

  • Congratulations!! I have many miles to go. They say maintenance is the hardest part. I'm no expert but it seems that if a person continues to exercise regularly and hard enough, they should be able to easily maintain on 1800 calories. Like I said, I'm no expert. I'm sure it depends on body type anyway. I hope somehow can…
  • Can we all give Julie a great thumbs up for starting us on this jouney? :drinker: Thanks, Julie. I am looking forward to more. It sounds great. And now I'm off to drink more water! :noway: Let's do this!!
  • I'm a day late and a dollar short!! I have had a tough week but haven't bombed too badly. I haven't weighed yet, will do that in the morning. I'm a little afraid to look at the scale. Most challenging thus far: eating things I should leave alone. If I don't buy them, I'm fine. But I don't think it is fair for my son to…
  • Today I will be out of town, AGAIN! Was the same yesterday. But even thought I grabbed a cheeseburger and fries yesterday, I was still under goal for the day! Yippee!! Today I will have to watch again. It is hard when I am not home to cook. When I got on the scales this morning, I almost fainted! I have been discouraged…
  • I was just looking at veggie sticks and wasabe beans yesterday... haven't tried them but I LOVE the idea to put calorie count on ziploc! You're a genius!! Thanks for the idea.
  • Loredana, I have been trying to walk but unfortunately I have had tons of company lately and have done really bad; both in eating and exercising. It's a new week and a new day and I am GOING TO GET BACK ON TRACK! Thanks for the advice and support. I needed it. Debbie
  • Excited about the challenges. Love the bucket list thing as I've often thought of making one. I don't really have a specific weakness as far as a specific food or sweet. It is more about eating too many carbs = too many calories. I love bread, tortillas, bagels... and the list goes on. Carbs, carbs, carbs. Gotta find a way…
  • Judy! I found it! Have not been able to figure out some of this site but here you all are! Surprise, surprise! I have been having a really hard time lately. Between traveling for a week and now having grandchildren visiting, my calories are ALL MESSED UP! But that might not be the hardest thing. For me, a full-time…
  • Welcome to MFP! This week has really been a bust for me! But just having this site with the wonderful support has been a live-saver. I encourage you to log on EVERY single day. That is what pulls me back when I've lost my senses! :) Welcome and Enjoy. Debbie
  • I have found that if I don't let myself cheat once in awhile, I will absolutely go bonkers craving things. It is something about our subconscious that goes a little crazy when we believe we are deprived. I kind of agree with others that a cheat is something you can do for a meal but maybe not all day. Who knows? It's kinda…
  • Welcome, Elias! It's a great place to be... a super support... and just an overall great group of people!
  • Yea, that toilet thing was a real problem!! I didn't know if I wanted to mention that but since you did.... Good thing we have a handicap bar in our bathroom put their many years ago for my grandmother because I USED THE DARN THING!!
  • Like the rest of you, I am excited with a capital E!!! But I know what you mean about being down this road before. It gets old, doesn't it? Lose weight, quit and put it right back on. Once upon a time as a single mom, I was built just right but I lived on cigarettes and Dr. Pepper. Now I eat more healthy and have quit…
  • YES, YES, YES! Advil it is!!!
  • I decided tonight it would not do me a bit of good to just sit all day because I was sore. So I went out as the sun was setting and had a really beautiful 30 minute walk. Calisthenics will be good about 3 days a week once my body is used to it. I do so love to walk, especially in the quiet of dusk!
  • Thanks for that advice. I did get plenty of water but as I was thinking about it today I wondered if I shouldn't have stretched before hand. Will do that, for sure, next time.
  • I had to come over just to see what the fuss is all about! I'm glad it was just 5k vs. 10k. You scared me for a second! :laugh: Smiles burn calories, don't they... I know laughing does. So thanks!
  • Phew! I barely got in under the wire! Thanks for the challenge. A challenge is one of the most helpful tools available. I think, hope, I'm up for it!
  • Okay... brand new to MFP... so what the heck is "Bump"
  • Welcome, Annette! I just started yesterday. It's much easier when you have support so I'm here for you. Good luck!:happy:
  • I would like to take this challenge if there is still room for one more. I hope I can keep up with the message forum and everything because I have a LOT ON MY PLATE!!! No pun intended. :) Name: Debbie Sullivan Location: New Mexico Current Weight: 184 Height: 5'6" Goal weight: 140 Struggle with: the chocolate and sodas that…
  • You are not alone. Last year I lost 20 pounds then just quit! Don't really have an excuse or a reason. But I am back, like you, and I am more determined than ever! Let's do this!!
  • I'm just starting tonight. Inspired by the new season of The Biggest Loser. But I have a very hard time staying motivated. Would love to find some support online that could help me to keep track! I think you have done a knock out job!! You look fantastic. I want to do as well. I am committed to this as of right now. My…