

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hey I didn't see the link for this till just today! SO I am rededicating myself to my fitness/health goals, I turn 28 next month and I want to make my birthday month all about well being! I'm hoping to keep to 1400 cals/day and not go over that even on the weekends which will be SO hard. The one day I'm letting myself go over will be Thanksgiving (Canada) as that is my favourite meal of the YEAR! How do you make your diaries public?

    I think you should allow at least one cheat meal per week. Mmmmm I love Thanksgiving too! You can make your diary public or viewable by friends by clicking the "settings" at the top of the page.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Everyone is doing AWESOME. My news feed is filled with "so and so is under their calorie goal" and lots of you are exercising. I am going to try some exercise programs that are on my netflix instant queue since I dont have much time to get to the gym. I am also looking for a gym close to my new job so maybe I can get a quick workout in on my lunch break. Does anyone else work out during their lunch break? is 1 hr enough time to get there, work out, freshen up and get back to work?

    You guys are doing GREAT! Keep it up. Is anyone feeling more refreshed now that they are getting more sleep?
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Just stumbled across an amazing snack. Fresh and Easy Hot Salsa scooped with Raw Bell Pepper Slices. DEELISH. what's your favorite healthy, low cal snack?
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    So glad your first day was good Julie! I just found Special K multi grain crackers!!! 24 is a serving 110 cals (I think) I also have a laughing cow wedge with it and spread on the crackers. Laughing cow = 35 cals! yum I also enjoy hummus, I get the single serves at CostCo and eat with baby carrots :)

    So happy to see more friends here sharing!!! I had some great NSV today - 2 people a co worker and a lady from my running class told me I looked like I have lost weight and ask how I am doing it!!!!!

    That makes it all worth it! I really struggled at first. Eating right and working out like crazy. By week 7 I had only lost 5 pounds!!!!!!!!!!! and yes some inches....but 5 stupid pounds!!! I knew if I hung in there I would see a change and last week I had a 3 pound loss bringing me to 8 pounds. I am going to stay focused and I know I will make it this time!!!! I can't go wrong with all this great support!!!!

    Julie - the netflix idea is fantastic!!!! make an appt every night or at least 4-5 times a week and just do it once your sweetie goes to bed. It is such a great feeling to know you did it and feel those muscles take a nice shower and chill out or go to bed!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH.

    Have a good night
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    So glad your first day was good Julie! I just found Special K multi grain crackers!!! 24 is a serving 110 cals (I think) I also have a laughing cow wedge with it and spread on the crackers. Laughing cow = 35 cals! yum I also enjoy hummus, I get the single serves at CostCo and eat with baby carrots :)

    So happy to see more friends here sharing!!! I had some great NSV today - 2 people a co worker and a lady from my running class told me I looked like I have lost weight and ask how I am doing it!!!!!

    That makes it all worth it! I really struggled at first. Eating right and working out like crazy. By week 7 I had only lost 5 pounds!!!!!!!!!!! and yes some inches....but 5 stupid pounds!!! I knew if I hung in there I would see a change and last week I had a 3 pound loss bringing me to 8 pounds. I am going to stay focused and I know I will make it this time!!!! I can't go wrong with all this great support!!!!

    Julie - the netflix idea is fantastic!!!! make an appt every night or at least 4-5 times a week and just do it once your sweetie goes to bed. It is such a great feeling to know you did it and feel those muscles take a nice shower and chill out or go to bed!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH.

    Have a good night

    I am SO going to have to get some special K crackers and laughing cow cheese. I love hummus too!

