

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    You guys are the BOMB :explode: :bigsmile: I just can't wait to log on to see how everyone is doing. I am so inspired by you! You guys are slapping my hand and can see me pushing myself.....that is making this work!!! Thanks :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Julie I feel so great that you like "Make Good Choices" It is simple and to the point ~ THANKS I hope you put the Red Rock hike and Spider event on the calendar!!!! It sounds soooo fun... I want to go! You are doing so great and heading toward your goal. I love that you have found someone to walk with you! I love that we are helping you stick with this!!!!

    I am glad we are slowly getting some more fit lifer's to post. It is such a great support system. So I found the following.....
    "COMING TOGETHER IS A BEGINNING, KEEPING TOGETHER IS PROGRESS, WORKING TOGETHER IS SUCCESS!!" Thanks Julie for starting this group!!! We Can do this!!!!!!!!

    Loredana ~ Lovein your failure quote.....I am trying hard!!!!!!! I am so glad we have the late night are dong great and all these reminders are helping us stay focused!!!! Let us know when you sign up for a race.. will it be a 5, 10 K of 1/2 marathon or full :tongue: I have done a 1/2 before but I walked it. We almost came in last. That was not OK with me. So I joined this running group so that wouldn't happen this next time. There is a difference too, I am signed up with some people who run and some who walk run. So I will be pushed to do more than I think I can come race day. I plan on being at my goal and super hot and sculpted by then (February)

    Do any of you journal????? I have a medium spiral notebook that is my diet book..or should I say life style book. It is very interesting to look back, I started it in 2004. I have written notes, measurements, weights, things I have eaten, logging times I have eaten, etc. I can see looking back that there are LOT"S of entries that start with I am going to do this! Here we go again, I am going to get to my goal this time! It also talks about different exercise plans and different exercise buddies. Well I have now bought a new book. It is starting with this journey. I am also writing some of the quotes I have posted so I can always refer back to them. It's OK to beginning again.....Let's keep our heads up and move forward!!! We can!!! And Will!!!

    I better get to work and maybe eat something!!!! I haven't eatten yet today...bad.... I just posted about eating in the AM and I better go see what the MFP world is telling me.

    Have a GREAT DAY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Oh my that was a long one!!!!!! Sorry just call me the rambler :embarassed: :tongue:
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    Wow, I was just given some extra motivation today. A friend of mine just got engaged and wants me to be in her wedding in June 2013 - gives me plenty of time to get to goal. Woo hoo!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    How's things?????

    I went to running last night ~ We bumped up to run 5 mins walk 1. Remember how I said 4 mins was easier than I thought??? 5 mins is not!!!!!!! It was hard!!!!! I did it though, infact we did alittle extra. It was hot here yesterday close to 100 about 89 when we ran. Some people said maybe the heat made it harder. But I dont need excuses I will just need to work harder. Still not sure I love or even like running, but I am going to keep trying.

    Well I better get to work - have a great day friends :wink:
  • deb_sully
    Judy! I found it! Have not been able to figure out some of this site but here you all are! Surprise, surprise! I have been having a really hard time lately. Between traveling for a week and now having grandchildren visiting, my calories are ALL MESSED UP! But that might not be the hardest thing. For me, a full-time student, I find little time to exercise. My classes are all online so I sit most of the day. I live in the country, no gym. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks ahead of time.

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Wow, I was just given some extra motivation today. A friend of mine just got engaged and wants me to be in her wedding in June 2013 - gives me plenty of time to get to goal. Woo hoo!

    Oh yeah, it's a great motivator!!! And the time is plenty to lose the right way not crash dieting. Keep walking that beach and track the calories ... you will look amazing in a year and a half!!

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Judy! I found it! Have not been able to figure out some of this site but here you all are! Surprise, surprise! I have been having a really hard time lately. Between traveling for a week and now having grandchildren visiting, my calories are ALL MESSED UP! But that might not be the hardest thing. For me, a full-time student, I find little time to exercise. My classes are all online so I sit most of the day. I live in the country, no gym. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks ahead of time.


