It’s that time again. Week three is upon us! Can you believe it?! I am excited!

Diet: This week we are going to focus on cutting down on late night snacking and binging! I have a realllly hard time with this one. I can go all day tracking every bite I eat, making healthy choices, staying on calorie goal then I get home, sit on the couch and EAT. No more! Choose a reasonable time to decide that you are done eating for the night. I am going to stop eating about 3 or 4 hours before bedtime. This is going to be a tough one but I know we can do it!

Fitness: Get out of the gym and into the fresh air! (if it’s not too cold where you live) and if it is cold then bundle up and enjoy the beauty outside. Ask a friend or neighbor to go for a walk with you, enjoy the scenery and catch up on what each other has been up to. I live in Vegas so the weather is beautiful right now, I am going to enjoy the great outdoors this week, go on a couple of walks and maybe take my daughter to the park to fly a kite : )

Life: Pamper yourself. You have made it to week three and are doing your best. You are making a life change and a commitment to being a healthier you. Reward yourself. Get your hair done, or go get a massage. There are some really great deals for pampering on sites like Groupon and I really like the website because they send you a daily email of ALL of the special deals from many different discount websites, its all in one email and easy to read. You don’t have to spend money to pamper yourself, you can give yourself a manicure and pedicure, take time out of your busy life to light a candle, shut the bathroom door and enjoy a nice hot bubble bath while getting started on that book that you have wanted to start reading.

Don’t forget to weigh in this morning and post your results. I can’t wait to read about how you did and how you feel. Week Three starts NOW!


  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    My week was ok getting use to the new job and now I have to try and get my routine together to be able to log my food and working out!!

    This week I will try harder to get things together!!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Name: Charmaine
    Location: NC
    Starting weight 174.6
    Current 172
    GW by Jan. 1st 135

    Down 1.8 this week
  • carolmmd
    My weight today was 177.1. Moving slowly in the right direction! Another challenging weekend ahead. Flying to Seattle to babysit my 7 month old grandson. I won't have my usual snacks etc. that keep me on track & I will not be golfing or getting to Jazzercise. Hopefully it won't rain too much and I can get out for a walk or 2 with him. I have my mind set to lose this weight though so I should be OK. Have a great weekend everyone!

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    So excited for week #3. Only 12 more weeks to the end of 2011!!! Where did this year flew by???
    Anyway, my week #2 went ok, some ups and downs, but in the end got to the resulted I wanted.

    Starting weight: 166.5
    Current weight: 165.5

    right on target - 1 lbs / week.

    I love all three challenges, especially the diet one. This has been my absolute weakness since I can remember. I am pretty good all day in general, I eat healthy foods, watch my sodium, watch my sugar, I workout but at night all bets are off!! And is not even that I eay junk, I just eat a lot! And calories are calories and I can see them adding up quickly.
    A friend of mine told me that her secret when she sees she can't control the night eating is to put everything she is going to eat that night on a plate and keep it in the fridge (including snacks). And she doesn't eat anything else that is not on the plate .... Now, that's smart but requires discipline.
    My excuse has always been - look, we have to follow rules and be disciplined from the first second we wake up, regardless if we are kids or adults - have to eat breakfast, have to brush teeth, have to drive to work and follow the rules of the road, have to follow the rules at the place you work, everything else that we have to do in our day to day life ..... the one time you can let it go, relax, is at night when you get home and take few minutes for yourself. So, it was hard for me to give up that indulgence. But I think I need to put it into a different perspective. I need to think of how much better I will feel in the morning, and how much more relaxed my digestive system will be after a night when it rests instead of ...well, digesting.
    So, as everything else, it's just a mind game.

    Also on board with the fitness and life challenges.
    Great picks for this week!

    Can't wait to see how everyone else is doing!


  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    I weighed in at 268 this morning - down 4.5 lbs. for the week. Woo hoo! I was so shocked to see the 260s that I had to weigh myself twice. 8.5 so far for the challenge.

