I opened this topic for us to post All Things Week One haha. This is the first time I have ever started a challenge so I am open to suggestions. If you have a thought, a question, need some motivation, recipe ideas or anything this week feel free to post it on this thread.

We have already posted our weight on the other thread so we will weigh in next week and post our weight loss results.

I posted this info on the other topic but here it is as a guideline for this week:

OK everyone, I am too excited to wait so lets shut this thing down! We have 16 Teammates, 15 Ladies and 1 Gentleman, We are coming together from all the US and even one teammate from the UK. I am so excited about taking this journey with all of you!

Make sure to add all of our Team Members, get to know each other!


Our Week One challenges will be simple, our main focus is to get to know each other this week. We are going to be each others Virtual Family for the next 15 weeks : )


Diet: Make your food diary available for friends to see.
Fitness: Workout at least 3 times this week, just get active and have some fun : )
Life: SLEEP. haha seems like a lot of us are tired and stressed so get 7-8 hrs of sleep EVERY NIGHT this week. Drop whatever you are doing at bedtime and catch some ZZZs

MAKE SURE TO MESSAGE ME YOUR CHALLENGE SUGGESTIONS FOR NEXT WEEK AND KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE FORUM. You can search "Fit Life Challenge" in the forum to keep up to speed with whats going on.


  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    And please welcome sidddiq as well!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey there Friends :happy: I am loving this site soooo much. It has really motivated me to stay on track. I have been active here for 2 months and I love all the support and info I am getting. I am really excited to have some more friends who are serious about this journey! Infact I have a few friends that I am getting ready to delete since they haven't logged on in a month. I want to focus on the Positive are you surprised - based on my Positive Power name:happy:

    I have been struggling and the weight is coming off slow. I blame some on my age, but am always tweaking things to try to get it right. I am Finally getting some results and it feels good. I have been down this road more times than I can say, so I am just looking forward, doing the right thing and trying hard to not beat myself up when I slip.

    I like the challenge of opening your food diary to all your friends.....since I haven't done that yet :ohwell: But I will:tongue:

    I look forward to getting to know you all and offering lots of support!!!! I expect a push a shove or kick in the butt when neccessary!

    So I decided to start reading positive quotes they really help - so my first one is.............................................................................
    We CAN and we will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's Go

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hi Judy, we have all been down this road so many times I am happy that we have a long term challenge to work on rather than a short term. I have had probably a hundred "Day One"s well this is the last Day One ever. : )
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi all!

    so glad i joined this challenge - its my first one on here and im really excited now!! i think it will be exactly the motivation i need. my food diary is already open to my friends so thats one part of the challenge done!! not sure about the exercise this week though :( i am suffering really bad with my asthma at the moment. my gp has given me 6 tablets a day to try and get my breathing under control!! but does walking a pushchair withtoddler in it count? im going to try and get out today and do some mild walking but it wont be what i want to do. any more suggestions are really welcome!!

    good luck to us all!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    hi all!

    so glad i joined this challenge - its my first one on here and im really excited now!! i think it will be exactly the motivation i need. my food diary is already open to my friends so thats one part of the challenge done!! not sure about the exercise this week though :( i am suffering really bad with my asthma at the moment. my gp has given me 6 tablets a day to try and get my breathing under control!! but does walking a pushchair withtoddler in it count? im going to try and get out today and do some mild walking but it wont be what i want to do. any more suggestions are really welcome!!

    good luck to us all!!

    Gosh Claire - I know how you feel I have asthma too - however it is under control with my Advair inhaler. I also have an emergency one when I am short of breath. I hope you are feeling better soon, once you are we have to get your lungs in shape and get you moving :wink: I am going to have to learn your lingo but walking a push chair (stroller) :happy: burns calories too!

    Speaking of working out - I enjoyed my wine last night, went to bed late up early to get my son to football and was going to skip some of my work out plan. Now that I am talking to you.....I am going for it and will report back. My plan is to go to spin class and then come home slip on my new running shoes and give them a try. I am taking a running class and starting out slow. I think it's my only choice, since at this point I can't run more than 2-3 minutes at a time:laugh:

    I'll catch you later - what exercise are you doing today????
  • AMoore33
    AMoore33 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new to the site and am super excited to be a part of this challenge. I've made my food diary open to friends and am in the process of adding everyone taking part in the challenge. I am certainly open to suggestions on the foods I'm consuming. I often struggle to stay under on carbs but seem to do well with total calories. I will eventually get around to putting information on my profile.

    I had a great time walking with my daughter and playing basketball with my son this morning. It's certainly an easy way to get in half an hour of "easy" excersise. I will focus on getting in a bit more strength training in this week. I have only been doing light cardio since joining.

    The sleep part of the challenge will be my biggest struggle. My husband and I work different shifts so we see each other when we can which can make for odd sleep schedules. I'm going to resolve to get more sleep this week though!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I am excited to join this group as well .... I love this site and the people here, I love the fact that I can write about my issues without sounding vain ... We are all in the same boat.
    To answer Judy's question, this morning I went to the gym and did an hour of Body Combat. This is a boot camp type of class, really intense. I am proud to report that I have been going to the gym every day this week with serious burns each time.
    I have never been part of a weight loss group, always doing things on my own, so I feel this is a good change for me.
    Good to meet you all here and let's see where this journey takes us ...
  • deb_sully
    Like the rest of you, I am excited with a capital E!!! But I know what you mean about being down this road before. It gets old, doesn't it? Lose weight, quit and put it right back on. Once upon a time as a single mom, I was built just right but I lived on cigarettes and Dr. Pepper. Now I eat more healthy and have quit smoking only to put on over 50 pounds. I vow to do this right this time. Life style change, here I come. Judy, thanks for the positive quote. Loved it!! :heart:
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    I am so happy to meet all of you, I usually diet alone, which is maybe why I keep failing at making the lifechange necessary. It will be so nice to have a nice group of friends to get and give support and encouragement to. I KNOW that we can do this, and I hope that we will all be different in someway when January 1st rolls around. The sleep challenge will DEFINITELY be the toughest challenge for me this week. I am a "night person" I usually stay up till 1 or 2 am every night. After 5 months of being unemployed I finally landed a great job and start on Monday, I will be working at 7am which means I will have to be up by 5am at least. My body is really going to have to get used to that. I am kind of excited bc I always wanted to be a "Morning Person" and now i have no choice in the matter haha.

