I Am Scared To Run.....



  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    I was scared to run for a long time, but recently finished C25K and am training for a 10k run in a months time. just remember- you can't look as ridiculous as my friend and I- we live in Thailand, and run in the main running track in the city. Everyone else running goes twice as fast as us, twice the distance, and compete in marathons and halfs all the time. they're also Thai, which means, super-skinny and don't really sweat. Then there's my friend and I- big (170lb and probably 190lb), white, sweaty, beetroot red, and, for heaven's sake, in my case, ginger! We stick out like a sore thumb, and we have had funny looks and comments. But probably only three or four times. This compares to the literally hundreds of times when those other runners have cheered us on, congratulated us on our progress, given us a friendly smile, or just ignored us, because people really don't care what you're doing! The running has made me so much fitter, so much happier and so much more confident, and that, really, is what's important. I say go for it!
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    I felt the exact same way about the blob, not the animals....

    Over the winter I bought a home treadmill, so I could have privacy while I worked towards getting fit and having more confidence to run outdoors.

    Since then I've been outdoors "power walking" in the late evening and when I felt I the coast was clear I'd do 2 minute bursts of running. I still don't have the confidence so I usually bring a friend or stick to the treadmill.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Addressing your fear of how you look....for what it's worth I must look hilarious running with my trainer. First off, I'm a big guy and he is extremely fit lol also, it is warmer weather now so I run in basketball shorts and a t shirt and I might be the palest person ever and he is very tan lol lastly, he runs backwards so we can talk while we run!!! We must look so funny running together! But, its a good workout, and he makes it fun. I don't care what some random stranger thinks. I really don't, I'm getting better and better at it and I'm out doing something so why would they even say anything anyway? When I started running I was 286 lbs, smoked a pack a day and literally our first time out I could not run for a whole minute. Fast forward to Friday. I am 237 lbs, non smoker, ran for 35 mins straght. A little over 3 miles. We go at a decent pace and he never lets me stop short of what our last run was (for example our last one before that was 32 mins, he said it didn't matter to him if I ran 32 mins and 10 seconds, as long as I make progress) we will run a 5k together in June (my first one) and he is running it with me (backwards like he always does lol)
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    I've always been wary of running. I don't own a pair of running shoes - looking to get one once the Great Singapore Sale comes around in a few weeks time, and the past few attempts of "jogging" on the treadmill caused quite a bit of pain in my left foot and shin (I've got flat feet & probably lousy running form). However I'm starting the C25K this evening, after work. Will be doing it in my cross trainers, heading outdoors and keeping my fingers crossed.

    My motivation - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/4064-c25k-friends and the iphone app Zombies, Run! :laugh:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Absolutely get out there!! I started around the 170 mark. I had lost a little over 20 pounds at that point and decided I wanted to try running. I've never ever been a runner, and having that same fear of looking like that fat girl chugging along, I started with the Leslie Sansone videos, then progressed to marching/jogging in place in my living room along to my ipod, to eventually going to the park. I barely made it that first 1/4 mile. I didn't follow a plan until i wanted to go beyond a 5k, just tried to go a little further each time. Believe me it's just as much mental as it is physical. I never thought I'd consider myself a runner, but now I've done 3 half marathons, with my 4th coming up in 2 weeks.. Plus I just signed up for my first full marathon. Even if I'm crawling across that finish line, I'm finishing! Oh and of course the weight loss is great too! Start out slow and enjoy the ride!!
  • fillvv
    fillvv Posts: 6 Member
    Don't let your fear stop you. Size does not matter. I weigh about 40 more lbs than you. I to had all those thoughts go through my head, but I am now doing a training program for a 10K. I finished my first 5K a little over a month ago. When I look back on my first run/walk I am amazed at how fast you can improve. That 1st 30 secs of running (more like a slow jog)was brutal. Never in million years did I think that I would now be running for 10-15 mins straight at 4.5-5.5 mi/hr pace. Needless to say I still have to take walk breaks but all I can say if you really want to do it than just go for it. In the end you will amaze yourself. The trainer who did the app I bought says from the day you make up your mind to run then you are a RUNNER even if in the beginning you walk more than you run. GOOD LUCK. The app is Couch to Half Marathon. Inside the app is a 5K and 10K plan. So in one app and you can have it all and you just never know someday you may be running a 1/2 marathon and beyond.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Biggest fear: animals.

    Get a small canister of pepper spray. They come small enough to hold in your hand and aren't even that noticeable. Dogs will only run at you once and then they will remember you with fear. :laugh:
  • jzsor12
    jzsor12 Posts: 69
    You really shouldn't feel self conscious
    and if it's that bad
    find a route that is quiet or perhaps away from wildlife
    or run in the evenings
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