

  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    I weighed in at 268 this morning - down 4.5 lbs. for the week. Woo hoo! I was so shocked to see the 260s that I had to weigh myself twice. 8.5 so far for the challenge.

    As for last week's challenges...I did well with the emotional eating, but mainly because I didn't really have any of that come up last week. I ate some junk on the weekend, but it wasn't really in response to emotional issues; I just had family visiting and we went to a diner and I ordered what I wanted, instead of something healthier. And my dad bought donuts Sunday morning for breakfast. :p

    I did manage to finally finish the last bootie of a sweater set I was crocheting for a friend's baby, so that was a small victory on the procrastinating part of the challenge.

    As for trying something new for exercise, I had to try to do 100 squats a day for another challenge I'm doing. I did them all one day and then I could barely move the next. :p

    I love this week's challenges! I've already been doing all of my exercise outside, going for 3 mile walks at lunchtime every day that it's not raining. We have a wonderful trail near my office that goes right along the ocean. :)

    Welcome to the 60's I don't see you staying there long :happy: have another great week!!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!!! Hi Julie - did everyone else party too much last night:smokin: Sorry I got some sleep and feel sassy!

    CW 187.6 that is a 1.2 gain. I'm fine with that, not sure why it happen. I feel like I did well with all my food challenges this week. I know it will be gone next week! It is all part of the game or journey!

    My *kitten* is sore today after that trip to the gym! It's a good sore. I am back and ready to move this body. I am going to try my plan from last weekend... run on the treadmill then yoga. I have a friend who wants to go walking...but she won't push my thought is to hit the gym and then later today go for a walk OUTSIDE :glasses: with her.

    I also have my husband plannng a hike for tomorrow. I will be checking in later to see how you are all doing. Have a great day!!!


    Great job hitting the gym!! I love your idea to get you a workout in first and still walk with your friend but hey while your on the walk still try to get her to challenge herself push a little harder than she would normally she just might need that extra push but if not atleast you got the extra workout in for you!!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey guys, I barely made it here today, but I am here to report for the day :)
    Kinda lazy day but I needed one of those .... Today I had my first paying customer which I took pictures of. A good friend of mine is having her second daughter in 2 weeks and I took maternity pictures. Not sure how many here are familiar with photography, but when you do it professionally with lights and all it gets to be very physical. I am so proud of my work the pictures turned out amazing !!! As soon as I put my website up I will put a link here :)
    Just took the pictures, ran tons of errands, came home, had a late lunch - early dinner at 3.30 and took a nap. I am proud to say that I had only a pear after my nap and I am not going to eat anymore. This is the trick for me ...... I need to focus at night to cut the snacking.

    Judy - you make me laugh so hard - I am glad I can keep you on your toes, it's an honor to be honest :)) You are doing amazing, keep it up. I will consider my job done when I will have you run a 5k :))

    Julie - first of all, I always need to look back to make sure I am not writing Judy - you two have such similar names in my head, one of these days I will switch names .... I am bad with names - sorry if I mix you two up ..... Going back to what I was saying, great attitude ... don't give up, another week is here, another chance. Since I am in the same boat with you with late night snacking, I am looking for ways to trick that habit. Not sure how good it is for you but something else that helps me is chewing gum.... And drinking tea. I would drink coffee .... I Love coffee, but I get the "gee bees" even from a decaf at night.

    Tomorrow they announce for another sunny day and I think we'll go for a hike. Can't wait!!

    Julie is right - where is everybody? Let's hear the progress for the past week!

    Good night peeps!