    It took me a while to figure out how to get here - now I just add to my favorites the link to the blog every week for easy access.
    How exciting - to be a student again. I am sure you are enjoying it and get a lot out of it!
    Best exercise for you not having access at the gym is walking outside. I have a friend who lost over 100 lbs by walking EVERY day for 5 miles. Rain or shine. She would try a brisk walk, with her ipod on, she would listen to books or music. It took her 1.5 hours, but she got to the point where she had to walk every day - it was her mental break for the day. So, maybe you can take some of your studying with you on an ipod and also exercise.
    Good luck and great job keeping at it ...

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    How's things?????

    I went to running last night ~ We bumped up to run 5 mins walk 1. Remember how I said 4 mins was easier than I thought??? 5 mins is not!!!!!!! It was hard!!!!! I did it though, infact we did alittle extra. It was hot here yesterday close to 100 about 89 when we ran. Some people said maybe the heat made it harder. But I dont need excuses I will just need to work harder. Still not sure I love or even like running, but I am going to keep trying.

    Well I better get to work - have a great day friends :wink:

    Frankly Judy, running sucks! Here is me pushing you for a 5k and I haven't ran since June .... so, don't listen to me :)
    BUT, I don't know there is any other activity that I tried as mentally challenging as running, and, personally, I saw great leg definition in relatively short amount of time. It's hard, it's challenging, but the rewards are amazing.
    When I signed up for my half marathon which I ran in May this year, I was on a 10 week program scheduled to run 4 days a week. It was February when I signed up and at the beginning of March I started training. Then at the end of March my dad passed away and I had go to Romania for 1 week. I came back mentally and emotionally drained only to find out that my father in law was dying too.
    It was the hardest period of my life so far, and to be honest, if it weren't for running I would have gone nuts. No matter what I was going through emotionally, running was more demanding than that and it kept my mind off of it.
    On the race day, nasty windy and rainy outside, I only thought of these two people that defined my life in so many ways - my dad and my dad-in-law and I even cried a little during the race. But when I crossed the finish line, I was determined to smile (I knew pictures will be taken and I didn't want to go down in history all messed up :)) because I thought of my two boys that were sitting there at the finish line watching me. They didn't understand much, the little one even told me what took me so long (while I was trying to find my breath after 2 h 10 min of running!!!) but this was only temporary - they will one day.
    So, the point of my story - I found out something else about running ... that I RESPECT it! It is a hard, cathartic experience. After you finish a race, no matter how you did, you come out of that few inches taller ... There is not much out there with so much power.

    You don't to love it, not even like it, but let me tell you, it can change you ... You are doing great! You are growing stronger and stronger every time you run so keep at it. That's why there are not that many people coming to the class anymore - it's not for everybody, only the ones that want it!

    Jeez, I think I missed my motivational speaker career :))

    Enough talking - I am proud of you - can't wait to see more of you running :)
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everyone,

    BUSY day at work, everybody needs something from me today ... and all I want to do is to go home and read my book :)

    Went swimming this morning - I felt this morning I was making some progress and I timed myself. I shaved off 3 sec. off of my 50 yards (that's 2 lenths of a pool) ... that's a lot for me! I am at 1 min. 2 secs ... Can't wait for the day when I can do it in under 1 min.
    I signed up to swim 1 mile for Haloween. The swimming group does a timed mile few times a year - that's how you keep track of the progress. This would be my first so there is not much to compare to, but the next one is around Thanksgiving. So, I will be working my way to improve my time.

    Swimming must be the most frustrating sport for a novice. You try to imitate the fast swimmers, work on your stroke, improve your "catch", keep the head down ... etc, and still you are not faster. How do they do it? How do they glide like they do???
    My coach says that a swimmer is like the bamboo tree - you water the first year - it doesn't grow, you water the second year - it doesn't grow, so on until the sixth year when you water and all of a sudden it grows 6 feet! So, apparently, you keep practicing for years and one day you will just glide like a fish!
    I am the turtle in the water full of mermaids. They all swim like they were born there ... ugh ...
    Anyway, that's my dilema - how can I grow fins? :))

    how about you? what are you frustrated about in your workout?
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi guys!!

