

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everybody and Happy Monday again!!
    I just changed my profile picture with a picture we took on Friday ... it's funny when you are the photographer, you don't really have pictures of yourself and not much of your family ... So, we made it a tradition to take fall pictures every year in the same park around our house. Those are the best pictures - the light is amazing, all warm and enhances the complexion, the outdoor colors are at peak ...
    So, here I am in a shot my hubby took of me as I was chasing the kids ... It was fun!

    Great morning so far and not too hungry - always a good sign!

    For those ladies who have access to a beach - i hate you (lovingly!! :)) I wish I could live by the ocean - what an amazing way to get your workout! Good job for moving this week-end - I am seeing a lot of pounds going bye bye this week :)

    Judy - no, the kids are off only for Columbus Day. I had the best workout this morning not being rushed. As for the cleaning ... don't worry, other than the dust, everything else is back where it was. Two boys with tons of legos and little dinosaurs and cars and "bad guys" will take care of that in no time :))

    I have a very busy day at work, so I am not going to be able to chat too much. I will check back later on or tomorrow morning at the latest.

    Have a great one!!!


    I laughed out loud when I read that "everything else is back where it was". I know exactly how you feel but at our home it's baby dolls and pretend food for her "microwave", books and anything else she can find to put on the floor. I swear my daughter's goal every morning is to take every single toy she has out of her toy chest and spread them out all over the floor as fast as she can haha. This is why I am a "night cleaner" bc it doesnt make any sense to try to clean when my little munchkin is awake lol

    Yeah, we are working on learning how to put our toys back .... which is a funny exercise - the little one sits on the couch and instructs the older one to put the toys back while he doesn;'t protest because he just wants to get things clean so he can play his game .. hmm, sounds like manipulation already:) I heard the "training" with this lasts until they are about 18 and leave the nest ...:))
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey Friends ~ Food Find!!!!!! I sure hope you have Trader Joe's in your area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just had a Reduced Guilt Pizza yummy 250 calories!!!! Also Roasted Seaweed Snack!!! Ok I know it sounds weird but wow yummy only 60 calories for the whole container!!!!!! Give it a try! I heard Costco has seaweed also..I haven't tired it yet.

    I also bought some veggie sticks and wasabi peas. I portioned them out in ziplocks and labeled the bags with the calorie count. It is an eye opener to do that. I am going to keep some portioned snacks in my car..since I seem to be there all the time. Also I have made an area for myself that is Mom only!!!


    No Trader Joe's around me, unless I drive 1 hour into Chicago area, but I am sure I can find similar products somewhere else. Portioning stuff ahead of time and putting the calories on sounds like a terrific idea ..... I will give that a try :)
    Thanks for the tip ....
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    This morning at the pool I was talking with a girl that just ran the Chicago Marathon this past week-end .... she said it is a lot of fun, it's an ongoing party, DJ's are setup along the road, people cheering ... you don't know when 4 hours go by ...

    My wheels are turning ..... it's one of those items on the "bucket list" and it sounds sooo tempting ...I will be thinking about this and see if I can commit.

    Other than that - normal day, normal workout, hoping to stay within my calories ...

    Check with you guys later!


  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Hope everyone is right on track and having a fantastic week!

    I weighed in yesterday morning at 170- making it an official 25 pds I have lost since April. I can't believe it, I am definitely excited! This week's challenge to get outside is perfectly times with all the great weather we've been having... I've been running with the pup to get some outdoors time in.

    Hope everyone else is doing good on their week also. I love reading the progress that people are posting- very motivational!

  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    I've been outside enjoying the gorgeous weather we've been having here. Walked on the beach Saturday, went for a hike yesterday. I'm sure I'll be out there doing something today. Possibly the beach again while I still can.

    Enjoy that beach and hike! Nothing like some fresh air and beautiful scenery. Do you mind posting your real name in your signature for us? We are trying to learn everyone's names so we can recognize names and faces : )

    The beach was awesome! Walked for nearly 5 and a half miles. :)

    Sorry, keep forgetting to put my real name in posts...