  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi everyone!! im so sorry that ive been really bad at posting in the last week!! ive been up and down and have logged in to do my food and thats it!! so i apologize to everyone!! from what i have read people are doing well so lets all keep it up!! i managed to lose another 2lbs this week - so happy that this is working!! :happy: i have managed to do some light walking and went swimming yesterday and a car boot sale today so building everything back up. hopefully i'll be back at work on thursday. i had a few hiccups last week which i think i did ok on - i had a birthday party but only 1 plate of food, and a curry the other night when i went over my calories :sad: but thats the only time in 20days!! when i first started so not to bad and then when i woke up feeling :noway: i realised that it is another day and i can start again. how has everyone else done this week?

    claire. xxx
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Well everyone must be out hiking! My profile pic is from my hike today! Burned close to 700 calories! The pic isn't that great, I was hiking with guys so they don't let you stop and take pictures at the perfect spot with the perfect back ground. If I was hiking with miss Loredana I would have had wonderful pictures to share. :glasses: Sound like you had quiet the busy day girl!

    We went to lunch after the hike and I enjoyed.....but you will see I put everything in my diary. I think I only have 300 cals left. But that's wine tonight, I am full and ready to hit the shower and then the couch!

    Yesterday was awesome and full of exercise. Run/ walk on the treadmill, yoga class, then a 4 mile walk with my slow friend. However I did run alittle and I did walk fast and made her work on catching up....once I got home....tired, then had friends over for dinner.

    It was a beautiful weekend full of exercise and I got zero chores done!!!!!! I feel alittle bad about that, but maybe after I lounge on the couch I will get some energy to do something...or not!

    I look forward to hearing from my Fit Life Friends..............Hello...Hello...Hello :smooched:
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Well everyone must be out hiking! My profile pic is from my hike today! Burned close to 700 calories! The pic isn't that great, I was hiking with guys so they don't let you stop and take pictures at the perfect spot with the perfect back ground. If I was hiking with miss Loredana I would have had wonderful pictures to share. :glasses: Sound like you had quiet the busy day girl!

    We went to lunch after the hike and I enjoyed.....but you will see I put everything in my diary. I think I only have 300 cals left. But that's wine tonight, I am full and ready to hit the shower and then the couch!

    Yesterday was awesome and full of exercise. Run/ walk on the treadmill, yoga class, then a 4 mile walk with my slow friend. However I did run alittle and I did walk fast and made her work on catching up....once I got home....tired, then had friends over for dinner.

    It was a beautiful weekend full of exercise and I got zero chores done!!!!!! I feel alittle bad about that, but maybe after I lounge on the couch I will get some energy to do something...or not!

    I look forward to hearing from my Fit Life Friends..............Hello...Hello...Hello :smooched:

    You betcha :)) Even if I like to keep the camera home when I go out because it's really heavy, I would definitely bring it with this time :)

    Sounds like you enjoyed the weekend - that's great!!! Chores can wait :))
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey there, Judy is right, I saw a lot of hiking and spending time outdoors this weekend - way to go on staying on track with the challenge this week :) I subscribed to the task myself and went out with my family for a two hours hike and about 45 min of pedaling in an inefficient pedal boat which was barely moving while the kids were screaming from the back - c'mmon mommy why did we stop ?
    Cleaned the house top to bottom and did laundry. Kids don't go to school tomorrow which means I can get a solid workout in the morning without rushing home to get everybody ready.... Love productive weekends :)
    Diet wise .... Eh, I've done better but I don't feel guilty about it... I didn't pig out so, I will be fine.
    Hope everybody enjoyed their Sunday!
    Good night and sweet dreams :)

  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    I've been outside enjoying the gorgeous weather we've been having here. Walked on the beach Saturday, went for a hike yesterday. I'm sure I'll be out there doing something today. Possibly the beach again while I still can.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Oh gosh
    I just wrote the best post ever LOL!!! I hit post reply and was kicked off line! I hope I can remember what I wrote cause it was awesome!!! Yes I am cracking myself up...still sassy and it's only Monday!

    Well I want to wish you are an amazing week full of Great Choices!

    I really hope we get more Fit Life peeps posting!!!!! Where the heck are they we need them! I am having a blast talking with those that do post can you imagine if there were more of us :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Loredana ~ Wow you little bundle of energy!!!!! Cleaning the house from top to bottom....gosh I wish I could do that! I am going to focus on my office today. I have to get more organized so I can focus! Great job with some good active family time! Glad you got your work out in this moring. Are the kids off all week???

