voodoomoocow Member


  • You can also try shocking your body by eating more calories than usual for a few days. You should also change your workout immediately as your body is probably used to whatever it is you are doing. if you were doing a lot of cardio, switch to weights. if you were doing running, switch to yoga or pilates. anything to keep…
  • When you wake up, the first thing you should do is drink a very large glass of ice water. It will make your metabolism work harder because your body temperature will start the day lower. Before every meal, drink another ice cold glass of water. It will make you feel full to prevent you from overeating. if you have 4 hours…
  • I used to be terrible at receiving compliments. I actually googled it once and it's helped me ever since. http://www.wikihow.com/Take-Compliments When accepting the compliment as it is, even if it's not something you agree with, keep the reply simple and stay focused on the fact of receiving the compliment and be…
  • I am not Vegan but I went to an art school which means I had to be very sensitive to it at all times! haha! I HATE vegan american food so I'd always make Indian food for them. A lot of Hindus are vegetarian or vegan so many recipes are absolutely delicious and totally vegan. I'd recommend you checking out vegetarian Indian…
  • Have you lost a significant amount of weight? You should reevaluate your goals if you have. A severely obese person can reduce their calorie intake to about 2 lbs a month, but if you are exercising and at a certain weight range, you should increase your daily allowance of calories and make sure to eat the calories back…
  • awesome!!! I've NEVER fit into anything below a size 10 so I can imagine how much you are celebrating right now. Work it!
  • You may weigh more than I do atm, but your jaw line is 100x more defined than mine! Excellent! Way to go!
  • Dude i hear you! I ate 800+ calories in chocolate today without realizing it. I didn't have anymore calories for dinner! I was really sad but I just worked out a little harder today and tomorrow I'll exercise more without eating back those calories. Maybe don't weigh yourself tomorrow. Give your body (and mind) some rest,…
  • Aww I'm missing all the high school drama!! ::reads through forums for lulz::
  • I did day 2 today, Can I join in on this? My profile is my before pictures. Waist- 29.5 Hips- 43.5 Bust- 38 Thigh- 25 Arm- 12 Edit: Get well soon! I was sick all last week.
  • Way to stick with it!! Your jawline is the first change I noticed.
  • Yay happy diwali to you, too!
  • Ah, leftovers! Great idea Edit: It's a spicy chicken appetizer. Deep fried and dyed red. http://www.indobase.com/recipes/details/chicken-65.php It's a famous barfood from Hyderabad. Very bad for you, but holy moly it's delicious.
  • I lived in Hawaii, the most militarized state in the US. Most of my friends got married to military around 18, and 2/3 ended up abused. Not even exaggerating. The girls had a similar problem: most of the cops were sensitive (or paid off) by the military, so the girls would visit their neighbors and tell them her situation.…
  • Do you like spicy food? Spicy food helps you get full faster. It also encourages drinking a LOT of water. When i'm on a diet, i make everything 10x more spicy than usual and it works!
  • THIS. If you can't drink water, try cucumber and other fancy stuff. Think of yourself as a bartender...a Mixologist if you will. But instead of alcohol, it's water!
  • I hate it when I'm eating a popsicle and I let someone try it and they take a bite out. I hate it when people don't ask to try a bite of something and just reach over and grab. I hate it when people say "I can't do anything right!" I hate it when i'm at a store and a cashier says "i'll take who's next in line" when she…
  • I think I'm disheartened because when I think about the brief moment when i was 145, my thighs were still HUGE! My thighs are probably the most insecure aspect of my body and I'd love to shed them. I can't imagine another 10lbs would make them not huge. It's just a concern.
  • Gotta do Bollywood actresses because I'm brown and proud- Mumtaz's face and hair style With Sonakshi Sinha's body as soon as I reach my goal weight, I'm totally bringing back 60's Bollywood fashion. YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!!
  • Ahh no! I don't want to be bony!! Ok so I guess 115 is for like....people with no muscles who are still healthy. I'll stick with 135 for now.
  • thanks for the recommendation! I shall download now :)
  • Thanks for answering! You both are right, I should stick with 135 and see how I look and feel. If there's room for improvement, I'll think of a new goal weight. I think if i achieved 115, I'd have no muscle left. I just imagined being 135 in April and I made myself giddy..I hope I get to feel that. How long were the walks…
  • I love wearing dresses and skirts so I don't notice much when my weight fluctuates. I got a new job on Oct 6 that requires jeans. I pulled out the only pair of pants I own (I only bought them to go skydiving back in '07) and they did not fit me the way I remembered. My thigh completely filled out the pant legs when I…
  • It happens all the time. Part of changing your lifestyle (and not simply dieting) is learning how to cope with obstacles for the rest of your life. There will probably be many times in the future where you will binge on booze and carbs and you know what? It was probably fun, and worth it. All you have to do is make sure…
  • I was a smoker until recently and while it helped control my appetite, it didn't help my metabolism and I couldn't exercise for the life of me. I switched to ecigs about 8 months ago and i've tried 4 different brands. The first 3 did NOT satisfy me at ALL (blu, the mall stuff, and volcano). The best brand I found (with the…
  • Yuuup, most people are surprised by how much I weigh because I don't really look THAT heavy. I played softball for 10 years so my thighs are solid muscle. I have muscle everywhere, it's just now coated in a layer of chunk. I doubt I'll be able to get below 135, and I've accepted that I can NEVER have thin thighs. Oh well.…
  • Watch your portions, count EVERY calorie (even just a bite of something), set multiple (and realistic) goals and reward yourself for reaching them, and try to be a somewhat active member in the community and add lots of friends for moral support and encouragement. The community constantly has challenges and work out…
  • I've always been overweight (180 in 8th grade). I went a little nuts in college and dropped down to 145. That only lasted for a year. I noticed the middle school bullies ran into me and the looks on their faces....mm I relish it. I noticed when I gained most of it back, my lady friends were nicer to me and wanted to go out…
  • Other than what people have said, I'm a product of social networking. I posted a thread asking if anyone needed encouragement and support and over 90 people replied and/or friend requested me. Now, I am holding my end of the bargain and that keeps me logging in everyday. I have 95 new friends who felt they needed some…
  • Welcome! I'm trying to lose 30 lbs; feel free to add me if you need encouragement.