

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    I am so happy to meet all of you, I usually diet alone, which is maybe why I keep failing at making the lifechange necessary. It will be so nice to have a nice group of friends to get and give support and encouragement to. I KNOW that we can do this, and I hope that we will all be different in someway when January 1st rolls around. The sleep challenge will DEFINITELY be the toughest challenge for me this week. I am a "night person" I usually stay up till 1 or 2 am every night. After 5 months of being unemployed I finally landed a great job and start on Monday, I will be working at 7am which means I will have to be up by 5am at least. My body is really going to have to get used to that. I am kind of excited bc I always wanted to be a "Morning Person" and now i have no choice in the matter haha.

    Hope everyone has a great day today, count those calories and get lots of beauty sleep : )

    Waking up early morning will definately help you! I can imagine as a single mom and unemployed, the stress must have been really high, but the light is in sight. Excited for you for this great new start! Just don't be too harsh on yourself ... things happen in time :)
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Blew it yesterday, went over my calories and am having a hard time getting to sleep tonight. I usually have one night a month where I can't sleep for the life of me.Does anyone else have this problem? I will end up staying up until 5 or 6 am that ONE night a month and it seems that night is TOnight haha. I struggle with staying on point with my calories and getting enough sleep. The challenges this week are simple but I am having a hard time with them, I need to get focused and do it right the rest of the week.

    So many of you did great yesterday and I am inspired by you to do just as great today : )

    I have these once in a while nights ... what puts me to sleep are audio books ... get those from the library for my kids and when I can't sleep I listen to "King Arthur and his knights" :). I know that if I stay in front of the TV or computer, I will not fall asleep. At least I just stay in the dark and rest even if I am not sleeping. Eventually the zzz's come .... Try to make some tea or warm milk too. Hope you'll get your sleep soon :)
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Had a long week - worked out every day, did a lot of chores around the house and now I am sore ... but it's a good sore, the sore you have when you know your muscles had worked.
    So, my dear MFP friends, it's time to relax today... It looks like it's going to be a nice day out, maybe we'll go for a hike.
    I enjoy this fall, the apple orchard, the upcoming Haloween - kids are cute in their costumes, bon fires outside after dark .... life is good! I love having that feeling again ... I had a pretty rough year, both my dad and father in law passed shortly one after another, and the depression took a part of me. I wanted the "feeling good" feel back so badly and just restarting my weight loss journey put me back on track.
    You all enjoy your Sunday!!!
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi everyone - just saying if i dont check in for a couple of days im still here - just beng really ill atm. was up all night last night. keep up all the good work. xxx
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey Fit Gang~ Julie I hope you got some sleep and your first day of work is fantastic!!!! Did you pack a lunch???

    Loredana - I so know how you feel. I have been working out hard for 2 months and I love that good sore feeling! Infact I am feeling it now after a weekend of body works class, cycling and walk run training. It sounds like I am such a work out freak and I have turned into one, but still have quite a ways to go before I look anything like a skinny gym rat :happy:

    I also understand your struggle with the passing of you Father's :frown: I watched my Mom have a horrible stroke last Halloween. We were in the middle of going through their things and packing to move them closer to my Sister and I. After calling 911 she was rushed to the hospital where I met them, my Dad is in a paraplegic and my sis has little kids she had to get home. I was met by a chaplin.............which is never good, anyway sad story short, she passed away on November 19th. During that time we moved my Dad into his new home. He is doing really well and loves his new place. We have a caregiver for him as much as he can afford. Then my sister and I handle the rest. I go 2 nights a week and put him back to bed, sundays I get him up in the morning then come back and get him to bed, make sure he has all his meals etc. It is an extra stress for sure. But he has a great attitude! That is where I got my Positive Power from!

    Sorry that was alittle bit of a downer....I am talking too much again! I hope you all have a great day. We have to figure out how to get our whole group together!!!!!! I only see a handful of us here :frown:

    I better get to work - I have my running class tonight and can't wait to hear the successes you have today. Claire FEEL BETTER

    Judy :wink:
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    hi everyone - just saying if i dont check in for a couple of days im still here - just beng really ill atm. was up all night last night. keep up all the good work. xxx

    I sure hope you feel better!!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Todays workout already complete now just working on my water intake and food. I have been sleeping well the last 2 nights which is great I think getting up early and getting the kids off then working out and staying up throughout the day is really helping because a few nights last week my sleep pattern was all out of wack!!