    Lori ~ The beach is my favorite!!!!!! Great job getting in your exercise, you are right enjoy while you can:happy:

    Clarie ~ Good Job!!! So glad you are feeling better and back in the swing! It's OK that you went over!!! If it is only here and there that's fine! Keep up the focus....great job with you loss:wink:

    Since it is Monday lets remember this....DISCIPLINE IS REMEMBERING WHAT YOU WANT!!! We have to always focus and remember why we are on this journey....what is your want????? To be healthy, to keep up with your kids, to be a good example,to feel confident, to fit in those skinny jeans????

    Keep up the good work!!!! Make good choices today :wink:
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everybody and Happy Monday again!!
    I just changed my profile picture with a picture we took on Friday ... it's funny when you are the photographer, you don't really have pictures of yourself and not much of your family ... So, we made it a tradition to take fall pictures every year in the same park around our house. Those are the best pictures - the light is amazing, all warm and enhances the complexion, the outdoor colors are at peak ...
    So, here I am in a shot my hubby took of me as I was chasing the kids ... It was fun!

    Great morning so far and not too hungry - always a good sign!

    For those ladies who have access to a beach - i hate you (lovingly!! :)) I wish I could live by the ocean - what an amazing way to get your workout! Good job for moving this week-end - I am seeing a lot of pounds going bye bye this week :)

    Judy - no, the kids are off only for Columbus Day. I had the best workout this morning not being rushed. As for the cleaning ... don't worry, other than the dust, everything else is back where it was. Two boys with tons of legos and little dinosaurs and cars and "bad guys" will take care of that in no time :))

    I have a very busy day at work, so I am not going to be able to chat too much. I will check back later on or tomorrow morning at the latest.

    Have a great one!!!

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey Friends ~ Food Find!!!!!! I sure hope you have Trader Joe's in your area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just had a Reduced Guilt Pizza yummy 250 calories!!!! Also Roasted Seaweed Snack!!! Ok I know it sounds weird but wow yummy only 60 calories for the whole container!!!!!! Give it a try! I heard Costco has seaweed also..I haven't tired it yet.

    I also bought some veggie sticks and wasabi peas. I portioned them out in ziplocks and labeled the bags with the calorie count. It is an eye opener to do that. I am going to keep some portioned snacks in my car..since I seem to be there all the time. Also I have made an area for myself that is Mom only!!!

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Hey guys, I barely made it here today, but I am here to report for the day :)
    Kinda lazy day but I needed one of those .... Today I had my first paying customer which I took pictures of. A good friend of mine is having her second daughter in 2 weeks and I took maternity pictures. Not sure how many here are familiar with photography, but when you do it professionally with lights and all it gets to be very physical. I am so proud of my work the pictures turned out amazing !!! As soon as I put my website up I will put a link here :)
    Just took the pictures, ran tons of errands, came home, had a late lunch - early dinner at 3.30 and took a nap. I am proud to say that I had only a pear after my nap and I am not going to eat anymore. This is the trick for me ...... I need to focus at night to cut the snacking.

    Judy - you make me laugh so hard - I am glad I can keep you on your toes, it's an honor to be honest :)) You are doing amazing, keep it up. I will consider my job done when I will have you run a 5k :))

    Julie - first of all, I always need to look back to make sure I am not writing Judy - you two have such similar names in my head, one of these days I will switch names .... I am bad with names - sorry if I mix you two up ..... Going back to what I was saying, great attitude ... don't give up, another week is here, another chance. Since I am in the same boat with you with late night snacking, I am looking for ways to trick that habit. Not sure how good it is for you but something else that helps me is chewing gum.... And drinking tea. I would drink coffee .... I Love coffee, but I get the "gee bees" even from a decaf at night.

    Tomorrow they announce for another sunny day and I think we'll go for a hike. Can't wait!!

    Julie is right - where is everybody? Let's hear the progress for the past week!

    Good night peeps!


