actually pretty well-conditioned! I am strong, and can outlast most "skinny" people I know!

Got any ideas?
I need the push!! Help me out?

Thanks......Cindy :)


  • AndiPandi687
    I do not run because I just can't afford good running shoes ( I'm very flat footed and my ankles turn in so running hurts) Cnut no matter the size I don't think anyone judges the way a person looks when they are running. Ive seen people of all shapes and sizes out for a run and I just want to cheer them on when I see them! I have the most respect for runners. Take my sister for example. 6 years ago she weighed around 275. She started running around 5 years ago and now she weighs 150 and is an accomplished marathon runner. She does the Chicago marathon every year now
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    Generally speaking, don't let fear keep you from doing something you want to do. If you want to run, RUN!

    I have been overweight most of my life. When I was 17 I had a traumatic accident that required reconstructive surgery on my ankle and about a year of rehab. Out of nowhere during this time period I started having dreams about running. In my dreams I was running so fast and my strides were so long I felt like I was flying. At that moment I decided that I was going to run one day but I was very scared.

    It took me about six years before I tried running. I was afraid I would re-injure myself or that people would make fun of the "fat girl" running in the park. Finally I asked my doctor and he gave be the go ahead. As long as I wasn't feeling any sharp ankle pain I was cleared to run.

    I started using a podcast, recruiting some of my friends at different fitness levels, and taking my dog on walk/jogs with me. In my group I was the last to finish, my ankle would get sore, and I would get side cramps if my dog got excited and forced me to either speed up or give a little tug to slow him down. I didn't re-injure myself, I can run 4 miles straight, and no one made fun of the fat girl. In fact, I found other runners very encouraging. One man asked to run with me one day and told me his story, he lost 200 lbs running and he encouraged me to continue on.

    What is the most likely thing that will happen if you start? It will me hard? You'll get sore? You'll improve? And what if someone tries to make you feel bad? So what! The athletes around you are too concerned with their performance to think about yours and the a-holes are probably jealous because you are doing something they are not.

    If you want it, do it.
  • cpldjski
    cpldjski Posts: 64 Member
    I completely understand your fears. I started out at 258 pounds and was ashamed to go out to exercise. I thought that everyone would be looking and laughing at the "fat girl" trying to exercise. So the way I started, I got up at 5 in the morning to do it. It's dark then so not too many people outside. I started by just walking. This January I started the C25K program and the thing that always got me was, "well, when I start the walking stretches people are going to think I stopped because I couldn't run anymore." (Oh yeah, I was thinking all kinds of things. LOL) Anyways, the longer I thought about it, I decided I just didn't care. People can stare all they want. At least I am out there doing something! I am by far not the best looking runner out there, but I am out there running. So my advice to you is to not worry about what you think you may look like or what others may think of you. What matters is that you are doing something to make your life more healthy.

    Good luck.
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    Get ya a little can of mace, some good shoes, tight sports bra, and your music. You will love it. You'll feel better. Start small intervals, mabey where your are comforatable and do just a little to start, see how ya feel. I'm the fat girl huffin and puffin on the hiking trails, red faced, sweaty, hair all frizzed out from sweat, but I love it. I carry mace on the side of my pack, cause I have seen 2 cougar on property and many bear tracks, thats just at home.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I started @400+ lbs. 6'3 guy I am not hard to miss. People can stare, make snide remarks but I just think
    this also applies to Zumba. I even stick out more since I am a guy in a class filled with women.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member

    I know I shouldn't care what others think of me....but I know from experience how people look at you differently, and how they treat you differently when you are not thin.

    When you are out running 95% of the people that see you are either sat in a car or walking without putting in much effort. They will be impressed at your running regardless of what you look like! And you'll will see other people who are overweight too, and you might just inspire them to start.

    I can't help you with dogs - I dislike them too!

    Good luck
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I do not run because I just can't afford good running shoes ( I'm very flat footed and my ankles turn in so running hurts) Cnut no matter the size I don't think anyone judges the way a person looks when they are running. Ive seen people of all shapes and sizes out for a run and I just want to cheer them on when I see them! I have the most respect for runners. Take my sister for example. 6 years ago she weighed around 275. She started running around 5 years ago and now she weighs 150 and is an accomplished marathon runner. She does the Chicago marathon every year now

    That's just awesome!!!
    Tell her I said congrats!!!
    I hope I can accomplish that one day!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I started @400+ lbs. 6'3 guy I am not hard to miss. People can stare, make snide remarks but I just think
    this also applies to Zumba. I even stick out more since I am a guy in a class filled with women.

    LOVE THIS!!!
    Thank you!
    Very inspirational!!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I completely understand your fears. I started out at 258 pounds and was ashamed to go out to exercise. I thought that everyone would be looking and laughing at the "fat girl" trying to exercise. So the way I started, I got up at 5 in the morning to do it. It's dark then so not too many people outside. I started by just walking. This January I started the C25K program and the thing that always got me was, "well, when I start the walking stretches people are going to think I stopped because I couldn't run anymore." (Oh yeah, I was thinking all kinds of things. LOL) Anyways, the longer I thought about it, I decided I just didn't care. People can stare all they want. At least I am out there doing something! I am by far not the best looking runner out there, but I am out there running. So my advice to you is to not worry about what you think you may look like or what others may think of you. What matters is that you are doing something to make your life more healthy.

