OutiR Member


  • EXACTLY! When you are not so much unhappy with the weight but with the shape of your body, doing more exercises is the only way to improve it. And please remember eat all the calories you burn while exercising since building some lean muscles, which will reshape you, is possible only when you give yourself enough good,…
  • From "auntie" to "hottie" - absolutely fabulous transformation!!! :-)
  • different kind of fruits, almonds, walnuts, peanut butter, honey, eggs, wholemeal bread, veggies to throw into soups and stews, chicken/meat/mutton to give protein in soup/stew, instant oatmeal and raisins/dried apricots/berries to go with it, ...
  • What helps me to manage my weight: 1. Sleeping enough. 2. Engaging friends to exercise activities, doing it together. 3. Home cooking, especially with huge slow cooker (=> no need cook too often) 4. Logging in here ALL what goes to mouth and what I exercise. 5. Staying positive about life. 6. Loving fruits. 7. Not buying…
  • Sometimes I like to pamper myself with nuts/almonds + honey, maybe spiced with cinnamon - that gives nicely carbs and fats but in healthy package. :-)
  • Not only everybody looks so much healthier and happier but also YOUNGER! Congratulations for great work done!!!
  • I ALWAYS eat all my calories burnt in exercise since I am genuinely hungry after - my body SCREAMS for food. Even if I wouldn't feel so hungry i still eat them since i prefer fuelling my body with real food than letting it drag what it needs from muscles which are already too tiny. I want to look slim and healthy instead…
  • I don't believe in pills alone. Lifestyle has to change or kilos come running back after you finish eating them. So keep on logging here and putting down everything you eat and exercise, also after you have got rid of the pills. Hope they help you in beginning though and you'll get into your healthy weight and manage to…
    in Diet Pills? Comment by OutiR April 2012
  • I have a group of friends who I climb stairs with regularly. We do 40-50 storey buildings so that we walk up, have a short break and come down with lift (easier for joints). Normally we do 5 rounds but I guess record so far is 8 rounds. It's not that bad when you do it with friends, share the torture and chit chat as long…
  • Just tell her that: "I appreciate your concern, but I have found a healthy, simple and succesful way for weight management and it suits me perfectly. I really don't need or want your opinion of what I should or should not eat but I am happy to tell you more about my method if you want to hear about it. Jusk ask if curious,…
  • If it was EASY and FAST, everyone in the world would be slim and fit, right!? It takes some time, a lot of work and some new tricks but you absolutely can do it! There is endless parade of ideas and hints in MFP's forum to make this work for you, please spend some time reading those posts and try tricks that sounds…
  • How about writing each torturing device's name to a piece of paper, putting them into a jar, shaking it and having a torture lottery now and then. What ever your fingers grip, that you must do 30 mins BEFORE giving up to some temptation you know is not so good for you. In this way you get permission to do what you want…
  • Tricky situation. Would be good to know the other lady's motivation for smss like that. Phone call might not be enough since in worst case scenario they have already discussed how to deal it. Meeting the woman face to face would let you see her (and his) bodylanguage which would most likely reveal if there really is…
  • If you are not a master chef nor planning to become one, just want to make easy, casual meal, I strongly recommend soups! There is millions of receipes in internet and you can start with ones with veggies of your liking to go with first. You can add extra veggies to soups you have loved, like oxtail soup that is absolutely…
  • Since I too have an "adult-size" bra, it feels much more comfortable to sleep with it than without. My mother always pointed out that if you don't want to get your tits sag early, better use night bra. Her choice was wireless but I wear what ever I happen to have on when go bed, mostly wired ones. Even them are more…
  • It's also possible that you ate too little calories sometimes before and your metabolism got slow and now when you eat more calories, you body tries to restore all the fat. No worries, it will get usedt to current situation and you'll see results. Some other causes might be: - you have forgot to write down ALL the snacks -…
    in STUPID! Comment by OutiR December 2011
  • My boyfriend is 14 years younger than me and I have been extremely happy with him so my advice obviously is to stay open for new horizons! Age doesn't always correlate with level of mature and chemistry is much more important than numbers.
  • Welcome, Rose! You can think everyone here as your friend and supporter, also the ones you don't have personal contact with. Most of us try our very best to help others, share experiences and tips that have helped us further. Just reading old success stories is such a great chance, there is so many who have done it with…
  • I have had some juice fastings years ago but of course all have individual experiences. Here is mine: - headaches and gravings during fasting but not too bad - not much change in skin - stomach shranck so couldn't eat as much as before (this benefit didn't last long) - after fasting everything tasted SO good that no wonder…
  • If in your area is a company who can delivery delicious, fresh fruit baskets to offices, tell about it to the boss and suggest you could try it for a healthy snack to give extra energy to your workdays. We had that for an year or so back in my old office and absolutely loved it! Fruits were always excellent and there was a…
  • Can it be caused by your birth control method? Since I started my new pills with Norethisterone about 6 months ago, I have had only 1 almost normal period, other months just a hint of symptomps (slight cramps, headache) at the time they should have started. I don't mind, not a huge fan of dropping extensively blood as long…
  • NOT buying or making any unhealthy, fattening stuff since I cannot resist temptations! Right now I have a big portion of ginger breads baked way too early before Christmas - i am SOOOO doomed... ;-P
  • Hi there, most likely there is absolutely nothing wrong with you but you might to like check if 1. your food is nutritious and healthy enough to keep you feeling well. If it's not giving you enough vitamins, proteins, etc, your body graves more of anything and it's very difficult to resist when it's physical, real need. 2.…
  • Congratulations for making the firm decision to take good care of yourself, sticking to it and finding this amazing site to support your journey! I wish I knew this existed while I had my hardest times losing weight couple of years back. But even in maintaining and making some fine tuning this is a great source of…
  • I noticed you have joined almost 1 year ago so no wonder if there is some plateau on your way, we all have them! If you have got well ahead and this is the first one, you have been very very lucky :-) Here's some ideas what might help: How about trying this trick I read from another post few days ago (has worked well for…
  • This is from another member today to try when in plateau: "I know it seems counter intuitive, but a trainer once told me that when you really plateau, taking a week or two off dieting and doing maintenance can help your body adjust to the loss you've already had. After a little break on maintenance mode, your body can…
    in Plateau Comment by OutiR December 2011
  • Thanks again! :-)
  • This is a great tip - I will try this too when hit a plateau next time!!! Makes perfect sense and is also nice to relax a bit and get mercy to poor body that has done so well but just need a little break. So how to do this in practice: is it better to change your current weight as your goal weight or put your goal weight…
  • You exercise a lot - are you sure you eat all your exercise calories??? Your body needs enough fuel to fuction well and if it doesn't get enough... you know already how it works... Good luck for the very last pounds - the goal is so near that you'll get it soon enough - GREAT WORK!!! :-)))
  • Non Scale Victories are the best! They can come so unexpectedly and be very touching :-)