I Am Scared To Run.....



  • phresh21
    phresh21 Posts: 132 Member
    I hated running absolutly hated it. I always said I was never a runner because I'd go like 30 seconds and be so worn out it was crazy and on top of it I'd get shin splints. Needless to say at roughly 200lbs I have started the C25K and have one last day of week 2 left. I am not far along in it but since I swore I would never run because that was just my body. I am sure I look like a total idiot running but I don't really care because I know there are a lot of people out there who cannot or will not run. Every time I finish a day I feel very accomplished because I have done more than I use to be able to. BTW I am still one of those people who sit in the car and talk smack about those who run just cause I can and I know one day I'll be able to run tell my little heart is content. Let people talk your doing more than them.
  • NaurielR
    NaurielR Posts: 429 Member
    I agree with what people are saying here

    If you want to run, then go for a frickin' run. Its what you want, you shouldn't deny yourself this healthy habit because of what people might think

    To be honest vast majority of people aren't going to judge you. But you probably know that. You've probably heard that a hundred times. But I know from experience that insecurity is hard to defeat. It only takes one judgmental stare to make you feel like crap.

    And trust me, when I first started running, and could barely put-put through the first half mile at a measly pace, I was worried what people thought of me (seriously, when I first started running, towards the end there were people walking faster than I was jogging).

    For added support, see if you can find a friend to run with. First off, running with a friend gives you motivation, and you're less likely to skip a running session if you've made plans to meet someone there. But secondly, and what I think would be the best benefit for you, is that it'll give you confidence.

    But please give it a try. I started out as a horrible runner. I could barely run a half mile when I started. But now, I'm running six mile runs, three times a week.

    Yes, I'm tooting my own horn. But do you want to know why? Because I love running now. I feel powerful, strong, and accomplished. If I had let my discouragement or embarrassment stop me, I wouldn't be where I am today.

    So, find a friend and a can of mace, and go for it.
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    I always wanted to run, but my self-consciousness got in the way. I was always afraid people would look at me like I'm an idiot who doesnt know what she's doing.
    I just started c25k, finished week 2 yesterday, and I'm slowly getting over it. I still feel weird passing people, and wonder what they think. but I tell myself that they probably dont give a rat's *kitten* what I look like. and I also tell myself that the ones on the path who are walking, well they are looking at ME how I used to look at the people I saw running.
  • fillvv
    fillvv Posts: 6 Member
    My friend wants me to run the Susan G. Komen 5k with her. I embarked on my weight loss journey a few months ago and I have lost weight/inches and gained lots of endurance, but running not on my radar. Doing it on the treadmill scares the crap out of me!! I always think what if I fall and how embarrassing that would be not to mention I probaly would really hurt myself. I sucked up all that agnst and I down loaded the a 5k training app and away I went. I go to my local high school and run on thier track. That coushioning material much nicer to your knees. I am only in the 1st week, but I am going to run that race and I am going to finish it in 30 mins. I would like to say I am not thin and I do go in the evening, but I don't care who sees or what they think because this journey has to be about how I feel and at the moment I feel great. Besides those people are never going to see you again and if the do they will just see you getting smaller. Good Luck with your run.
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    Why don't you run early in the morning when the rest of the world is still asleep
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    Whenever I see a larger person running, I think good for them. They are taking control of their lives. It's pretty inspiring to see young, old, large, small, just about anyone running.

    Your health is more important than what other people think so don't let anything hold you back from doing what you want to do!
  • localatte
    localatte Posts: 78 Member
    I'm not a runner. My best friend started running when she was overweight. Well, she loves it and is addicted, and yet she's still not thin. Sometimes she still talks about the awkwardness of not being as thin as other runners. She says there is a name for runners like her, "clydesdales" like those strong horses, a little thicker, but just as strong runners as everyone else.

    Now, that running 8 miles on Saturday morning is no big deal, she laughs at how some people OVER congratulate her, because they're so shocked that someone a little thicker can run "omg, you ran a mile, wow, you must be soooo proud . . ." She loves running so much it doesn't bother her, and now she's addicted to triathlons which she does every summer, sometimes, up to 3 or 4 in one month.