    it sounds as if everyone is doing so so well!! i have had an ok week this week - i kept with in my calorie goal - bar one day but have it has ben the wrong foods. i can feel it now :( so i am picking my self up and telling myself it was ok i can do this! i am going away with my sister this weekend and all our kids - 3 of them!! lol. but we have planned meals together so it should be fine. because of that i wont be able to weigh in til next week though. went back to work today after my long spell of sickness - an i am aching!!!!! but it was a good day and i get to start my NVQ2 training in 2 weeks! can't wait - it means i will have more responsibility and hopefully a pay rise!!

    any way just checking in with everyone

    keep it up - everyone is doing brilliantly!

    claire. xxx
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Judy! I found it! Have not been able to figure out some of this site but here you all are! Surprise, surprise! I have been having a really hard time lately. Between traveling for a week and now having grandchildren visiting, my calories are ALL MESSED UP! But that might not be the hardest thing. For me, a full-time student, I find little time to exercise. My classes are all online so I sit most of the day. I live in the country, no gym. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks ahead of time.


    Yippee Debbie is here!!! Good job. Loredana's idea of walking is awesome! I bet you have some wonderful country to walk. You can also get some great DVD's with some dumb bells for some strength training. Who needs a gym. You can do it. You will feel so good once you get started!!!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Week Four thread and challenges have been posted. Make sure to bookmark it for easy access.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    I am down 3.2lbs and under my first goal this week. WHOOOOO! I am so excited. I could not have done this without all of your encouragement and support. If it was up to me and I was doing it myself I probably would have quit 3 or more weeks ago. THANK YOU for helping me make it through. Knowing that I had to lead by example and be accountable for my actions is what got me here. I am now down over 16lbs since I started and I am not stopping any time soon!

    Not eating after 8pm really helped me this week. I have such a weakness for night snacking but I proved that I could stop at 8 and the world would go on. I am so happy to see this weight loss especially after being off track for almost a week and gaining a couple pounds.

    Now I have to figure out what I am going to do to celebrate reaching my 1st goal.

    Hope everyone has a great day, I will check in with you all later.
  • deb_sully
    Judy! I found it! Have not been able to figure out some of this site but here you all are! Surprise, surprise! I have been having a really hard time lately. Between traveling for a week and now having grandchildren visiting, my calories are ALL MESSED UP! But that might not be the hardest thing. For me, a full-time student, I find little time to exercise. My classes are all online so I sit most of the day. I live in the country, no gym. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks ahead of time.


    It took me a while to figure out how to get here - now I just add to my favorites the link to the blog every week for easy access.
    How exciting - to be a student again. I am sure you are enjoying it and get a lot out of it!
    Best exercise for you not having access at the gym is walking outside. I have a friend who lost over 100 lbs by walking EVERY day for 5 miles. Rain or shine. She would try a brisk walk, with her ipod on, she would listen to books or music. It took her 1.5 hours, but she got to the point where she had to walk every day - it was her mental break for the day. So, maybe you can take some of your studying with you on an ipod and also exercise.
    Good luck and great job keeping at it ...


    I have been trying to walk but unfortunately I have had tons of company lately and have done really bad; both in eating and exercising. It's a new week and a new day and I am GOING TO GET BACK ON TRACK! Thanks for the advice and support. I needed it.

  • deb_sully
    Hey Friends ~ Food Find!!!!!! I sure hope you have Trader Joe's in your area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just had a Reduced Guilt Pizza yummy 250 calories!!!! Also Roasted Seaweed Snack!!! Ok I know it sounds weird but wow yummy only 60 calories for the whole container!!!!!! Give it a try! I heard Costco has seaweed also..I haven't tired it yet.

    I also bought some veggie sticks and wasabi peas. I portioned them out in ziplocks and labeled the bags with the calorie count. It is an eye opener to do that. I am going to keep some portioned snacks in my car..since I seem to be there all the time. Also I have made an area for myself that is Mom only!!!


    I was just looking at veggie sticks and wasabe beans yesterday... haven't tried them but I LOVE the idea to put calorie count on ziploc! You're a genius!! Thanks for the idea.