    So cool about your first paying customer that is really exciting! The weather out here is so beautiful, I am thinking about taking my daughter for a nice little hike at Red Rock Canyon this weekend.. I am not a coffee drinker but I LOVE tea, I drink about 2 cups a day at work and it really does help with my hunger. Great job only having the pear after your nap. Were you hungry at night?
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    hi everyone!! im so sorry that ive been really bad at posting in the last week!! ive been up and down and have logged in to do my food and thats it!! so i apologize to everyone!! from what i have read people are doing well so lets all keep it up!! i managed to lose another 2lbs this week - so happy that this is working!! :happy: i have managed to do some light walking and went swimming yesterday and a car boot sale today so building everything back up. hopefully i'll be back at work on thursday. i had a few hiccups last week which i think i did ok on - i had a birthday party but only 1 plate of food, and a curry the other night when i went over my calories :sad: but thats the only time in 20days!! when i first started so not to bad and then when i woke up feeling :noway: i realised that it is another day and i can start again. how has everyone else done this week?

    claire. xxx

    2 pounds this week?! Congrats, Claire that is awesome! We understand that things get crazy and you might not be able to check in everyday but as long as you are logging your food and checking in at least once a week thats all that matters. You only cheated once or twice in the last 20 days? You are my hero! haha
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Well everyone must be out hiking! My profile pic is from my hike today! Burned close to 700 calories! The pic isn't that great, I was hiking with guys so they don't let you stop and take pictures at the perfect spot with the perfect back ground. If I was hiking with miss Loredana I would have had wonderful pictures to share. :glasses: Sound like you had quiet the busy day girl!

    We went to lunch after the hike and I enjoyed.....but you will see I put everything in my diary. I think I only have 300 cals left. But that's wine tonight, I am full and ready to hit the shower and then the couch!

    Yesterday was awesome and full of exercise. Run/ walk on the treadmill, yoga class, then a 4 mile walk with my slow friend. However I did run alittle and I did walk fast and made her work on catching up....once I got home....tired, then had friends over for dinner.

    It was a beautiful weekend full of exercise and I got zero chores done!!!!!! I feel alittle bad about that, but maybe after I lounge on the couch I will get some energy to do something...or not!

    I look forward to hearing from my Fit Life Friends..............Hello...Hello...Hello :smooched:

    That sounds like a great weekend to me. Its alright to skip the chores every once in a while. Sounds like you had fun. Good for you for pushing your friend to do their best!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Hey there, Judy is right, I saw a lot of hiking and spending time outdoors this weekend - way to go on staying on track with the challenge this week :) I subscribed to the task myself and went out with my family for a two hours hike and about 45 min of pedaling in an inefficient pedal boat which was barely moving while the kids were screaming from the back - c'mmon mommy why did we stop ?
    Cleaned the house top to bottom and did laundry. Kids don't go to school tomorrow which means I can get a solid workout in the morning without rushing home to get everybody ready.... Love productive weekends :)
    Diet wise .... Eh, I've done better but I don't feel guilty about it... I didn't pig out so, I will be fine.
    Hope everybody enjoyed their Sunday!
    Good night and sweet dreams :)


    I bet you guys had a blast hiking together. I think families should spend A LOT more time together in the great outdoors. No worries about your diet, sounds like you had a very active weekend and I am sure it will all balance itself out.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    I've been outside enjoying the gorgeous weather we've been having here. Walked on the beach Saturday, went for a hike yesterday. I'm sure I'll be out there doing something today. Possibly the beach again while I still can.

    Enjoy that beach and hike! Nothing like some fresh air and beautiful scenery. Do you mind posting your real name in your signature for us? We are trying to learn everyone's names so we can recognize names and faces : )
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Oh gosh
    I just wrote the best post ever LOL!!! I hit post reply and was kicked off line! I hope I can remember what I wrote cause it was awesome!!! Yes I am cracking myself up...still sassy and it's only Monday!

    Well I want to wish you are an amazing week full of Great Choices!