    Judy feel free to talk as much as you want I love your positive energy.. Sorry for the lost of your mom last yr and as the time draws near feel free to lean on us we are here for you. Glad your dad is doing great!!! Have a wonderful Monday!
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    thanks guys - feeling a bit better now managed to keep some (junk) food down but it was all i fancied! :( feel really guilty now though. going to have some soup and a pitta for dinner so hopefully that will be proper comfort food! xxx
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I am so happy to meet all of you, I usually diet alone, which is maybe why I keep failing at making the lifechange necessary. It will be so nice to have a nice group of friends to get and give support and encouragement to. I KNOW that we can do this, and I hope that we will all be different in someway when January 1st rolls around. The sleep challenge will DEFINITELY be the toughest challenge for me this week. I am a "night person" I usually stay up till 1 or 2 am every night. After 5 months of being unemployed I finally landed a great job and start on Monday, I will be working at 7am which means I will have to be up by 5am at least. My body is really going to have to get used to that. I am kind of excited bc I always wanted to be a "Morning Person" and now i have no choice in the matter haha.

    Hope everyone has a great day today, count those calories and get lots of beauty sleep : )

    Good luck at your new job! Seems like this is the perfect time for you to start a new challenge. :smile:

    I've been on MFP since May and have lost 20 lbs since then (plus 8 lbs before I joined). This site has been so helpful for me. I know many of us are in the same boat where we lose a few pounds and then gain it back and it becomes a cycle. However, something feels really different about the journey this time around. I think it has a lot to do with MFP and all the built in support! Plus, something about the math on the diary helps me stay on track (most days, lol) better than I ever did keeping any other type of food diary.

    I'm really looking forward to new friendships and dealing with some issues on this challenge. I'm at the point where I really need to figure out who I am so I'm optimistic this group will help that since we're all here together. I'd like to suggest adding "life coaching" type questions a few times a week in addition to the weekly goals. I'd be happy to put them on my MFP blog if others are interested. Let me know.

    So far so good on the 3 challenge pieces for the first week. My diary is open for friends, I've worked out twice already this week and have been sleeping well. Yay!
  • mh4611
    Hi everybody! Sorry it took so long for me to post. I have had 2 bday parties and a wedding to attend this past weekend. I am new to mfp and I am just strating to daily log my today. I knew it would be too much for me to start right before my chaotic weekend! I have lost 20lbs since my post prego weight and I am planning on losing the next 30lbs using mfp! I opened my diary to friends already and i have my workouts scheduled for this week. The sleep challenge is going to be the hardest for me. I have 5.5 month twins that arent quite sleeping through the night yet. (but we are working on it!)
    Well, I am looking forward to hearing from everybody and I hope everyone has a great week!
  • AMoore33
    AMoore33 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope Monday is treating you well. After my sushi weakness yesterday evening, I'm back on top of things today. Packed my lunch (made a recipe from the Recipe forum - Red, White, and Yahoo) and have drank plenty of water today. I was running behind this morning so the workout will have to happen after work.

    My sleep last night was not so great (ahem - terrible). I couldn't seem to fall asleep. Finally a little before 2300 the sandman came to visit...while I was laying on the couch. I woke up at 0100 and couldn't go back to sleep. I fell asleep for a couple hours and woke back up. Stayed up until 0400 and had broken sleep until time to get up. When my husband works at night, I sleep horribly. I think I need to do more physical activity during the day so I can sleep restfully at night when he's not home. Your thoughts?