    When one is overweight, one can get stares, and made of fun of just buying groceries, so if someone is going to stare, might as well be as you're leaving them in your dust!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Why don't you run early in the morning when the rest of the world is still asleep

    I really should do that!
    I work so hard during the day...that it seems impossible to get up at the butt-crack of dawn..lol
    I think I will try that tomorrow morning.
    It'll also be much cooler, I think.
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Thank you..ALL of you...for your awesome advice, and encouragement!! I really need that kick in the rear!
    Add me if you'd like. I need all the encouragement I can get :)
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    I say ditto to most of what you are seeing on your replies. I like the idea of getting up early...or even late, especially right now depending on where you live. I found an excellent running trail that has lots of shade & it is partially asphalt and partially trail, which I love. First of all...please please please spend the money on good shoes. If you have the resources, go to a running store & get your gait analyzed & let them help you find the right shoes. You will hurt yourself if you don't & then you won't be able to do anything. Try not to run on cement if you can help it. I have knee problems now b/c I was young when I was so big into running & I didn't protect my knees properly. (Youth is wasted on the young....)
    As far as dogs go, I understand why you have the fear you have, but as an avid dog lover & veterinarian, dogs want to play more than they want to "catch" you & the large majority of dogs are not bad. You had a bad experience & yes, there are irresponsible people out there that don't honor leash laws, but please don't let that fear stop you. If you would feel better, there is a product you can buy at Premier pet called "sprayshield" that is citronella (dogs hate citronella) & you can even buy a clip to go with it for less than $20.
    I say go for it...I recommend the Couch to 5k or similar program (I got a book called "Run your butt off" from the editors of Runner's Magazine). I "trained" for about 3 weeks and then did a 5k...I ran most of it & came in 11th in my age group. You CAN do this...you will be sore, you will be tired but you will also be so proud of yourself that you can't be contained. We all believe in you !!! GO RUN LIKE THE WIND :)
  • dorseykm
    dorseykm Posts: 412 Member
    I weighed ~215 when I started running last August and I now weigh 170. Running tends to make me eat better because I know how many miles it takes to run off a slice of pizza. :smile: More importantly, I've discovered enormous satisfaction in achieving new distances, better times and finishing races. The compliments from my weight loss are nice, too! Runners come in all shapes and sizes and there will always be those that are faster and slower. The thing that unites us is that we simply get out there and do it! Since I started, I've run a 5k & 10k with a planned half in June. I used to believe I wouldn't run unless someone was chasing me and now I do it for fun. I hope you give it a try and discover all the wonderful things you will learn about yourself.
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    I replied to someone with the same concern on a forum last week. I'll tell you what I told her. When people stare at you during your exercise just think to yourself "f*%k 'em". I don't just say that to be funny. I get starred/ laughed at most days when I go outside to run (live in a foreign country and stick out like a sore thumb). It's annoying at first, but you can't let anyone keep you from doing what you want to do.
  • yoouperh
    yoouperh Posts: 68 Member
    Hi, I'm 249 and am up to 2.5 miles running, it's not fast or pretty but I can do it, and it feels unbelievable! I say, give it a shot, what do you have to lose? I wish you luck! :)
  • wesellee
    wesellee Posts: 23 Member
    your in luck cause walking at a brisk pace will help you more in fat loss than running......and will be easier on your joints
  • bjsquires
    bjsquires Posts: 72 Member
    I have never been a runner but always wanted to be!! I envy those people I see running/jogging and making it look so easy.
    I have been thinking very much lately about trying the C25k program and doing a 5k at the end of July.
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    All I can say is "JUST DO IT!" Start small, walk/run, get a good sports bra and sneakers. In all honesty, when I see someone running, regardless of their size, all I can think is "dangit, I should be doing that, go them!" I understand fear of animals, maybe find a running group in your local community? The support of other people is always nice, especially when just starting out. Good luck, now get out there and rock it!!!!
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    Nothin to it but to do it ;D
  • shaydon80
    shaydon80 Posts: 138 Member
    I just keep thinking that no matter how I may look, at least I am getting out there and doing something active and living a healthy lifestyle and THAT is something to be proud of. Get out there! Who cares what others are thinking :)
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    I started @400+ lbs. 6'3 guy I am not hard to miss. People can stare, make snide remarks but I just think
    this also applies to Zumba. I even stick out more since I am a guy in a class filled with women.

    You my dear, are awesome :)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    When I have run, I used the track at a school or a park... Fewer animals there. As far as what others think, consider the source.. There are judgmental people everywhere and they will judge you whether you are running or picking up a pork chop at the corner meat market... My aversion to running right now has more to do with old knee injury (which has improved since I started exercising again) and just lacking the stamina @ 285 lbs to do it... No doubt when my weight drops a bit more, I'll get back out there... As for now, walking on the treadmill at a decent pace (3.5-4.2) and an incline up to 15 will have to do.. And I am seeing some success at it. Go for it.