    Congrats on your NSV. Hard work pays off! Great job!
  • sidddiq
    Hi All,

    I have been using MFP for the last 10 months and i have lost 75lbs so far and i have reached my goal. Yet i have entered this challenege to lose some extra weight so that i can have a cushion on my cheat day, as i go nuts and indulge like a pig ( 5000-6000 Calories). this is the reason i have entered this challenege and i hope things work out in my favour. Please feel free to add me, I am a very active user of MFP always online through Iphone app.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi guys! glad everyone is doing so well!!

    feeling better today - slightly so going to try and eat real food! lol. yesterday is going to count as my cheat day and starting fresh from today. going to take my two dogs out for a walk this afternoon see how i get on with that and it will give me some exercise aswell!

    im so glad i joined this challenge - it has already given me loads of support and motivation so i thank all of you immensley for that. i think i would have continued eating junk today - which is what i feel like doing - but knowing that you are all supporting me has given me that push to do it right today as im feeling a bit better.

    claire. xxx
  • AMoore33
    AMoore33 Posts: 26 Member
    Everyone is doing so well! Its an inspiration to see all the "under his/her calorie goal" feeds.

    I did much better on the sleep last night! Though I did get up for about an hour at 0200, I feel much more rested from going to bed earlier.

    Question for everyone:
    I know this is a controversial topic on MFP but I want my group's feedback. Last night, I struggled to actually eat the calories I had burned during exercise. I simply wasn't very hungry. I went ahead and had a chex bar and 2% milk to use up the calories though. What are your thoughts?

    Cheers and happy Tuesday!
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Hi Friends!! Sorry i wasn't able to post this weekend... weekends are a challenge for me to log on to the full site- but I am going to work on changing that!!

    I am very very excited to do this challenge with each of you, and to see all of us grow and change to become the best versions of ourselves!

    I can already tell that this is going to be fun :)
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    So glad your first day was good Julie! I just found Special K multi grain crackers!!! 24 is a serving 110 cals (I think) I also have a laughing cow wedge with it and spread on the crackers. Laughing cow = 35 cals! yum I also enjoy hummus, I get the single serves at CostCo and eat with baby carrots :)

    So happy to see more friends here sharing!!! I had some great NSV today - 2 people a co worker and a lady from my running class told me I looked like I have lost weight and ask how I am doing it!!!!!

    That makes it all worth it! I really struggled at first. Eating right and working out like crazy. By week 7 I had only lost 5 pounds!!!!!!!!!!! and yes some inches....but 5 stupid pounds!!! I knew if I hung in there I would see a change and last week I had a 3 pound loss bringing me to 8 pounds. I am going to stay focused and I know I will make it this time!!!! I can't go wrong with all this great support!!!!

    Julie - the netflix idea is fantastic!!!! make an appt every night or at least 4-5 times a week and just do it once your sweetie goes to bed. It is such a great feeling to know you did it and feel those muscles take a nice shower and chill out or go to bed!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH.

    Have a good night

    I am SO going to have to get some special K crackers and laughing cow cheese. I love hummus too!

    Congrats on your NSV. Hard work pays off! Great job!

    That does sound delicious! Hitting the grocery store tonight!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Ok, so this is my third morning when I was too tired to wake up for the gym .... the guilt is settinig in. I am losing weight (I weigh myself every morning but I record only once a week) but I don't want next time I go to feel sluggish. That's what happeneds when I hit the third day without a workout. Maybe I can squeeze in a 30 min run this afternoon, get my 5k in so I don't feel that guilty.
    I think my new personal challenge will be close my ears to my family drama - between my mom, my brother and everybody else, I am tired. How can the people you have the closest can affect like this? This is more of an internal question because I know the answer is "they just do!"
    Oh well, it is what it is. Call me vain but I preffer to dream of my future single digit size clothes right now!
    Hope you all get to be a little selfish today and work on yourself! :)
    Loredana :drinker:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey Friends!!!! I have some busy days ahead! I have to work with a big wig from NEstle tomorrow and another one on Thursday! I am stressed since I don't have alot of appts set up. It always works out so I am going to just focus and get it done! With stress comes some extra eating:sad: I was under calories yesterday in the middle of the night I did get up and have some Choc Chip cookie dough (a work sample) and cheese!!!!!! I'm OK with it and am looking forward to a day of good choices.