    As for last week's challenges...I did well with the emotional eating, but mainly because I didn't really have any of that come up last week. I ate some junk on the weekend, but it wasn't really in response to emotional issues; I just had family visiting and we went to a diner and I ordered what I wanted, instead of something healthier. And my dad bought donuts Sunday morning for breakfast. :p

    I did manage to finally finish the last bootie of a sweater set I was crocheting for a friend's baby, so that was a small victory on the procrastinating part of the challenge.

    As for trying something new for exercise, I had to try to do 100 squats a day for another challenge I'm doing. I did them all one day and then I could barely move the next. :p

    I love this week's challenges! I've already been doing all of my exercise outside, going for 3 mile walks at lunchtime every day that it's not raining. We have a wonderful trail near my office that goes right along the ocean. :)
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    My weight today was 177.1. Moving slowly in the right direction! Another challenging weekend ahead. Flying to Seattle to babysit my 7 month old grandson. I won't have my usual snacks etc. that keep me on track & I will not be golfing or getting to Jazzercise. Hopefully it won't rain too much and I can get out for a walk or 2 with him. I have my mind set to lose this weight though so I should be OK. Have a great weekend everyone!


    Good luck in Seattle! I am sure the babysitting can be considered credit for exercise :)
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    I weighed in at 268 this morning - down 4.5 lbs. for the week. Woo hoo! I was so shocked to see the 260s that I had to weigh myself twice. 8.5 so far for the challenge.

    As for last week's challenges...I did well with the emotional eating, but mainly because I didn't really have any of that come up last week. I ate some junk on the weekend, but it wasn't really in response to emotional issues; I just had family visiting and we went to a diner and I ordered what I wanted, instead of something healthier. And my dad bought donuts Sunday morning for breakfast. :p

    I did manage to finally finish the last bootie of a sweater set I was crocheting for a friend's baby, so that was a small victory on the procrastinating part of the challenge.

    As for trying something new for exercise, I had to try to do 100 squats a day for another challenge I'm doing. I did them all one day and then I could barely move the next. :p

    I love this week's challenges! I've already been doing all of my exercise outside, going for 3 mile walks at lunchtime every day that it's not raining. We have a wonderful trail near my office that goes right along the ocean. :)

    Excellent loss!!! Gosh, at this pace, in two more weeks you will be in the 250's!!! I am sure that's going to be a great victory!
    So happy for you and keep it up!!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Name: Charmaine
    Location: NC
    Starting weight 174.6
    Current 172
    GW by Jan. 1st 135

    Down 1.8 this week

    Hi Charmaine, great to have you here and great loss this past week! Keep it up and keep loggin :)

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hello to my wonderful Fit Friends!

    Well long day which started with a sales meeting, I was presenting know what that means???? Boston Creme pie, pecan and apple pie and 150 calorie desserts, banana creme and choc cookies and cream!!!! I tasted the choc cookies and cream had a banana (the fruit not the pie!) at 5 am on the way to this torture and a half a yogurt before the meeting began :bigsmile: So I am feeling pretty good about that. Then I went to breakfast with a co worker.......Eggs Benedict and yummy:love: You know what I am FINE with my choice! I knew I would be going to the gym and too busy to have lunch so I enjoyed!

    Got home sooooo tired at 4........I knew I had to go to the gym...I could have fallen asleep, but I knew I had to go. So I did!!!! I just logged my calories ALL of them and I still have some left. I weighed this morning and I am up about a pound. I have the exact number at home...I am at my Dad's now getting ready to get him to bed so I will log that tomorrow. I am OK with the gain...not too sure why since I had some slips but no binging and nothing like I use to eat!

    Trillian73 - I have to look up your name when I get home. WOW GREAT JOB!!!!!! keep up the good work

    Loredana - I thought of you at the gym....I made myself go so I could report that I did it to you and the group:bigsmile: I am not sure I liked you pointing out there are only 12 weeks left in the year:noway: That stresses me out alittle.:tongue:

    Julie - I like the challenges too. I do want to bring back the procastinating one in a few weeks...I wasn't home to get anything done!!! I will work on it this weekend.