    Good luck.

    Thank you so very much!
    It's words like these that are giving me the motivation I needed!!
    You are just plain awesome!!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Generally speaking, don't let fear keep you from doing something you want to do. If you want to run, RUN!

    I have been overweight most of my life. When I was 17 I had a traumatic accident that required reconstructive surgery on my ankle and about a year of rehab. Out of nowhere during this time period I started having dreams about running. In my dreams I was running so fast and my strides were so long I felt like I was flying. At that moment I decided that I was going to run one day but I was very scared.

    It took me about six years before I tried running. I was afraid I would re-injure myself or that people would make fun of the "fat girl" running in the park. Finally I asked my doctor and he gave be the go ahead. As long as I wasn't feeling any sharp ankle pain I was cleared to run.

    I started using a podcast, recruiting some of my friends at different fitness levels, and taking my dog on walk/jogs with me. In my group I was the last to finish, my ankle would get sore, and I would get side cramps if my dog got excited and forced me to either speed up or give a little tug to slow him down. I didn't re-injure myself, I can run 4 miles straight, and no one made fun of the fat girl. In fact, I found other runners very encouraging. One man asked to run with me one day and told me his story, he lost 200 lbs running and he encouraged me to continue on.

    What is the most likely thing that will happen if you start? It will me hard? You'll get sore? You'll improve? And what if someone tries to make you feel bad? So what! The athletes around you are too concerned with their performance to think about yours and the a-holes are probably jealous because you are doing something they are not.

    If you want it, do it.

    Thank you!
    I am so glad I posted this topic!
    So many encouraging people!!!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I worked myself up to running outdoors. I started on the treadmill inside, and then ran small, low traffic residential streets. As my runs are getting longer, I'm having to run along more major streets now. After a while you don't even think about the people looking at you, you're just focused on your run.

    Also, the only time I've ever been chased by a dog it was a chihuahua... I basically turned around and lunged at it like I was coming to get it and it went running back home. Not scary at all!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    If any of you amazing people would like to add me as a friend...I'd love it!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I worked myself up to running outdoors. I started on the treadmill inside, and then ran small, low traffic residential streets. As my runs are getting longer, I'm having to run along more major streets now. After a while you don't even think about the people looking at you, you're just focused on your run.

    Also, the only time I've ever been chased by a dog it was a chihuahua... I basically turned around and lunged at it like I was coming to get it and it went running back home. Not scary at all!

    Yes...I AM a chicken! :)
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    If you want to, just do it! I started C25K about 2 months ago, at around 230lbs. I kinda feel sorry for the people that have to see me run, but they can always look away. The first time I thought I was gonna die before the 30 seconds was up. Friday I ran 25 mins straight! It's a brilliant program, You can do whatever you set your mind to, don't let fear hold you back. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in week 3 of c25k and I LOVE it. I did a 5k already and while I walked a good portion of it I felt AMAZING after (literally my husband asked if I had stopped for a drink on the way home from the race cause I was so giddy/happy he thought I was tipsy!) I was 187 when I did that first race.
    my advice: compression tights. They seriously changed my workouts :) I bought 2 pair that should have been 30 &34 at old navy and paid 26 for both and they are the best thing ever for holding in the jiggle while running!
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    Ok first...get a good sport bra!

    Then go speedwalking to start off with.
    Insert a few hops...run for 100 steps somewhere where you feel 'safe'... speedwalk again...
    ...at some point your gonna get tired of being so conscious, right?
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    K, in all honesty...every time I see someone out running, big, small, man, woman, fit, unfit...I think..."they freaking rock". I too have the itch to run, run and run some more. I wish you the best. Don't care what anyone thinks, you are doing something amazing, that not a lot of people dare do...YOU ROCK!!
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    seriously just do it!!! no one will be looking at you and judging you if they're worth any consideration from you. if someone IS judging you then shame on them.

    i ran a half marathon this morning and there were WAY bigger people WAY ahead of me!! i'm 125 pounds, and you'd think i'd totally beat these "bigger" individuals but i had NOTHING on them. that could be you!!!! i had nothing but admiration for all the runners, big and small! even the ones who were several miles behind me (it was out and back) i couldn't help but smile at them as they were walking and think good for you!
  • suzqfreetibet
    suzqfreetibet Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks to everyone for this post!! I too, have been wanting to run. I had a doctor tell me that he runs and said that it is much easier to replace a knee than a heart. This totally motivated me. I'm so glad I read all the comments. :)
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Haven't read the responses. If you are scared of dogs, jog with Dog Mace. I do it. I feel much better, especially bc of all the loose dogs in my neighborhood. Please don't let dogs scare you away from an awesome activity.