    ~ Lori :)
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :glasses: Day two without my glasses!!! I might have to get into the eye doctor to get a new pair. I am over due so it's OK..but $$$$ you know how it goes.

    Claire ~ I think you need to be sure to pack healthy snacks and some fruit. Are you in charge of a meal too??? Maybe you could go to the Weight Watchers site or a site that offers low cal recipes. I have a great Turkey Chili recipe I got from WW. Is it getting cold where you live? I am getting ready to break that one out. It is getting cold at night here anyway. Drink your water and I like to have some zero calorie flavored water as a treat.

    You guys are funny with your kid stories. I remember those days!!!! I also remember when they got old enough to get rid of most of the toys and things were organized least in the living room :laugh: I also have a tip....I bet Loredana is good at this, but I can see now I wasn't. I am going through tons of old pics to get a great one of my son for the Every 15 mins program. I have found that MOST of his pics are with his sister!!!! I did find a few of him by himself, but it was alittle bit of a challenge.

    I posted this on my home page but I am proud and want to repeat it :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I went to sunning opps I meant running class last night scared to death! The class is getting smaller and smaller every week. The slower ladies I usally run with didn't show up!!! So I just kept telling my self... IF YOU SAY YOU AN YOU CAN, IF YOU SAY YOU CAN'T YOU'RE RIGHT!!!!!. We are up to running 4 mins, walking 1 min....4 times. I DID IT!!!!!! And you know what it was easier than I thought!!!!! Is there something you have been wanting to try but are nervous????? I challenge you to GO FOR IT and say I CAN!!!!!

    Loredana - now settle down...I can hear you saying it's time to run a 10 K:tongue: I can do it...but I just can't imagine running the whole thing. I don't know if I have shared with you guys that I am signed up for a 1/2 marathon in February. It is a Rock N Roll marathon with bands playing all along the route. Totally fun... I am planning on signing up for another one with Taylor in June. I don't see myself running the whole thing but who knows now that I can run 4 mins :laugh: :laugh:

    OK - I am rambling I better let you go. Maybe I should get to work :frown:

    Have a Great Day............................ Make Good Choices :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Hope everyone is right on track and having a fantastic week!

    I weighed in yesterday morning at 170- making it an official 25 pds I have lost since April. I can't believe it, I am definitely excited! This week's challenge to get outside is perfectly times with all the great weather we've been having... I've been running with the pup to get some outdoors time in.

    Hope everyone else is doing good on their week also. I love reading the progress that people are posting- very motivational!


    You go Emily!!!!!! AWESOME!!!! Have you had to go shopping for new clothes...or do you havea closet with a variety of sizes like me :embarassed:

    Lori - Great job with your 5 miles!!!!! Keep up the good work
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm so sorry that I fell out of the loop with the challenge lately. I have been busy at work and honestly I've lost a little steam when it comes to being motivated with the weight loss. Going to try to pick things back up though, so thanks for being such a great group!

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    hi everyone!!

    well yesterday i had my brother in law and my future sister in law - they've only just got engaged!! - round for a celebratory dinner but i only had 4 fajitas and a 6th of a cherry pie so i stayed within my calories!! :D very pleased today i am going swimming with my mum and having a pizza for tea but i need something quick and easy! especially as i was up half the night with a poorly boy so im shattered. my big problem is that im going away with my sister and her family and me and my little boy this weekend so i may be over my calories!! but im going to try very hard not to be - but shes cooking one meal so we'll wait and see! if any one has any tips for me that would be great!! lol.keep up the good work! xxx

    My tip would be not to over think things this weekend. Enjoy your time with your family and make the best choices you can. Great job staying within your calories yesterday and congrats to your brother in law and future sister in law. Sounds like you have a whole bunch of fun family stuff going on over there!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Hello everybody and Happy Monday again!!
    I just changed my profile picture with a picture we took on Friday ... it's funny when you are the photographer, you don't really have pictures of yourself and not much of your family ... So, we made it a tradition to take fall pictures every year in the same park around our house. Those are the best pictures - the light is amazing, all warm and enhances the complexion, the outdoor colors are at peak ...
    So, here I am in a shot my hubby took of me as I was chasing the kids ... It was fun!