    Miss Taylor is off to Palm Springs - she has been a traveler lately!! Hope she joins us soon, thanks for being so welcoming :heart:

    Well Guys - I better get going I will post more of my adventures over the weekend - looking forward to hearing yours

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Name: Charmaine
    Location: NC
    Starting weight 174.6
    Current 172
    GW by Jan. 1st 135

    Down 1.8 this week

    Nice job, Charmaine! You and I have both started new jobs recently, it IS hard to find the time to log and work out but we can do it!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    My weight today was 177.1. Moving slowly in the right direction! Another challenging weekend ahead. Flying to Seattle to babysit my 7 month old grandson. I won't have my usual snacks etc. that keep me on track & I will not be golfing or getting to Jazzercise. Hopefully it won't rain too much and I can get out for a walk or 2 with him. I have my mind set to lose this weight though so I should be OK. Have a great weekend everyone!


    Enjoy time with your grandson and have fun. Going on a couple of walks will help with your "Get Active Outside" challenge which, it seems you do pretty well with anyways. We know you will do great this week. Have fun!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!!! Hi Julie - did everyone else party too much last night:smokin: Sorry I got some sleep and feel sassy!

    CW 187.6 that is a 1.2 gain. I'm fine with that, not sure why it happen. I feel like I did well with all my food challenges this week. I know it will be gone next week! It is all part of the game or journey!

    My *kitten* is sore today after that trip to the gym! It's a good sore. I am back and ready to move this body. I am going to try my plan from last weekend... run on the treadmill then yoga. I have a friend who wants to go walking...but she won't push my thought is to hit the gym and then later today go for a walk OUTSIDE :glasses: with her.

    I also have my husband plannng a hike for tomorrow. I will be checking in later to see how you are all doing. Have a great day!!!

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    So excited for week #3. Only 12 more weeks to the end of 2011!!! Where did this year flew by???
    Anyway, my week #2 went ok, some ups and downs, but in the end got to the resulted I wanted.

    Starting weight: 166.5
    Current weight: 165.5

    right on target - 1 lbs / week.

    I love all three challenges, especially the diet one. This has been my absolute weakness since I can remember. I am pretty good all day in general, I eat healthy foods, watch my sodium, watch my sugar, I workout but at night all bets are off!! And is not even that I eay junk, I just eat a lot! And calories are calories and I can see them adding up quickly.
    A friend of mine told me that her secret when she sees she can't control the night eating is to put everything she is going to eat that night on a plate and keep it in the fridge (including snacks). And she doesn't eat anything else that is not on the plate .... Now, that's smart but requires discipline.
    My excuse has always been - look, we have to follow rules and be disciplined from the first second we wake up, regardless if we are kids or adults - have to eat breakfast, have to brush teeth, have to drive to work and follow the rules of the road, have to follow the rules at the place you work, everything else that we have to do in our day to day life ..... the one time you can let it go, relax, is at night when you get home and take few minutes for yourself. So, it was hard for me to give up that indulgence. But I think I need to put it into a different perspective. I need to think of how much better I will feel in the morning, and how much more relaxed my digestive system will be after a night when it rests instead of ...well, digesting.
    So, as everything else, it's just a mind game.

    Also on board with the fitness and life challenges.
    Great picks for this week!

    Can't wait to see how everyone else is doing!



    Great loss for the week you are doing awesome. I really like the plate idea, I think I will try that this week. Thanks for the info : )
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    I weighed in at 268 this morning - down 4.5 lbs. for the week. Woo hoo! I was so shocked to see the 260s that I had to weigh myself twice. 8.5 so far for the challenge.