    Congratulations to all the group members that have done so well this weekend! Keep it up!
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    Hey I didn't see the link for this till just today! SO I am rededicating myself to my fitness/health goals, I turn 28 next month and I want to make my birthday month all about well being! I'm hoping to keep to 1400 cals/day and not go over that even on the weekends which will be SO hard. The one day I'm letting myself go over will be Thanksgiving (Canada) as that is my favourite meal of the YEAR! How do you make your diaries public?
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone! I had some challenges over the weekend - went to a fair on Sunday, had a large whoopie pie as my lunch on Saturday (I know!) but I did a lot of walking both days, so I hope everything evened out in the end. Didn't eat as bad at the fair as I usually do at those things. TOM started yesterday too, so I really need to make sure I drink all my water. Back on track today, although I was too busy at work to manage a walk at lunchtime, which is when I usually try to get in my exercise when it's nice out.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    I am so happy to meet all of you, I usually diet alone, which is maybe why I keep failing at making the lifechange necessary. It will be so nice to have a nice group of friends to get and give support and encouragement to. I KNOW that we can do this, and I hope that we will all be different in someway when January 1st rolls around. The sleep challenge will DEFINITELY be the toughest challenge for me this week. I am a "night person" I usually stay up till 1 or 2 am every night. After 5 months of being unemployed I finally landed a great job and start on Monday, I will be working at 7am which means I will have to be up by 5am at least. My body is really going to have to get used to that. I am kind of excited bc I always wanted to be a "Morning Person" and now i have no choice in the matter haha.

    Hope everyone has a great day today, count those calories and get lots of beauty sleep : )

    Waking up early morning will definately help you! I can imagine as a single mom and unemployed, the stress must have been really high, but the light is in sight. Excited for you for this great new start! Just don't be too harsh on yourself ... things happen in time :)

    I was pretty stressed for a while and that definitely had a lot to do with my weight gain. SO excited to be working again. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement : )
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Had a long week - worked out every day, did a lot of chores around the house and now I am sore ... but it's a good sore, the sore you have when you know your muscles had worked.
    So, my dear MFP friends, it's time to relax today... It looks like it's going to be a nice day out, maybe we'll go for a hike.
    I enjoy this fall, the apple orchard, the upcoming Haloween - kids are cute in their costumes, bon fires outside after dark .... life is good! I love having that feeling again ... I had a pretty rough year, both my dad and father in law passed shortly one after another, and the depression took a part of me. I wanted the "feeling good" feel back so badly and just restarting my weight loss journey put me back on track.
    You all enjoy your Sunday!!!

    I love the Fall too, I look forward to letting the fresh air flow through my apartment all day and night. I am so sorry you have had such a rough year but you are definitely in the right place to get back on track and feel good again.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hey Fit Gang~ Julie I hope you got some sleep and your first day of work is fantastic!!!! Did you pack a lunch???

    Loredana - I so know how you feel. I have been working out hard for 2 months and I love that good sore feeling! Infact I am feeling it now after a weekend of body works class, cycling and walk run training. It sounds like I am such a work out freak and I have turned into one, but still have quite a ways to go before I look anything like a skinny gym rat :happy:

    I also understand your struggle with the passing of you Father's :frown: I watched my Mom have a horrible stroke last Halloween. We were in the middle of going through their things and packing to move them closer to my Sister and I. After calling 911 she was rushed to the hospital where I met them, my Dad is in a paraplegic and my sis has little kids she had to get home. I was met by a chaplin.............which is never good, anyway sad story short, she passed away on November 19th. During that time we moved my Dad into his new home. He is doing really well and loves his new place. We have a caregiver for him as much as he can afford. Then my sister and I handle the rest. I go 2 nights a week and put him back to bed, sundays I get him up in the morning then come back and get him to bed, make sure he has all his meals etc. It is an extra stress for sure. But he has a great attitude! That is where I got my Positive Power from!

    Sorry that was alittle bit of a downer....I am talking too much again! I hope you all have a great day. We have to figure out how to get our whole group together!!!!!! I only see a handful of us here :frown:

    I better get to work - I have my running class tonight and can't wait to hear the successes you have today. Claire FEEL BETTER

    Judy :wink:

    Hi Judy, first day of work was great. It feels so good to have a job to go to. one more day of training then we will be getting down to business. I hate training for new jobs, I get bored too easily haha. I did not pack a lunch but will definitely prepare and pack tonight. Don't want to waste money an calories on junk food.

    you're not being a downer, its good for us to talk about the hard times we have been through, I'm sure a lot of us have a lot of hard times in common and a lot of the hard times have brought us to this struggle with our weight.