    Great morning so far and not too hungry - always a good sign!

    For those ladies who have access to a beach - i hate you (lovingly!! :)) I wish I could live by the ocean - what an amazing way to get your workout! Good job for moving this week-end - I am seeing a lot of pounds going bye bye this week :)

    Judy - no, the kids are off only for Columbus Day. I had the best workout this morning not being rushed. As for the cleaning ... don't worry, other than the dust, everything else is back where it was. Two boys with tons of legos and little dinosaurs and cars and "bad guys" will take care of that in no time :))

    I have a very busy day at work, so I am not going to be able to chat too much. I will check back later on or tomorrow morning at the latest.

    Have a great one!!!


    I laughed out loud when I read that "everything else is back where it was". I know exactly how you feel but at our home it's baby dolls and pretend food for her "microwave", books and anything else she can find to put on the floor. I swear my daughter's goal every morning is to take every single toy she has out of her toy chest and spread them out all over the floor as fast as she can haha. This is why I am a "night cleaner" bc it doesnt make any sense to try to clean when my little munchkin is awake lol

    Yeah, we are working on learning how to put our toys back .... which is a funny exercise - the little one sits on the couch and instructs the older one to put the toys back while he doesn;'t protest because he just wants to get things clean so he can play his game .. hmm, sounds like manipulation already:) I heard the "training" with this lasts until they are about 18 and leave the nest ...:))

    haha seems like your little one already has it all figured out!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    This morning at the pool I was talking with a girl that just ran the Chicago Marathon this past week-end .... she said it is a lot of fun, it's an ongoing party, DJ's are setup along the road, people cheering ... you don't know when 4 hours go by ...

    My wheels are turning ..... it's one of those items on the "bucket list" and it sounds sooo tempting ...I will be thinking about this and see if I can commit.

    Other than that - normal day, normal workout, hoping to stay within my calories ...

    Check with you guys later!



    That sounds like a blast! Add it to the list, we know you can do it!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Hope everyone is right on track and having a fantastic week!

    I weighed in yesterday morning at 170- making it an official 25 pds I have lost since April. I can't believe it, I am definitely excited! This week's challenge to get outside is perfectly times with all the great weather we've been having... I've been running with the pup to get some outdoors time in.

    Hope everyone else is doing good on their week also. I love reading the progress that people are posting- very motivational!


    Hi Emily, Congrats on 25lbs, what a great accomplishment! You should be so proud. I bet your pup is enjoying their outdoors time too!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    LORI- 5 miles is great! Thanks for posting your name. enjoy some of that beach time for those of us that don’t live near one. : )

    JUDY- Congrats on running 4 mins, you will be running that half marathon in no time. I think you will breeze right through it! It sounds like a blast! I have always wanted to run a 5k, I guess it’s time for me to sign up for one, commit and train!

    PJ- don’t feel bad, I cheated for almost an entire WEEK! I weighed in and had lost 2lbs. Now, if these were the PRE “Fit Life Challenge” Days I would have quit and started another “Day 1 on Monday” but knowing that you awesome ladies were doing your best and not giving up made me decide to keep going! We are all human and will get off track sometimes but don’t give up. Decide right now that you will commit yourself to being healthy and active. Remember, we are all here to encourage and support you and we are all here to become the Absolute BEST Version of Ourselves. So dust yourself off and get ready for a new day. We are here to help you through.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Hey Fit Lifers! I cannot tell you how much I LOVE seeing that most of us are "Under Calorie Goal". It is such a glorious update to see in my news feed. I have been doing very well the past couple days. Been packing my lunches for work and staying on calorie goal (trying to stay just a littttle bit under) I have not been eating past 8pm, have been getting decent seep and have been walking during my breaks at work with a coworker of mine. I am sitting on my balcony right now enjoying the beautiful Vegas breeze and the view of the pools and palm trees. I have no complaints. haha

    Red Rock has some really great activities for families where the kids get to learn about animals and insects etc and families go on short hikes together, I am thinking about taking my daughter this weekend for their "Spiders" program. I think it would be fun and different and I want to do a few little hikes with her before it gets too cold.

