Having a dark day

It's almost been a week that I've been using MFP , Today I've been having a massive down moment.
thoughts like; I won't lose the weight, Im so huge, how did I get here? etc


  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I'd have bouts of that every once and awhile, I just reminded myself that my health and future is at steak here and I couldn't afford to give up. Just keep trying and don't let anybody tell you you can't do something.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    At least you're reaching out, sometimes just writing my thoughts down chase the dark ones away. You can do this girlie! Add supportive friends and keep trucking through the good and bad. we'll be here for ya!
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I started having a dark day myself, not about my food/exercise, but about other things in my life. Of course, when other things seem off, I tend to eat since I'm an emotional eater. I've learned to journal so I can see what has effected me, and so I can find other ways of dealing with my stress. Also, remember that this isn't a quick fix, but a lifestyle change, and it's not gonna happen over night. Take it one day at a time, and find support wherever you can. You can do this!
  • zlem
    zlem Posts: 92
    I do this when I'm feeling down - go and read the success stories section of the forum. There are people there who have lost hundred of pounds, your goal is tiny in comparison! You can do this!
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    i have this all the time, i didnt want to get up and exercise last nite and i dont want to right now either :/ but im gonna make myself to something even if its just a little bit.
  • chelseaalicia
    chelseaalicia Posts: 164 Member
    I think we all have those moments, the thoughts of "why can't this happen faster", or "where are my results?!"... I get like that every now and again. I just remind myself that it took a while to get to the point you realized you needed to change and it takes a little while to see the positive changes you want.

    Just wait until you start to see change for the first time, it'll be all the inspiration you need :)
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Everyone has days or even moments like that. When I do, I think "If I had started this (and STUCK to it) years ago, I'd feel so great by now!" I don't know about you, but there's no way I can handle another year avoiding mirrors and cameras and dressing rooms and feeling MISERABLE in my own skin.
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    Sorry, you're having a rough time. I've noticed a lot of people are in the same boat. I feel it might be because of New Years Resolutions. I'm sure you've heard it before, but there are no quick fixes for losing weight in a healthy way. It takes time. Don't give up. Read some of the message boards and see if you can be inspired by others. Just hang in there.
  • stelle91
    I'm also depression prone, which doesn't help; i went so far as thinking about becoming pro ana!
  • OutiR
    OutiR Posts: 93 Member
    If it was EASY and FAST, everyone in the world would be slim and fit, right!? It takes some time, a lot of work and some new tricks but you absolutely can do it!

    There is endless parade of ideas and hints in MFP's forum to make this work for you, please spend some time reading those posts and try tricks that sounds promising. 99% of people here know exactly where you come from and how important support is in darker times - they are here for you just as so many has been there for themselves also. You are not alone!

    Be gentle to youself, give yourself mercy, love yourself and make a promise to treat yourself right both mentally and physically. Mentally it could be looking to a mirror and accepting yourself now as you are and maybe reading sel-improvement books that will make you stronger. - Forget diet books, it's all between your ears! When you get a right mindset and determination, even plateaus will be ok, you know you'll get ovet them and can reach your goal whatever it is. Physically it can be eating nutritious, healthy and delicious food that makes you feel super good and gives you enough energy to carry on with flying colors. Physical side can also be trying, finding and regularly practicing sportive activities that will improve your fitness and tone your body by building some lean muscles and burning fat. And sleeping enough! Cannot emphatize how important proper rest is; it will recharge your batteries for whatever comes next day, good and bad.

    Never ever starve yourself, eat all exercise calories as well, at least most of them and you'll be fine! Read those success stories and see how many normal, real people have made it or are almost there already. Learn from their tricks and triumphs, let yourself success! This is no competition, you can do it in your own pace but just don't give up, never give up! :-)

    Good luck!!! :-D