    As for last week's challenges...I did well with the emotional eating, but mainly because I didn't really have any of that come up last week. I ate some junk on the weekend, but it wasn't really in response to emotional issues; I just had family visiting and we went to a diner and I ordered what I wanted, instead of something healthier. And my dad bought donuts Sunday morning for breakfast. :p

    I did manage to finally finish the last bootie of a sweater set I was crocheting for a friend's baby, so that was a small victory on the procrastinating part of the challenge.

    As for trying something new for exercise, I had to try to do 100 squats a day for another challenge I'm doing. I did them all one day and then I could barely move the next. :p

    I love this week's challenges! I've already been doing all of my exercise outside, going for 3 mile walks at lunchtime every day that it's not raining. We have a wonderful trail near my office that goes right along the ocean. :)

    4.5 lbs?! That's really something to be proud of! nice job with the procrastination challenge and exercise as well. You did a great job all around. 8.5lbs in 3 weeks is impressive! Keep it up!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Hello to my wonderful Fit Friends!

    Well long day which started with a sales meeting, I was presenting know what that means???? Boston Creme pie, pecan and apple pie and 150 calorie desserts, banana creme and choc cookies and cream!!!! I tasted the choc cookies and cream had a banana (the fruit not the pie!) at 5 am on the way to this torture and a half a yogurt before the meeting began :bigsmile: So I am feeling pretty good about that. Then I went to breakfast with a co worker.......Eggs Benedict and yummy:love: You know what I am FINE with my choice! I knew I would be going to the gym and too busy to have lunch so I enjoyed!

    Got home sooooo tired at 4........I knew I had to go to the gym...I could have fallen asleep, but I knew I had to go. So I did!!!! I just logged my calories ALL of them and I still have some left. I weighed this morning and I am up about a pound. I have the exact number at home...I am at my Dad's now getting ready to get him to bed so I will log that tomorrow. I am OK with the gain...not too sure why since I had some slips but no binging and nothing like I use to eat!

    Trillian73 - I have to look up your name when I get home. WOW GREAT JOB!!!!!! keep up the good work

    Loredana - I thought of you at the gym....I made myself go so I could report that I did it to you and the group:bigsmile: I am not sure I liked you pointing out there are only 12 weeks left in the year:noway: That stresses me out alittle.:tongue:

    Julie - I like the challenges too. I do want to bring back the procastinating one in a few weeks...I wasn't home to get anything done!!! I will work on it this weekend.

    Miss Taylor is off to Palm Springs - she has been a traveler lately!! Hope she joins us soon, thanks for being so welcoming :heart:

    Well Guys - I better get going I will post more of my adventures over the weekend - looking forward to hearing yours


    You are doing awesome! No worries about the gain, you are working out and eating well. I am glad you like the challenges this week. Let's keep working on procrastination even if its not the challenge this week.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!!! Hi Julie - did everyone else party too much last night:smokin: Sorry I got some sleep and feel sassy!

    CW 187.6 that is a 1.2 gain. I'm fine with that, not sure why it happen. I feel like I did well with all my food challenges this week. I know it will be gone next week! It is all part of the game or journey!

    My *kitten* is sore today after that trip to the gym! It's a good sore. I am back and ready to move this body. I am going to try my plan from last weekend... run on the treadmill then yoga. I have a friend who wants to go walking...but she won't push my thought is to hit the gym and then later today go for a walk OUTSIDE :glasses: with her.

    I also have my husband plannng a hike for tomorrow. I will be checking in later to see how you are all doing. Have a great day!!!


    "Gym Sore" is an amazing feeling! reminds you that you're doing something right! haha Gym and walk is a great plan! maybe you can help motivate your friend to get out and get active. A hike sounds SO nice. There is a kids trail out here at Red Rock, maybe I should plan a little hike for my daughter and I. That would be fun! Thanks for the idea : )
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Good Morning everyone. I have gained 2lbs this week : ( I was not surprised. I did not do a very good job of tracking this week and didn't work out AT ALL. I feel terrible! Week Three is a new week though, I am putting together recipes and meal plans for the week. I will have it all done on Sun. I think having it all planned and ready will help me stay on track and take a lot of the stress out of figuring out what to eat last minute. I am also going back to tracking EVERY bite I eat rather than calling it a loss and not tracking.