    Clarie I am glad you are feeling better...time to get busy :wink: Angela - maybe have some peanut butter or a protein shake. I think it is important to eat those calories but if you are alittle short I would think that would be fine.

    Sidddig - Congrats on the BIG loss! Now is when the hard part starts keeping it off!!!! Good luck we are here for you.

    Well I better get to work...I hear work e-mails coming in....I hope it's appointments for my work with :tongue: Have a good day...I look forward to hearing your success tonight.

  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    Everyone is doing so well! Its an inspiration to see all the "under his/her calorie goal" feeds.

    I did much better on the sleep last night! Though I did get up for about an hour at 0200, I feel much more rested from going to bed earlier.

    Question for everyone:
    I know this is a controversial topic on MFP but I want my group's feedback. Last night, I struggled to actually eat the calories I had burned during exercise. I simply wasn't very hungry. I went ahead and had a chex bar and 2% milk to use up the calories though. What are your thoughts?

    Cheers and happy Tuesday!

    Hi i never eat my calories that i exercise - dont know if thats bad or not! lol. i find that afterwards im just not hungry and when i have something to eat that i have planned i am full so i would really really stuggle with eating them!! and tbh i would rather have them as extra and keep with in my non exercised calories anyway. if i ate them i would probably have the wrong foods because i hadnt planned them.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Everyone is doing AWESOME. My news feed is filled with "so and so is under their calorie goal" and lots of you are exercising. I am going to try some exercise programs that are on my netflix instant queue since I dont have much time to get to the gym. I am also looking for a gym close to my new job so maybe I can get a quick workout in on my lunch break. Does anyone else work out during their lunch break? is 1 hr enough time to get there, work out, freshen up and get back to work?

    You guys are doing GREAT! Keep it up. Is anyone feeling more refreshed now that they are getting more sleep?

    Funny, I just posted something about lunchtime workouts this morning. Hoping to get some good responses.

    Also wanted to add that if you have cable, there are tons of FREE workouts in the on-demand section on ExerciseTV. It's been perfect for me because I mix up the type of workouts I do regularly.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    Everyone is doing AWESOME. My news feed is filled with "so and so is under their calorie goal" and lots of you are exercising. I am going to try some exercise programs that are on my netflix instant queue since I dont have much time to get to the gym. I am also looking for a gym close to my new job so maybe I can get a quick workout in on my lunch break. Does anyone else work out during their lunch break? is 1 hr enough time to get there, work out, freshen up and get back to work?

    You guys are doing GREAT! Keep it up. Is anyone feeling more refreshed now that they are getting more sleep?

    Funny, I just posted something about lunchtime workouts this morning. Hoping to get some good responses.

    Also wanted to add that if you have cable, there are tons of FREE workouts in the on-demand section on ExerciseTV. It's been perfect for me because I mix up the type of workouts I do regularly.

    i managed to get a full nights sleep last night!! :D and feel more refreshed already! on the workout side at lunch - i only get half an hour so i have to go before or after work. mainly before if my lovely hubby will drop me to the gym! lol. i think we are all doing such a great job and i think it is all part of this group and the motivation and support we are getting - so THANK YOU!!!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Everyone is doing so well! Its an inspiration to see all the "under his/her calorie goal" feeds.

    I did much better on the sleep last night! Though I did get up for about an hour at 0200, I feel much more rested from going to bed earlier.

    Question for everyone:
    I know this is a controversial topic on MFP but I want my group's feedback. Last night, I struggled to actually eat the calories I had burned during exercise. I simply wasn't very hungry. I went ahead and had a chex bar and 2% milk to use up the calories though. What are your thoughts?

    Cheers and happy Tuesday!


    Yes, you should eat at least half (or more) of your exercise calories back. I've been on here for several months and can tell you that it does work!

    You should really be eating according to your BMR ( ). This number basically tells you how many calories you would burn if you were to be in a coma all other words, do absolutely nothing! MFP has already built in a deficit from your BMR, so you should lose weight as long as you follow the plan.