    I really hope we get more Fit Life peeps posting!!!!! Where the heck are they we need them! I am having a blast talking with those that do post can you imagine if there were more of us :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Loredana ~ Wow you little bundle of energy!!!!! Cleaning the house from top to bottom....gosh I wish I could do that! I am going to focus on my office today. I have to get more organized so I can focus! Great job with some good active family time! Glad you got your work out in this moring. Are the kids off all week???

    Lori ~ The beach is my favorite!!!!!! Great job getting in your exercise, you are right enjoy while you can:happy:

    Clarie ~ Good Job!!! So glad you are feeling better and back in the swing! It's OK that you went over!!! If it is only here and there that's fine! Keep up the focus....great job with you loss:wink:

    Since it is Monday lets remember this....DISCIPLINE IS REMEMBERING WHAT YOU WANT!!! We have to always focus and remember why we are on this journey....what is your want????? To be healthy, to keep up with your kids, to be a good example,to feel confident, to fit in those skinny jeans????

    Keep up the good work!!!! Make good choices today :wink:

    I think you have come up with what should be our Challenge Motto "Make Good Choices" simple and perfect!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Hello everybody and Happy Monday again!!
    I just changed my profile picture with a picture we took on Friday ... it's funny when you are the photographer, you don't really have pictures of yourself and not much of your family ... So, we made it a tradition to take fall pictures every year in the same park around our house. Those are the best pictures - the light is amazing, all warm and enhances the complexion, the outdoor colors are at peak ...
    So, here I am in a shot my hubby took of me as I was chasing the kids ... It was fun!

    Great morning so far and not too hungry - always a good sign!

    For those ladies who have access to a beach - i hate you (lovingly!! :)) I wish I could live by the ocean - what an amazing way to get your workout! Good job for moving this week-end - I am seeing a lot of pounds going bye bye this week :)

    Judy - no, the kids are off only for Columbus Day. I had the best workout this morning not being rushed. As for the cleaning ... don't worry, other than the dust, everything else is back where it was. Two boys with tons of legos and little dinosaurs and cars and "bad guys" will take care of that in no time :))

    I have a very busy day at work, so I am not going to be able to chat too much. I will check back later on or tomorrow morning at the latest.

    Have a great one!!!


    I laughed out loud when I read that "everything else is back where it was". I know exactly how you feel but at our home it's baby dolls and pretend food for her "microwave", books and anything else she can find to put on the floor. I swear my daughter's goal every morning is to take every single toy she has out of her toy chest and spread them out all over the floor as fast as she can haha. This is why I am a "night cleaner" bc it doesnt make any sense to try to clean when my little munchkin is awake lol
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Hey Friends ~ Food Find!!!!!! I sure hope you have Trader Joe's in your area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just had a Reduced Guilt Pizza yummy 250 calories!!!! Also Roasted Seaweed Snack!!! Ok I know it sounds weird but wow yummy only 60 calories for the whole container!!!!!! Give it a try! I heard Costco has seaweed also..I haven't tired it yet.

    I also bought some veggie sticks and wasabi peas. I portioned them out in ziplocks and labeled the bags with the calorie count. It is an eye opener to do that. I am going to keep some portioned snacks in my car..since I seem to be there all the time. Also I have made an area for myself that is Mom only!!!


    Every time I come home from the grocery store I immediately portion out almost every single thing I bought. I portion them and put the calorie count on them just like you did. It feels like it takes foreverrrrr BUT it makes my week so much simpler and keeps me from overeating.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi everyone!!

    well yesterday i had my brother in law and my future sister in law - they've only just got engaged!! - round for a celebratory dinner but i only had 4 fajitas and a 6th of a cherry pie so i stayed within my calories!! :D very pleased today i am going swimming with my mum and having a pizza for tea but i need something quick and easy! especially as i was up half the night with a poorly boy so im shattered. my big problem is that im going away with my sister and her family and me and my little boy this weekend so i may be over my calories!! but im going to try very hard not to be - but shes cooking one meal so we'll wait and see! if any one has any tips for me that would be great!! lol.keep up the good work! xxx