    Hope everyone has a great day today, count those calories and get lots of beauty sleep : )
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    WOOOO HOOOO - I did it even though I didn't want to!!! Just like I promised, I went to cycling class and then came home put on my new running shoes and went to the park and ran 2 mins walked 1 minute 7 times! Burned 700cals total!!!! I bought a heart monitor a few weeks ago and love it!

    I am alittle challenged with the computer, but getting better all the time. I figured out on my own how to show my diary to my friends. Yikes....... I am going to a baby shower today.....wish me luck with that. I have been pretty much under control lately, but you know how it goes.

    Well I guess I should go get some jobs done before I have to go talk about babies :happy:

    Have a Great Day
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I am excited to join this group as well .... I love this site and the people here, I love the fact that I can write about my issues without sounding vain ... We are all in the same boat.
    To answer Judy's question, this morning I went to the gym and did an hour of Body Combat. This is a boot camp type of class, really intense. I am proud to report that I have been going to the gym every day this week with serious burns each time.
    I have never been part of a weight loss group, always doing things on my own, so I feel this is a good change for me.
    Good to meet you all here and let's see where this journey takes us ...

    Yeah!!!! You GO Girl!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!!!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    WOOOO HOOOO - I did it even though I didn't want to!!! Just like I promised, I went to cycling class and then came home put on my new running shoes and went to the park and ran 2 mins walked 1 minute 7 times! Burned 700cals total!!!! I bought a heart monitor a few weeks ago and love it!

    I am alittle challenged with the computer, but getting better all the time. I figured out on my own how to show my diary to my friends. Yikes....... I am going to a baby shower today.....wish me luck with that. I have been pretty much under control lately, but you know how it goes.

    Well I guess I should go get some jobs done before I have to go talk about babies :happy:

    Have a Great Day

    700 Calories is INSANE. Great job! How was the baby shower?
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    I did great at the shower! They had cuccumber sandwiches and egg salad pin wheels, all that fancy stuff. I had a few finger sandwiches, almonds, alittle salad and lots of fruit. I skipped the pasta salad, croissants and most important dessert!!!! Cake balls dipped in chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brownies too!!!

    It was hard to count it all so I just winged it. I had too many carbs...but oh well! I wanted some wine when I got home but managed to fight that one off.

    My daughter will be home tonight so we are planning to catch up on some DVR stuff. I don't see her much since she has school work and most important a boyfriend.

    I am planning a trip to the gym in the morning.....Where are all our other friends???????????????

    Have a good night all
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Feel free to look at my diary I'm not stamping them to show on my page but the food should still show. Skipped dinner tonight went out to a concert and didn't want to eat out!!
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi everyone!! well its day 2 - sounds like we all did really well yesterday so congrats to everyone - especially those who avoided temptation!! thats one of my biggest downfalls - especailly when i go round to the in laws for lunch (today!!) she always brings out something so chocolatey and then insists i ahve some!! i am going to takwe round a weight watchers toffee pudding today which should give her an idea that i am completely serious! as for exercise today - well my asthma is still getting me down but i have a friends childs 5th birthday party today at a soft play centre so will be running - or walking probably around after a load of kids!! keep up all the good work!
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    must also add that i didnt get my sleep last night!! :( i didnt manage to sleep until 12:30 - my stomach was so sore! and then my poorly boy was sick at half one and didnt get to sleep until half three after i cleaned him up then hubby comes in from work at 6 let me sleep until quarter to eight so all in all not a great first night! hope you all did better. xxx
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    must also add that i didnt get my sleep last night!! :( i didnt manage to sleep until 12:30 - my stomach was so sore! and then my poorly boy was sick at half one and didnt get to sleep until half three after i cleaned him up then hubby comes in from work at 6 let me sleep until quarter to eight so all in all not a great first night! hope you all did better. xxx

    Aww how is your baby feeling? Tonight is a new opportunity to try for some more sleep. No worries, we will get it right : )
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Blew it yesterday, went over my calories and am having a hard time getting to sleep tonight. I usually have one night a month where I can't sleep for the life of me.Does anyone else have this problem? I will end up staying up until 5 or 6 am that ONE night a month and it seems that night is TOnight haha. I struggle with staying on point with my calories and getting enough sleep. The challenges this week are simple but I am having a hard time with them, I need to get focused and do it right the rest of the week.

    So many of you did great yesterday and I am inspired by you to do just as great today : )
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    baby is ok thanks. he is still coughing and being sick at night im going to take him to the drs soon i think. i will have a good nights sleep tonight as my lovely mother in law is having him for two nights!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Wow Julie - I bet you are sleeping now :tongue: It's time to get up and get to the gym :tongue: I have some late nights but not that bad. Last night was good. I watched a show and a half with my daughter before I feel asleep on the couch. I woke up about 11:30 and went to bed... so I think I got over 8!!!!! It's foggy here today so it would be nice to stay in bed, but I have a gym class at 8:30. I need my MFP time and coffee!!!

    Have a Great Day!!!!!! Make good Choices!!! :wink: