Hey everyone! How was your week? It was so great to see more of you posting and keeping connected with the rest of the team.

Here are this week’s challenges:

Diet Challenge: What is your number one diet weakness? Mine is Hot Cheetos. I absolutely love them and feel like I just can’t say “no” to them. One small bag is around 400+ Calories. Well guess what? I am going to say “NO” to those Hot Cheetos Every. Single. Day. for the next week! Pick your favorite guilty pleasure meal or snack and JUST SAY NO. This does not mean you can never have a cupcake again, or eat at your favorite Mexican restaurant. This is a Self Control Challenge. It is meant to prove to ourselves that we CAN say no and that we aren’t really missing out on much when we do. If you have a weekly cheat meal, don’t even eat this food during that! If you’re like me you will just have to step away from the cheetos this week. Haha

Fitness Challenge- Partner Up! Get active with a friend or family member. Take your little ones on a nature walk, ask a friend to join you for a dance class at the gym, ask your significant other to go play basketball at the park with you. Spend some quality time with friends or family and try to inspire them to be active with you. Time to bond and have fun being active together!

Life Challenge- I am most excited about this challenge this week. It’s time to write your BUCKET LIST! Write down 20 things that you absolutely MUST do before you die. You can write down 10 things that you want to accomplish short term (in the next 6 months) and 10 long term goals that you wish to accomplish. If you already have a bucket list, freshen it up, add to it, take away from it. Write down the goals that you are most passionate about accomplishing.

Most of these challenges were inspired by conversations we were having on the week three thread so make sure you stay connected and check in with the team when you can. This is going to be a really special week for us, I just know it!

Don’t forget to weigh in. Can’t wait to see your results!

Let’s welcome Week Four with open arms and Make Good Choices!


  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    my weakness is the weight watchers sticky toffee pudding! for me they are better than full fat toffee puddings but they are still 150 ish calories per pud and i could eat two!! i will say no to them this week!! i havent even bought any for my shopping. :D

    i'll have a think on the life challenge - not something ive ever thought about but i have a lot of 'one day' ideas.

    have a good week everyone!

    claire. xxx
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    What a great week!! Love the challenges... this is going to be a lot of fun!

  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    Ugh, I gained 2 lbs this week. :p I was staying below my calorie goal and exercising too. I'm going to work under the assumption that it's water weight. Still discouraging though.

    Okay, done with the pity party now. This is a new week. :)
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Yippee Friday!!! I think the challenges look great! Thanks Julie, you are doing a great job making us think and work on things in every area of our lives. It's not just diet and exercise it our life!!!! We are doing great here to make it better!!! Yeah Us!!!!!!

    I'll be checking in alittle later with my weigh in. I am nervous even though I have done good this week.

    Hang in there Lori!!! I totally know where you are coming from. Just keep doing the right thing and know you will have results! I bet you lose 3 or more next week.

    I have been focusing on finishing my log everyday. Does anyone know why the weight you will be in 5 weeks changes all the time??? I have been under my calories most days and it is a different number every time. My guess is it is based on the food you are eating..duh.....I think I will go back and look at the ones with the lowest weights and see what I was having those days. I haven't been eating crap and staying under my calories..... I am rambling...probably not making sense....

    I'll be back with my weigh in... I guess this is my BUMP...:laugh:
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello there and how exciting to start a new week!

    I dropped another pound - current weight 164.5 lbs - yoohooo. I love my steady decline - makes me feel like this will happen and will be here to stay.

    The challenges - music to my ears :)

    Diet - my weakest point .... hmm .... can I just put FOOD??? I seriously don't have something that I crave every day in particular .... I do feel like something sweet with coffee in the afternoon, and I usually get something that will be of max. 150 cal (1/2 of Larabar, or a granola bar or something ), or I feel like something salty at night .... but I just like food in general. But it's a good one nevertheless. I will just focus on watching that intake and stay away from snacking ..

    Fitness - that's a good one. I think I will try to go out more while we still have nice weather. Winter is coming before you know it!!!

    Life - the "bucket list"!!! I love it!!! i think I already mentioned my marathon contemplation .... I will definately work on that.

