Military wife and mom, starting out after injury

I have been a military wife and stay at home mom for the past 9 years. My husband was deployed more than half the year in 2009 and 2010. Thus, I was alone to care for our 3 children (2 with special needs). There "wasn't time" to focus on myself and to "workout". I've completely let myself go and have no muscle tone or strength. This was made worse when last year I tore the ligaments connecting my heel to my toes and have tendonitis in the tendons supporting my arch. I wore a boot and wraps on and off for 9 months. It hurt to walk and to even put weight on my foot. Thus, I gained more weight and my legs have no strength. I started working out in January only to have a set back on my foot and our recent move to a new house. I still haven't gotten the clear from the doctor to start working out again, but I can't weight. I saw a recent photo of myself at my daughter's Birthday party and I looked like an over weight drag queen. How did I let myself go?? How did I get to this point.


  • WannabeSexyBexy
    I have had the same 'drag queen' photo experience a few years ago, it really did spur me on to lose the weight. Good luck with your weight loss, feel free to add me as a friend if you want some extra support :)
  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    We've all been there, unfortunately. The one good thing about having an exact injury like yours (unlike having a back injury) is that you can still workout your upper body and core. It's a great way to start that journey and keep rolling until you heal and your doctor gives you the "all clear". Plus, if you start working out in ways that you can, and eat healthy, you'll be even more motivated once you can start back with a total workout because you've already done the hardest part...getting started!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend (I'm not a military wife, but I'm a military brat, so I totally understand your points!).

  • jeepzilla
    You took the right steps to being a new healthy life by coming here. everyone has issues with weight loss and weight gain, Its how you defeat it is where everyone is different. start by eating healthy, and slowly get back into working out before you know it you will be one hot momma!!... It takes time, effort, dedication, and the will to lose weight and be healthy, its not a diet its a life style change. Remember that and you will do just fine.. Also when the little voice is telling you you don't need to work out or you can eat what ever you want you tell it to kick rocks, that you want to live healthy and show your children and husband that you care enough for them to be healthy..
  • cpldjski
    cpldjski Posts: 64 Member
    Our stories are pretty similar. My husband is in the Marine Corps and has deployed often. I finally decided to get healthy in December 2010. In July 2011 I tore a ligament in my foot and also found out I had tendonitis as well. I have had so many different types of casts and walking orthotics to try to fix the problem. I walk or ride a bike for exercise. Just recently I have started being able to jog a little, but my foot still hurts. Riding a bike is great because it doesn't put any stress on it at all. You just need to find something that you can do where you aren't hurting.

    Good luck, and feel free to add me if you want to.
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    Those dreaded cameras! How dare they show us the truth :) I knew I had gained weight but seeing a few pictures of me from a vacation I COULD NOT believe it! You feel sexy in your own skin then see a picture and think "holy hell that is NOT sexy" :( My "excuse" is having my husband around he couldnt gain weight if he tried and is CONSTANTLY starving so I find myself eating just like he does. Then there was a time that I worked every day in scrubs..came home put on PJS.. one day my husband said "lets go out on a date its been a month or so" I ran up stairs to put on a sexy "date night" dress and no joke couldnt even squeeze a boob in it OR zip it up. Then I grabbed some jeans and they wouldnt even zip up! I blamed the dryer turns out wearing such loose clothes all the time covered up the fat and I didnt even realize I put on 20 pounds :( .

    My husband is in the Army, we have a five month old baby and are stationed in Germany. He recently got back from his third deployment (two months ago) After I had baby I tried my hardest to hit the gym and did great but now that husband is home and we only have one car he takes the car to work and im stuck at home with baby. Then when he gets home I want to spend time with him so I end up ditching the gym :( Then the last few weeks SOMETHING is always going wrong with me physically.

    My advice would be ..if you cant work out now thats fine eat healthy, log your food, dieting is the main source of losing weight..working out is to burn fat and tone up. If you ate whatever you wanted all day and only worked out you would still gain weight..if you never worked out and watched what you ate you WOULD lose weight. Pregnancy for some reason turned any muscle I had to mush so I do little work out videos at home. Buy some simple hand weights to work on your arms since your legs need time to heal. Find work out videos or online advice for upper body strengthening. Also work on your core..just anything that is easy on your injured parts but still working on other parts of your body. Drink more water, eat better and just try your best and dont get yourself down about what youve done to yourself and how it happened..use that as motivation to get better!

    Every day is a struggle to eat right and work out for me and sometimes I get REAL down about it but you are only human and living in regret or guilt will get you sad on the couch with some snacks! YOU CAN DO IT!! Baby steps :)

    Friend me if you like! Good luck!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member

    I am a mom of 3 starting out after injury too! I had surgery twice last year ( August & October ) on my ankle. I tore the deltoid ligament, ruptured the lateral ligaments, and tore the cacaneal ligament.

    It's hard, but don't go against doctor advice. Start with core / upper body / non weight bearing cardio.