    A basic rule of thumb is that no one should NET under 1200 calories. This isn't foolproof, but a good guess. You may lose weight quickly if you net lower, but your body won't sustain it and you will plateau within 1-2 months. Basically what will happen is that your body will think it is starving itself and suddenly hold on to all the calories it can get. And beyond that, functions in your body that you don't think about - like hair growth or the healing of a scar will slow. Then more serious functions will slow too. This isn't meant to scare anyone, it's just stuff most people don't realize when they push their body too far.

    Finally, most everyone on MFP has been an over-eater to one degree or another, so if they consistently tell you they are full on a very limited number of calories, I either wouldn't believe them, would think they are fooling themselves or at the very least being very unhealthy about the journey. Just my two cents...
  • Kaimana94
    Kaimana94 Posts: 165 Member
    I have been walking every day for the last two and a half weeks, about 4 miles. Some night I walk 5 minutes, then run 2 minutes. I hope to increase this to running one mile and then walking one. Plan to put in some weight training this week. I help coach wrestling at my sons' high school and can get in the weight room after pratice on tuesdays and thursdays.

    I wish everyone luck this week on the challege. The sleep will be hard for me. I'm in the middle of a divorce and I still wake up every night about 2:00 am. This is when I been getting up and working out before work. I will try to go back to sleep and get the rest.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    Everyone is doing so well! Its an inspiration to see all the "under his/her calorie goal" feeds.

    I did much better on the sleep last night! Though I did get up for about an hour at 0200, I feel much more rested from going to bed earlier.

    Question for everyone:
    I know this is a controversial topic on MFP but I want my group's feedback. Last night, I struggled to actually eat the calories I had burned during exercise. I simply wasn't very hungry. I went ahead and had a chex bar and 2% milk to use up the calories though. What are your thoughts?

    Cheers and happy Tuesday!


    Yes, you should eat at least half (or more) of your exercise calories back. I've been on here for several months and can tell you that it does work!

    You should really be eating according to your BMR ( ). This number basically tells you how many calories you would burn if you were to be in a coma all other words, do absolutely nothing! MFP has already built in a deficit from your BMR, so you should lose weight as long as you follow the plan.

    A basic rule of thumb is that no one should NET under 1200 calories. This isn't foolproof, but a good guess. You may lose weight quickly if you net lower, but your body won't sustain it and you will plateau within 1-2 months. Basically what will happen is that your body will think it is starving itself and suddenly hold on to all the calories it can get. And beyond that, functions in your body that you don't think about - like hair growth or the healing of a scar will slow. Then more serious functions will slow too. This isn't meant to scare anyone, it's just stuff most people don't realize when they push their body too far.

    Finally, most everyone on MFP has been an over-eater to one degree or another, so if they consistently tell you they are full on a very limited number of calories, I either wouldn't believe them, would think they are fooling themselves or at the very least being very unhealthy about the journey. Just my two cents...

    thanks for the info - i will definatley try and eat some of my exercise calories now - dont want to go into starvation mode! but i really dont feel hungry after a work out and i am eating lots of filling things like pasta and potatoes - so not empty calories and yes i have definatley been an over eater but i did a juice fast not long ago and was starving! now i have juice or banana for breakfast and healthy lunch and dinner and a few treats along the way - mainly ww! :D
  • Whitneylol
    Hey all! This is my first post- glad to be a part of this challenge!

    Last night I got my 8hrs and WOW I feel rested for once in a long time! Also I'm sure the benadryl I took helped. :) Went to the gym last night and did Zumba, which I love but this instructor kicked my butt! I'm sore all over. I have work today and then class so I won't make it to the gym but I think I'm going to attempt to do 30DS later when I get home. I have reached a point where I feel lazy if I don't do SOMETHING every day (even if it's just a walk!).

    Hope you all are doing well!

    p.s- I woke up feeling bloated but then someone told me I look like I'm losing weight! Yes!