Fit Life Challenge



  • deb_sully
    Phew! I barely got in under the wire! Thanks for the challenge. A challenge is one of the most helpful tools available. I think, hope, I'm up for it!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    I have been thinking and I just joined two challenges ending around the same time and so I am excited to have the extra push to reach my goals because come Christmas morning I want to be the greatest gift to myself!!!

    Here is a post I just placed on my page so I am sharing it with you all!!

    So here it goes I have been struggling for several months going back and forth on what to do starting and stopping many workout programs. Blaming the fact that I don't work well in the house to at home videos. Getting discouraged if life happens and I have to double up a day then I feel like a failure because I didn't do it perfectly. After carefully thinking about this and looking at what I am trying to accomplish by Chrismas morning. I learned that the workout doesn't matter it's all in my determination. Plus deciding how bad do you want it. I have been sitting here and saying to myself I want it but was working half *** so the results I have been getting is just what I deserve nothing from nothing = nothing. So I am stepping out my comfort zone and making daily changes that will add up to something. Looking foward to being the best gift to myself come Christmas morning!!!
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    I have been thinking and I just joined two challenges ending around the same time and so I am excited to have the extra push to reach my goals because come Christmas morning I want to be the greatest gift to myself!!!

    Here is a post I just placed on my page so I am sharing it with you all!!

    So here it goes I have been struggling for several months going back and forth on what to do starting and stopping many workout programs. Blaming the fact that I don't work well in the house to at home videos. Getting discouraged if life happens and I have to double up a day then I feel like a failure because I didn't do it perfectly. After carefully thinking about this and looking at what I am trying to accomplish by Chrismas morning. I learned that the workout doesn't matter it's all in my determination. Plus deciding how bad do you want it. I have been sitting here and saying to myself I want it but was working half *** so the results I have been getting is just what I deserve nothing from nothing = nothing. So I am stepping out my comfort zone and making daily changes that will add up to something. Looking foward to being the best gift to myself come Christmas morning!!!

    I love this! And the part about being your gift to yourself! So excited to take on this challenge with you ladies!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    OK everyone, I am too excited to wait so lets shut this thing down! We have 16 Teammates, 15 Ladies and 1 Gentleman, We are coming together from all the US and even one teammate from the UK. I am so excited about taking this journey with all of you!

    Make sure to add all of our Team Members, get to know each other!


    Our Week One challenges will be simple, our main focus is to get to know each other this week. We are going to be each others Virtual Family for the next 15 weeks : )


    Diet: Make your food diary available for friends to see.
    Fitness: Workout at least 3 times this week, just get active and have some fun : )
    Life: SLEEP. haha seems like a lot of us are tired and stressed so get 7-8 hrs of sleep EVERY NIGHT this week. Drop whatever you are doing at bedtime and catch some ZZZs

    MAKE SURE TO MESSAGE ME YOUR CHALLENGE SUGGESTIONS FOR NEXT WEEK AND KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE FORUM. You can search "Fit Life Challenge" in the forum to keep up to speed with whats going on.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    me too!!

    Name: Jen
    Location: Alberta
    Current Weight: 153
    Goal Weight by January 1st, 2012: 135
    What you struggle with in your:

    -Diet: late night and weekend eating!
    -Physical Fitness: Gym is not an option for me so I try to work out at home. But it's hard to make the time and be dedicated
    -Everyday Life Stress - disorginazation of my house!! I feel like I can't get anyone to give me a hand around the place on a regular or even semi reg basis.
    -And what you want to accomplish by New Years. How do you want your life to be different by then?
    I want to be and feel as hot as I was/did in my profile pic. That was 2007 and I was 2 months pregnant with my daughter. I want THAT body back.