    Julie - thanks again for doing this ... love all your challenges!

    Judy - love the hairdo :) Love your loss - you are rocking!!!!

    Lori - don't give up! it is dissapointing especially after you really tried, but these things happen more often than you think. I cannot even tell you how many times I did so good - workout, watch my diet, just to see gain at the end. I do believe it is water weight - I am thinking, if you started exercising more, your body needs more water and even if you are drinking plenty of water, the body will make reserves in preparation for all that sweat ... I don't know how scientifically accurate is all this, it's probably all bs, but that's my version and I am sticking to it! :) Keep trying - I PROMISE you will see results!

    Emily - girl, you are rocking ... no really, you are climbing those rocks like no-one's business. I always wanted to try climbing ... but the wall in my gym is right in the room with all the weights where all the "tough" guys are ... I feel embarassed to go and feel like everybody is looking at my behind ... (how dumb is that!!!). How did you start? Is that a good burn?

    Claire - you are doing great - with or without the toffee pudding! :) Keep it up!

    Good job everybody!

    Week #4 - here we come!


  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :wink: :laugh: :happy: :smile: :tongue:

    Hi my friends!! Not alot of time this morning...but I had to check in since I am addicted to MFP...I had to log my food...I also got in my exercise this morning for a change. I had to log that too :happy:

    CW 185.6 that's 2# of which I gained last I am happy

    Gotta get to work and some chores - I will catch up with you later for sure!!! You know I just can't stay away :heart:
  • carolmmd
    Weight is 176.4 today. Lost 0.6 pounds this week. Doesn't sound like much but I have always been a slow loser even when I was on Weight Watchers. So I will be happy I am moving in the right direction no matter how slow it is. I have my mind made up to lose this weight and nothing is going to stop me, not even losing it at a snails pace!!

    I love the challenges this week. My biggest food problem is snacking and my favorite snack is potato chips. I have been allowing myself to eat Ruffles low fat chips and I do count the calories for them, but I really need to cut those out. So this week, like you Julie, I am going to cut those out entirely and find a healthier snack to take their place.

    Fitness-wise I have really stepped it up. I am walking/running several days a week and am hoping to get back to running like I used to. I had a back injury a few years ago and have not been able to get back to where I was, but I am working at it. In the last 6 months I have all of a sudden started to feel better, allowing me to get back to Jazzercise, which I love. I went for 15 years faithfully and then had to quit for a few years due to my back. I try to get people to go with me all the time, but never seem to have any takers. I will keep trying though!

    I will work on my bucket list, but will have a hard time limiting it to 20 as there are so many things, I want to do before I die. I plan on being around till I'm close to 100, like my grandfather did!

    Sorry I don't get a chance to get on here very much, but I am not able to get on the internet for personal use during work and I'm bushed once I get home and get dinner ready. I'm off on Fridays so I have to cram it all in at once.

    Have a wonderful week!

  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Name: Charmaine
    Location: NC
    Starting weight 174.6
    Current 175.6
    GW by Jan. 1st 135

    Gained this week. It has been a really off week!!
  • deb_sully
    Excited about the challenges. Love the bucket list thing as I've often thought of making one.

    I don't really have a specific weakness as far as a specific food or sweet. It is more about eating too many carbs = too many calories. I love bread, tortillas, bagels... and the list goes on. Carbs, carbs, carbs. Gotta find a way to get it under control because it has really sunk my ship in the last week or so.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great week next week!! :)
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Hey everyone I am glad you are as excited about the week four challenges as I am. You are all doing amazing. Great weight loss and great tracking, I am going to weigh in tomorrow morning. I am hoping to have lost the couple lbs that I gained last week.

    Going to get to bed early tonight. Talk to you all soon!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Love this week challenges

    As for the food challenge this week I am going to stay away from the vending machine at work I fell victim last week.

    Fitness challenge will be easy me and my hubby just got back in from a 4mile walk and I will take my daughter with me to zumba this week.

    Life challenge will be interesting have to give this one some thought and create me a bucket list the 10 short term goals will be easier than the long term.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey Gang!!!

