

  • What do they list as Super Foods?
  • Pretend boxing - or air punches. It gets your heart rate up and you can do it sitting down.
  • Kale chips, veggie sticks with hummus
  • Day 2 level 1 - so glad I'm not the only sore one! Any suggestions for getting through the workout when you can barely move? I feel like I didn't even do half of today's because I am so sore.
  • Roast them and add them to salsa or make a soup.
  • Bbq'd pork loin - just some galrlic powder or onion powder (or both) - then have sauces & salt and pepper on the table that people can add themselves. Mixed raw veggies are good too - with a greek yogurt dip (they don't need to know its greek yogurt instead of sour cream) and maybe make some baked white & sweet potatoes -…
  • If you have a class you can attend (or buy a dvd) of Step Aerobics - that worked wonders for me! It was the first time I had ever, ever lost inches from my thighs - and it was SO much fun!!!
  • There is a product called Glide - you put it on like a deoderant over your nipples, heels, inner thighs - whatever is rubbing and it seems to help take the friction off. I got some at the Running Store for my inner thighs. They have simular products - different prices, and the people are very helpful.
  • It looks like straight portion control - everything in moderation, right? I'm sure it would work but why pay someone else to portion your food? Unless that is something that is really motivating for you....
  • 1st off - you look great and are doing a great job at taking care of yourself. Your Aunt-in-law needs some people skills and really, if she can't be supportive of your efforts then you should really just try to ignore her super rude comments. You aren't living your life for her... I sure hope your husband sticks up for you…
  • Could you be pregnant?
  • Hey there! I haven't been through it before, but I'm totally going through it now. We too, had a very busy last year or so - moving, getting married, buying a house, changing jobs - and I've actually put on around 75 lbs. So I've been trying really hard to get back to the 'glory days' - did I mention I was trying REALLY…
  • I think I paid $120 for my juicer.... I remember it being on a really, really good sale though - from Home Hardware. It really is a lot of fun to use and if you put a baggy in the 'pulp' catcher, you don't even have much for clean up!
    in Blenders?? Comment by joj7bat July 2009
  • I have a Breville juicer and whoamamma! that thing sucks the juice out of everything!!! The pulp is pretty much dry (its still a moist but not wet) and the only thing I suggest NOT putting in there is watermelon! That was very messy - fun, but messy! Too much water content !!!:laugh: I've made veggie drinks, fruit drinks,…
    in Blenders?? Comment by joj7bat July 2009
  • I think carido is the best for loosing belly weight. Then you can add toning for more definition.
  • I've tried it... I didn't like it, sorry.
  • Keep a resistance band with you - cheap, don't take up any room in travel bags, and you can make it as hard or easy to use as you want:smile:
    in help Comment by joj7bat July 2009
  • I've been making egg-salad sandwhiches - they super fill me up and I can add tons of celery or peppers to it for some crunch. I use: 1 whole hard boiled egg and 1 whole hard boiled egg white I use Gensis 1:29 whole grain and seed bread (80cal/slice) and Astro Tzatiziki (20cal/tsp) to mix it up I add any extra veg that I…
  • Believe their label... they could have roasted them in a ton of olive oil - a lot of calories. And eggplant absorbs everything you put on it - the squash probably does too... Best advice would be to keep making it yourself, so you know exactly what's in it and how its made:smile: *sorry I read wrong - I thought you bought…
  • I totally agree with the gum... and it helps to chew while working out too, so when you are done, you can chug water (that doesn't taste too bad with the gum after-taste) BUT will stil lhave enough of that gum flavor that you might not want to eat or drink something that has a flavor....
  • Some people retain more water (before and/or during) - that would cause more 'weight' to show up on the scale. Just a part of being a beautiful powerful woman! Aren't we lucky???? :drinker:
  • No, I haven't tried them, but I'm willing to try anything to help! Thanks so much for the suggestion:flowerforyou:
    in Sore knees Comment by joj7bat July 2009
  • YEAH!!! I super love mine too! I'm glad others out there are will to share the love:heart: :heart: I bought mine at a Wal-Mart Super Center - I think it was $20 (Taylor Lithium brand). Its really easy to use and I haven't even had to change the battery yet (and its been almost a year!).
  • I buy smaller ones - the skins are still tough but I do find they are a bit easier to peel. A sharp knife and being really careful are my best tips...
    in Jicama Comment by joj7bat July 2009
  • I think it tastes like a cross between a crispy apple pear and something more starchy... like a potato. I really like them - its worth giving it a try.
    in Jicama Comment by joj7bat July 2009
  • Excellent question! I've thought about asking that myself a million times but never had the guts! I personally think that you should do the work out again, but modify anything that hurts too much - doing less reps or taking more breaks. That way, you will keep using the sore muscels but still building towards new ones.…