    Hope you had a great running class1.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Todays workout already complete now just working on my water intake and food. I have been sleeping well the last 2 nights which is great I think getting up early and getting the kids off then working out and staying up throughout the day is really helping because a few nights last week my sleep pattern was all out of wack!!

    Judy feel free to talk as much as you want I love your positive energy.. Sorry for the lost of your mom last yr and as the time draws near feel free to lean on us we are here for you. Glad your dad is doing great!!! Have a wonderful Monday!

    great job getting lots of sleep and working out! I still have to fit my workouts in this week. Gotta figure out a way to make it work. I am getting up at 5am and getting home around 5pm when I get my daughter ready for bed at 6pm. Maybe I should try some workout dvds. I actually have some workouts saved on my netflix instant queue I guess now is a good time to try them out
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    I am so happy to meet all of you, I usually diet alone, which is maybe why I keep failing at making the lifechange necessary. It will be so nice to have a nice group of friends to get and give support and encouragement to. I KNOW that we can do this, and I hope that we will all be different in someway when January 1st rolls around. The sleep challenge will DEFINITELY be the toughest challenge for me this week. I am a "night person" I usually stay up till 1 or 2 am every night. After 5 months of being unemployed I finally landed a great job and start on Monday, I will be working at 7am which means I will have to be up by 5am at least. My body is really going to have to get used to that. I am kind of excited bc I always wanted to be a "Morning Person" and now i have no choice in the matter haha.

    Hope everyone has a great day today, count those calories and get lots of beauty sleep : )

    Good luck at your new job! Seems like this is the perfect time for you to start a new challenge. :smile:

    I've been on MFP since May and have lost 20 lbs since then (plus 8 lbs before I joined). This site has been so helpful for me. I know many of us are in the same boat where we lose a few pounds and then gain it back and it becomes a cycle. However, something feels really different about the journey this time around. I think it has a lot to do with MFP and all the built in support! Plus, something about the math on the diary helps me stay on track (most days, lol) better than I ever did keeping any other type of food diary.

    I'm really looking forward to new friendships and dealing with some issues on this challenge. I'm at the point where I really need to figure out who I am so I'm optimistic this group will help that since we're all here together. I'd like to suggest adding "life coaching" type questions a few times a week in addition to the weekly goals. I'd be happy to put them on my MFP blog if others are interested. Let me know.

    So far so good on the 3 challenge pieces for the first week. My diary is open for friends, I've worked out twice already this week and have been sleeping well. Yay!

    I feel the same as you do. I have lost and gained SO many times but it's just different this time. Love this website, its nice to know I'm not in this alone and I am not the only one who struggles. I think the life coaching questions are a great idea. Great job with your challenges!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hi everybody! Sorry it took so long for me to post. I have had 2 bday parties and a wedding to attend this past weekend. I am new to mfp and I am just strating to daily log my today. I knew it would be too much for me to start right before my chaotic weekend! I have lost 20lbs since my post prego weight and I am planning on losing the next 30lbs using mfp! I opened my diary to friends already and i have my workouts scheduled for this week. The sleep challenge is going to be the hardest for me. I have 5.5 month twins that arent quite sleeping through the night yet. (but we are working on it!)
    Well, I am looking forward to hearing from everybody and I hope everyone has a great week!

    Great job losing the 20lbs! You will do great with the last 30, this website is a great help and i am sure you will love it. Nice job fitting in your workouts with twins! Kudos to you!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hey everyone! I hope Monday is treating you well. After my sushi weakness yesterday evening, I'm back on top of things today. Packed my lunch (made a recipe from the Recipe forum - Red, White, and Yahoo) and have drank plenty of water today. I was running behind this morning so the workout will have to happen after work.

    My sleep last night was not so great (ahem - terrible). I couldn't seem to fall asleep. Finally a little before 2300 the sandman came to visit...while I was laying on the couch. I woke up at 0100 and couldn't go back to sleep. I fell asleep for a couple hours and woke back up. Stayed up until 0400 and had broken sleep until time to get up. When my husband works at night, I sleep horribly. I think I need to do more physical activity during the day so I can sleep restfully at night when he's not home. Your thoughts?

    Congratulations to all the group members that have done so well this weekend! Keep it up!

    High five for packing your lunch! You must be exhausted from last night. I definitely think that more physical activity will help with your sleep