    Well OK so when does our week start??? My diet weakness......was wine I have over come that in the last 3 months down from every day to once or twice a week. Pizza I can't stop eating so I stay yesterday was my weigh in day so I tend to go over calories sometimes. I went to my Dad's with my sister and we ordered pizza!!!! Well I had 2 pieces, gosh I didn't realize how those calories add up. But normally I would have had 3-4 pieces and been ready to throw up when I was done.....TMI right?

    I will work on the outside challange. Maybe I will see if my slow walking friend wants to go walking again. I am still planning on maybe hitting a step class this morning to get a really work out. I also need to get a run in this weekend.....hummmm I will make that outside. It is finally cooling off here maybe down to the mid 80's if I am lucky!

    I am super bummed I lost my strap to my heart monitor!!!!! Glad I already have some accurate calories burns in the system. What is wrong with me!!!??? I lost my glasses and now my HRM strap!!! I can't wait to get my new glasses so I can read and write these posts better!!!! They are really cute.:glasses:

    Bucket list WOW...that involves alot of money :laugh: I need to work on that..the bucket list and getting some money :wink: I believe that when you write things down you can make things happen!!!! Good positive visualization!

    Well I guess I better get to it! Have a good day and a fun weekend!!!!!!!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    I am down 3.2lbs and under my first goal this week. WHOOOOO! I am so excited. I could not have done this without all of your encouragement and support. If it was up to me and I was doing it myself I probably would have quit 3 or more weeks ago. THANK YOU for helping me make it through. Knowing that I had to lead by example and be accountable for my actions is what got me here. I am now down over 16lbs since I started and I am not stopping any time soon!

    Not eating after 8pm really helped me this week. I have such a weakness for night snacking but I proved that I could stop at 8 and the world would go on. I am so happy to see this weight loss especially after being off track for almost a week and gaining a couple pounds.

    Now I have to figure out what I am going to do to celebrate reaching my 1st goal.

    Hope everyone has a great day, I will check in with you all later.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Where have all the fit for lifer's gone????? I guess that includes me :laugh: I hope everyone is out having a nice weekend! I got in a bunch of exercise yesterday. Step class then later in the day I did my run walk training with some friends. I warmed up then took off by myself since they only walk, I would circle around and walk with them it worked out great.

    Today I got to have a vegan breakfast at a Gibbon's Conservation Center. It was soooo cool. The center is out in the little bit of country we have around here. Gibbon's are small arboreal apes. They are known as the songbirds of the primate family. Boy do they sing....or scream! Once one starts they all start and you can hardly hear the person next to you talking. It was really fun.

    My sister and her family are coming over for dinner. My husband is making ribs they have been cooking all day. Not really something I should have since the last time I logged them in they came up as 100 calories per rib!!!!!!! I haven't logged in my food very well this weekend, but feel like I am making pretty good choices. I did have some wine last night and maybe tonight. But I feel in control even though I might go over my calories...The old Judy use to have a cheat day or not so strict day and stuff EVERYTHING in her mouth she couldn't or shouldn't have. I think the difference is that I still enjoy things but count them so I am not deprived. The exercise has really been giving me those extra calories in the bank to enjoy what I might want in moderation.

    Oh I had something interesting at breakfast! It was called Tempeh. They prepared it like a sausage dish with veggies and it was really good!!! I am going to look up some recipes and try it at home. It is soy and good for you of course. I also tried tofukey.....I say YUCK to that. But that is just my review :tongue:

    Well I guess I better go get prepared for the troops to come over. Talk to you tomorrow sometime...busy day :drinker:
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi guys!!

    i had a great weekend away with my sister and her family - dont think i did to bad except that we came home early and me and my husband had a chinese! :sad: it was yummy but im feeling it now. i will weigh in as soon as possible and let you know what i have gained (probably!!) i very nearly had a sticky toffee puding after tea tonight but i have resisted!! just reading on here about all the good work we are all doing made me put it back! :happy: so thank you guys! also are we posting our bucket lists here or is it just for us?