    I am so happy to be a part of this group. There is something really special about being a part of such a strong, beautiful, supportive group of women (and a couple of handsome, strong gentlemen) all striving to be better today than they were yesterday. You guys rock and I am happy to call you my friends.

    Have a great day tomorrow, and as Judy would say "Make Good Choices"
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Ohhh and BTW, one of you gave me an AMAZING idea for Week Four's Life Challenge. You're gonna love it!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    This morning at the pool I was talking with a girl that just ran the Chicago Marathon this past week-end .... she said it is a lot of fun, it's an ongoing party, DJ's are setup along the road, people cheering ... you don't know when 4 hours go by ...

    My wheels are turning ..... it's one of those items on the "bucket list" and it sounds sooo tempting ...I will be thinking about this and see if I can commit.

    Other than that - normal day, normal workout, hoping to stay within my calories ...

    Check with you guys later!



    That sounds like a blast! Add it to the list, we know you can do it!

    Oh boy, now the pressure is on :)))
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member

    You guys are funny with your kid stories. I remember those days!!!! I also remember when they got old enough to get rid of most of the toys and things were organized least in the living room :laugh: I also have a tip....I bet Loredana is good at this, but I can see now I wasn't. I am going through tons of old pics to get a great one of my son for the Every 15 mins program. I have found that MOST of his pics are with his sister!!!! I did find a few of him by himself, but it was alittle bit of a challenge.

    I posted this on my home page but I am proud and want to repeat it :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I went to sunning opps I meant running class last night scared to death! The class is getting smaller and smaller every week. The slower ladies I usally run with didn't show up!!! So I just kept telling my self... IF YOU SAY YOU AN YOU CAN, IF YOU SAY YOU CAN'T YOU'RE RIGHT!!!!!. We are up to running 4 mins, walking 1 min....4 times. I DID IT!!!!!! And you know what it was easier than I thought!!!!! Is there something you have been wanting to try but are nervous????? I challenge you to GO FOR IT and say I CAN!!!!!

    Loredana - now settle down...I can hear you saying it's time to run a 10 K:tongue: I can do it...but I just can't imagine running the whole thing. I don't know if I have shared with you guys that I am signed up for a 1/2 marathon in February. It is a Rock N Roll marathon with bands playing all along the route. Totally fun... I am planning on signing up for another one with Taylor in June. I don't see myself running the whole thing but who knows now that I can run 4 mins :laugh: :laugh:

    Way to go on your 4 min run!!!! Isn't it amazing how our bodies adapt to do things that we didn't think they were possible?? I love when that happends!
    Wow - you are keeping a lot of secrets from us :) 1/2 Marathon! That's a great goal to have! Once you do it you will be hooked :)

    I bet you are thinking fondly of the times when you had to pick up toys - that's why I don't stress about it too much. I know I will miss it one day. As for pictures - we do have some great pictures, but you would be surprised that I am not with my camera in my hand all the time when I am home ... I preffer quality versus quantity, even if it's all digital. But I agree, life gets so busy, and we have so much to do all the time, it is hard to keep up with all the demands - good pictures, good scrapbooks (have not done one of those and I probably never will), good baby books (oops, I am missing on this one too :)) - oh well, I can only thrive to be the best parent I can.

    Back to the Fit Life Challenge talk - can't wait to see the progress this week :)

  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Hope everyone is right on track and having a fantastic week!

