
i have cut out bread out of my diet ( hard though) i remeber my sister did this and lost lots of weight , i have also cut my food portions down, and if i need to munch i am eating fruit , anything else i can do to speed up my weight loss ?? thanks in advance for suggestions , sarah p.s feel free to add me and i will give encouragement :)


  • Thomas106
    You shouldn't cut anything out to lose weight because then you'll want it even more, just eat in moderation and log your calories and you'll be fine.
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    What Thomas said. If you aren't satisfied mentally as well as physically then the weight loss journey becomes that much more difficult.
  • voodoomoocow
    voodoomoocow Posts: 60 Member
    When you wake up, the first thing you should do is drink a very large glass of ice water. It will make your metabolism work harder because your body temperature will start the day lower. Before every meal, drink another ice cold glass of water. It will make you feel full to prevent you from overeating. if you have 4 hours between meal A and meal B, at the two hour mark, eat 8 raw almonds and another glass of water. The almonds will keep your metabolism working until meal B. Continue this between every meal.

    Always keep healthy snacks in your purse at all time. You never know when a craving is going to hit, or what life throws at you, but if you are prepared for it with your own snacks, you'll be less likely to cave in to cravings.

    Little things really start to add up. If you have a desk job, flex your muscles while you work. Park farther away. Make sure to be active 10 minutes every hour, even if it's simply working at your computer standing up and doing a little dance or moving side to side. if you talk on the phone, talk while you're walking around the block or your backyard. if something is close by, walk or bike overthere instead of driving. don't ever let yourself be lazy or offer excuses!
  • chubiD
    chubiD Posts: 260
    I'd say: work out harder, and earn yourself some extra calories... then you can even have bread! I can't imagine my life without bread haha, I just make sure it fits in my calorie budget for the day. As someone said above, cutting on everything you enjoy will make you feel deprived (and miserable), that won't help.

    Wish you the best of luck!