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi everybody,

    Gosh, I feel like I barely took a breath today - it was busy busy at work!
    Had a wonderful week-end - met with friends, cooked some nice bean soup with pork shank with my pickled green tomatoes (ethnic Romanian food is my soul food :)), went for a trip in Chicago, went in the Willis (former Sears) Tower, one of the highest buildings in the world ... felt like it was a packed week-end.
    But, I did not workout at all ... oh well, truth be told, when I have to choose between working out and my family, the family will always come first.

    This morning at the gym, this older gentleman that always comes to the Body Pump class (strengh training class) stopped me and congratulated me for doing a great job. He told me "I remember when you started, with just tiny weights, completely uncoordinated, and look at you now, you are lifting like a pro ..." :)) It totally made my day!
    Granted, I started going to that class close to 4 years ago, but it reshaped me undobtly and I got to learn so much about form and the difference between biceps and triceps :))))

    Sunday we stopped at this famous pizza place in Chicago and had a deep dish pizza that we split ... let me tell you - one of the BEST pizza ever!!! As I was eating it, I was feeling my arteries clogging with the cheese but boy it was sooo good. I could not go past 1 slice and a bit which surprised me because I had the same pizza in July and I put down 2 slices and I didn't even feel full. So, I am totally seeing progress!!

    Claire - great job keeping on track and for following the challange of the week by resisting to your toffee pudding weakness. Way to go!!!

    Positive Power Judy - you sound so much like me ... I used to put down food like nobody's business. And my cheat day was actually my "crazy" day. But I wisened up and now I prefer to taste here and there but not pig out. I totally believe in training your stomach to shrink ... the more you eat at once the bigger the "bag" it becomes, the more you will want to eat later on ... About tofu and soy ... you know me, I am not a preacher, but do a little research before loading up on that. There are a lot of negative side effects to soy. Just sayin' ...

    Julie - I got a grin from one ear to the other when I saw your goal being accomplished!!! So proud of you! You have nobody but yourself to thank for sticking with the task and just working on your challenges. Look at you - you keep us here together, cheering for each other! AMAZING
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Sorry, I pressed ENTER before finish :)

    So, Julie - AMAZING job and keep it up!!! I KNOW you will be almost to your 3rd goal by the time the end of the year comes!!! Yooo hoooo!!!

    Carol and Deb - good to see you here trying to stay in touch - great progress!!!

    Sorry to the ones I missed - it's time to go get the kids and head home!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    I am down 3.2lbs and under my first goal this week. WHOOOOO! I am so excited. I could not have done this without all of your encouragement and support. If it was up to me and I was doing it myself I probably would have quit 3 or more weeks ago. THANK YOU for helping me make it through. Knowing that I had to lead by example and be accountable for my actions is what got me here. I am now down over 16lbs since I started and I am not stopping any time soon!

    Not eating after 8pm really helped me this week. I have such a weakness for night snacking but I proved that I could stop at 8 and the world would go on. I am so happy to see this weight loss especially after being off track for almost a week and gaining a couple pounds.

    Now I have to figure out what I am going to do to celebrate reaching my 1st goal.

    Hope everyone has a great day, I will check in with you all later.

    Well Done!! thats fantastic. xxx
  • deb_sully
    Today I will be out of town, AGAIN! Was the same yesterday. But even thought I grabbed a cheeseburger and fries yesterday, I was still under goal for the day! Yippee!! Today I will have to watch again. It is hard when I am not home to cook. When I got on the scales this morning, I almost fainted! I have been discouraged because it seems that nothing changes and VOILA! I am down several pounds today. Great to know that when you hit a wall, suddenly things begin to pay off.

    I wish everyone a wonderful day!!!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Today I will be out of town, AGAIN! Was the same yesterday. But even thought I grabbed a cheeseburger and fries yesterday, I was still under goal for the day! Yippee!! Today I will have to watch again. It is hard when I am not home to cook. When I got on the scales this morning, I almost fainted! I have been discouraged because it seems that nothing changes and VOILA! I am down several pounds today. Great to know that when you hit a wall, suddenly things begin to pay off.

    I wish everyone a wonderful day!!!

    Great job Debbie!!
    Keep it up!