    AND I have a friend that is willing to go on walks with me during our lunch break so I will at least be walking this week. I am still trying to catch up on my sleep since starting the new job. I went to sleep at 8:30 last night which is VERY unusual for me. But it was nice to get some real sleep.

    I am really excited about this week's challenges. The weather is so beautiful out here I can't wait to enjoy it on walks. My MAJOR problem is late night snacking.I can go ALL day eating right, making healthy choices, and tracking my calories then, after I get home and do the bedtime routine with my daughter and get her in bed (around 6pm) I sit down on the couch and eat all kinds of junk and totally RUIN my day.

    I can't do it anymore! I need to find other ways to unwind and reward myself after a long day (hence the "Pamper Yourself" part of the challenge)

    It seems like we have lost quite a few of our challengers? I seem to see the same 5 or 6 people commenting and being active in the challenge. Where did everyone go? If you have a minute please try to check in with someone in the challenge that you haven't heard from in a while, let's see if we can get them to be more active and keep in touch more often. I know that we are all busy but it's important that we all take the time to check in and get and give encouragement along the way.

    Here is the list of Fit Lifers

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    ALSO, please continue to work on our past week challenges. Take them with you. This is a Fit LIFE Challenge, the goal is to continue working on getting more sleep, emotional eating, trying new things etc. Let's keep changing our LIVES not just our WEEKS.

    And please, if you have any ideas for next weeks challenges, send them to me. I have 3 challenges to come up with every week for the next 12 weeks and I am going to need ideas! haha also, if you would like to see a repeat of a past challenge just let me know. You can send your challenge ideas to my inbox.

    Thanks guys!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    So excited for week #3. Only 12 more weeks to the end of 2011!!! Where did this year flew by???
    Anyway, my week #2 went ok, some ups and downs, but in the end got to the resulted I wanted.

    Starting weight: 166.5
    Current weight: 165.5

    right on target - 1 lbs / week.

    I love all three challenges, especially the diet one. This has been my absolute weakness since I can remember. I am pretty good all day in general, I eat healthy foods, watch my sodium, watch my sugar, I workout but at night all bets are off!! And is not even that I eay junk, I just eat a lot! And calories are calories and I can see them adding up quickly.
    A friend of mine told me that her secret when she sees she can't control the night eating is to put everything she is going to eat that night on a plate and keep it in the fridge (including snacks). And she doesn't eat anything else that is not on the plate .... Now, that's smart but requires discipline.
    My excuse has always been - look, we have to follow rules and be disciplined from the first second we wake up, regardless if we are kids or adults - have to eat breakfast, have to brush teeth, have to drive to work and follow the rules of the road, have to follow the rules at the place you work, everything else that we have to do in our day to day life ..... the one time you can let it go, relax, is at night when you get home and take few minutes for yourself. So, it was hard for me to give up that indulgence. But I think I need to put it into a different perspective. I need to think of how much better I will feel in the morning, and how much more relaxed my digestive system will be after a night when it rests instead of ...well, digesting.
    So, as everything else, it's just a mind game.

    Also on board with the fitness and life challenges.
    Great picks for this week!

    Can't wait to see how everyone else is doing!



    Congrats on your loss this week and I love the plate idea thanks for sharing have a great week!!!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    My weight today was 177.1. Moving slowly in the right direction! Another challenging weekend ahead. Flying to Seattle to babysit my 7 month old grandson. I won't have my usual snacks etc. that keep me on track & I will not be golfing or getting to Jazzercise. Hopefully it won't rain too much and I can get out for a walk or 2 with him. I have my mind set to lose this weight though so I should be OK. Have a great weekend everyone!


    Have a great trip hope the weather permits so you can get out and walk with him!!