    I weighed in yesterday morning at 170- making it an official 25 pds I have lost since April. I can't believe it, I am definitely excited! This week's challenge to get outside is perfectly times with all the great weather we've been having... I've been running with the pup to get some outdoors time in.

    Hope everyone else is doing good on their week also. I love reading the progress that people are posting- very motivational!


    You go Emily!!!!!! AWESOME!!!! Have you had to go shopping for new clothes...or do you havea closet with a variety of sizes like me :embarassed:

    Lori - Great job with your 5 miles!!!!! Keep up the good work

    Definitely Have the variety closet! But I'm hitting the point of being the smallest I've ever been... so shopping will be soon :)

    Hi Emily, Congrats on 25lbs, what a great accomplishment! You should be so proud. I bet your pup is enjoying their outdoors time too!

    Thank you! He is loving it- but it's pouring here today
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everyone,

    The hump day is here ... doing well so far. I slept in this morning, no workout for me so I will have to watch my intake. Last night I had dinner at 5.00 PM (had to leave work earlier for a dentist appointment so I was home about 1 hour earlier than usual), made myself a fall salad with chicken breast, cashews, apples and cranberries and some light rasberry vinegrette and I had two more apples around 7.00 PM ... I felt so much lighter this morning!! I realized it is all in my head - all the snacking after dinner, all the little tid-bits I have when I shouldn't. It's sad to see that the little nothings can sabotage my journey. A cracker here, a little pita wedge with a laughing cow there ... even if they are organic, low fat, etc ... they add calories.

    So, as Judy would say, "If you think you can or if you think you can't, you are right!!" - I CAN stop eating after dinner! it's not hunger is only oral fixation. It's a learned behavior and I can break away from that!
    Tough challenge, that's for sure, but it is doable!
    I weighed myself this mornig as usually, and I saw 0.5 lbs down - I am not recording it since it's not Friday and it may be just water weight, but maybe is also the fact that I watched my dinner intake .... we shall see on Fridday :)

    Other than that, I noticed in the days when I have good workouts, I am craving meat - mostly chicken. It is probably my need for proteins ... I am thinking to look into those protein powders. I know it is essential for optimum health to get enough proteins so this is a good way to add them without the extra calories. Do any of you have any suggestions?

    That's all for now ... and remember - "If you haven't failed yet, you haven't tried hard enough" (love this quote!)

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey Fit Lifers! I cannot tell you how much I LOVE seeing that most of us are "Under Calorie Goal". It is such a glorious update to see in my news feed. I have been doing very well the past couple days. Been packing my lunches for work and staying on calorie goal (trying to stay just a littttle bit under) I have not been eating past 8pm, have been getting decent seep and have been walking during my breaks at work with a coworker of mine. I am sitting on my balcony right now enjoying the beautiful Vegas breeze and the view of the pools and palm trees. I have no complaints. haha

    Red Rock has some really great activities for families where the kids get to learn about animals and insects etc and families go on short hikes together, I am thinking about taking my daughter this weekend for their "Spiders" program. I think it would be fun and different and I want to do a few little hikes with her before it gets too cold.

    I am so happy to be a part of this group. There is something really special about being a part of such a strong, beautiful, supportive group of women (and a couple of handsome, strong gentlemen) all striving to be better today than they were yesterday. You guys rock and I am happy to call you my friends.

    Have a great day tomorrow, and as Judy would say "Make Good Choices"

    I am glad you got the idea to get us all here and start working on ourselves :) I do wake up and come to work thinking - I wonder how everybody is doing ... adn keep dreaming of the paaaarteeee we'll have at the end of the year when we all be slimmer and in better shape!

    Good job on working on the challenges - I wish you could be at my house at night to slap my hand when I open that pantry after dinner :) I would lovingly do the same to you :)
    And the walking - keep at it whith or without your co-worker ... I bet once you start showing serious weight loss other people will get inspired and follow you.
    Can't wait to see the new challenge you mentioned above .... two more days in this week! :)

