OhDD65 Member


  • Decided to drop in to see how things are going for everyone. I am rather concerned about Lin and Sandy due to the bad weather conditions in the Midwest and East Coast areas. With Sandy traveling to Texas (?) right now I am not too sure where she was going there. Hoping all is ok with her. Lin likely has had some horrific…
  • Hi....Just realized when I sent the long note a few days ago I forgot to mention something. Between the time when my sister,Barb, was here to visit and our daughter being put on alert to a fire we were notified by my sister that there was a fast growing fire down in the Los Olivos area not far from where she lives. Los…
  • Hi Everyone, Nice to catch up again. Looks like everyone has been quite busy with projects, home maintenance, walking the pups and enjoying mini vacations with family members. Plus dodging the rain drops, various storms and tornados too. Glad every one is safe from the storms. This month we have had the hottest…
  • Oh my goodness all of this running a round for doctors appointments that keep you in the waiting room for hours at a time. It is no different here. They keep on bringing in more new people into the system, but don't seem to be able to take care of everyone in a timely manner. Sounds familiar no matter where you go. Jackie…
  • Today we hung our 4 new plants in macrame to hang from our patio cover. Hoping we can keep them alive by not over or under watering them as our heat increases shortly. It is always a challenge for me. Also potted the 6 pink vinca plants as well as repotted 2 other plants. Gardening now done except for the photinia bushes…
  • A day in the middle 80s for us with finally little wind. We have been having some strong ones this past week. Tackled the dead roses off of my bush roses trimming up as I went. They didn't get this done last fall due to an early rainy season, so they were quite large and very pretty the last few weeks. Now I have hope by…
  • Well it sounds like spring has sprung with most of you though the occasional rain is still welcomed by some of us. It looks like most of us are busy working in the garden trying to get things planted. That is me also. We have a wonderful new nursery close to home.....too close LOL. I have made 3 trips there so far bringing…
  • Good evening everyone.... Busy day here running to Best Buy to pick up a new printer. We have two, but now neither works so it was time to get a new one. Ended up with HP Desk Jet identical to one we are replacing because it is still the top printer out there. Plus after researching it it was the least expensive at Best…
  • My the time flies since I was on here last. So many things have been going on with everyone. Lin....I just read that your furnace has gone out. Also saw in tonights news the stormy weather you are having back there. Hope you are able to get the problem resolved quickly. Dress warmly too. I suspect it will be a few…
  • Thought I would drop in for a moment to catch up with you. It has been an interesting few days. I am attempting to get ready for the procedure that I am going thru tomorrow and Sat. The prep part of this whole thing isn't a favorite of mine. I am not a big drinker of lots of fluids and now tomorrow I am out of my comfort…
  • Do love the above tea pot also. Anything with birds on it I adore. Life wouldn't be the same without feeding the hummingbirds and numerous other birds. Their food is getting expense though. Nothing ever is easy for me. Had to make a trip to my dr today; I am now on antibiotics, which must be finished by Friday. Sure hope…
  • Just stopped in for a quick update. Rain off and on today, but now the strong winds have reappeared with a huge down pour of rain. It is an off and on thing. However they have told us the rain will be with us until next Thursday again. This has been a horrible year for rain storms, tree loss and atmospheric rains from one…
  • Happy early Spring at least for a few days. We have had so much rain this year as we did last year. It makes me wonder if they are seeding the clouds. Southern California has had lots of flooding, plus lose of property from high waves not to forget the number of trees that have come down. Full sun and 61 degrees right now…
  • Well another day with some unusual weather for us. Our winters now seem to bring on the atmospheric rivers or pineapple express if you chose. The winds up and down our state are very strong along with rain that accompanies it. Flooding in some areas, trees down falling on homes, cars and roadways. Thankfully so far we are…
  • Happy Birthday Anne !! Hope you have an enjoyable day !!
  • Hello everyone.... Delightfully I think fall is on its way. It was only 78 today though we may have a few days left of the low 80s here. I am so ready for the cooler weather. We have actually kept several windows open during the day rather than use our ac, which is a nice change. No rain here. We made our trip down to see…
  • Oops...... Lost that one. Shall get back later. Diane
  • Hi Everyone.... Finally have a bit of time to catch up with everyone. So much has gone on while I have been away from here. Anne....It sounds as if your new place to live will be wonderful for you. Really nice that you can give it a trial too, so that you will know whether it is the perfect place for you. My mom enjoyed…
  • Where did time go ? That weekend quickly flew by. Many neighbors in the surrounding areas went all out with fireworks this year. Our community had their usually barbeque and firework display, plus the golf cart parade where many decorated their carts. Down a road there was a fire of 50 acres before it was put out. The FD…
  • Sorry that this is so large, but don't know how to make it smaller. Here is Jacque....Not sure I ever showed you a photo of him. Diane
  • First off thank you for the birthday wishes from those that remembered. I really appreciated them. My daughter stopped by for a visit after work, which was a pleasant surprise. She brought me a very pretty bouquet too. She knows I always appreciate flowers. Other than that a quiet day around here. It has been a hard week.…
  • Another nice day though a bit warm at 87. Trying to figure out when the interior fans will do and when the AC must go on. Only have had our new ac for less than a yr so there is a learning curve here. Also want our house at 75 at bedtime, so often the ac might not go on for a while until one half hour before bed. Our…
  • Forgot to mention the squirrels have come. Mama and her two young ones. We have a bird feeder, which the birds love. Our feeder is a special one to keep the squirrels out of it. However the residual seed ends up in the bark and the squirrels have found it to the point they were no longer passing thru. Plus they like my…
  • Joy what a nice photo of you and I assume your daughters celebrating with a birthday lunch. And Happy Birthday to you also !! Did you get your shrimp salad that you were wanting ? That sounds delicious with San Francisco Sourdough French bread and a big glass of ice tea !! You can tell I am a product of the Bay Area and…
  • Lin...What a darling tea pot that is !!
  • Another busy day trying to get somethings done that were past due. Have done a thorough house cleaning the last 2 days including dusting all of the items that collect dust sitting up on top of the kitchen cabinets. It was also time to rearrange the items in my glass door cabinets, which is part of the entertainment center.…
  • Good morning friends.... Another relatively quiet day for me. All is well here. A day with 79 expected, which is a nice break from the heat we have been having. Keep looking at all of the pruning that needs to get done, which my gardener doesn't seem to be doing anymore. After 8 yrs he has really slacked off. It is time to…
  • Happy Mothers Day to all of you Moms. Sounds as if many of you had a wonderful day. I heard from my son in Tennessee early, which was a nice surprise and we had a great conversation. My daughter, who lives 1/2 hr away, texted me Happy Mothers Day remarking we will have to get together for lunch soon. And that was my…
  • Hi Friends......All you dog lovers there I really need some suggestions. Our toy poodle 8 lbs has decided that he doesn't want to eat his heart medicine, which he must eat 2 x a day. We already cut them in half. Have tried crushing them then mixing with sweet potatoes and peas. Both which he used to eat with no problem.…
  • Never a dull moment it seems around here. First off Sandy, my husband and I are still together living in a senior community not far from where we raised our two kids. Both married, our daughter and her husband live about 1/2 hr away in a rural area. Two of their 3 kids are still at home...17 and 12. Our son, wife and 2…