I'm new to fitness pal! Advice?

Just wanted to say hi.
Does anyone have any advice for workouts or diet plans that would help me lose weight?


  • ctroxell2011
    Cut out all white carbs, potatoes, rice, pasta bread. Cardio at least 30-45 minutes a day, five days a week. You'll see a difference quickly.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Basically just watch your portions and substitute healthier foods when possible. You actually don't really need to cut out anything. I don't deprive myself, I just make sure it doesn't cause me to go over my daily amount. Remember: Calories in vs. Calories out. I would start off with 3 days a week with workouts and cardio is important! But so is weight lifting. Cardio burns the fat and weights help you get definition and gain lean muscle which will help your metabolism. Feel Free to add me!
  • BulldogCNM
    Find exercise you actually LIKE and will enjoy doing. I am currently hooked on the Jillian Micheal's DVDs. 30 Day Shred helped me lose an inch off my waist, an inch off each thigh and an inch and half off my butt...for me this is AMAZING. Stay under your calories but don't restrict yourself. Also, DRINK THAT WATER. I kept gaining and then someone on here said that I was probably dehydrated which places your body in a stress state so it won't let go of "nutrients" it thinks it needs aka holding onto fat. I started drinking those 8 glasses of water..and BAM now I'm losing weight.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • sarah_kalonji
    hi!! welcome! firstly props for joining this site! its the best thing you could ever do for your "healthy eating plan" , i have only been here 2 weeks and i love it. Starting a diet can be confusing, i got the "South Beach Diet" book and followed the advice.. after the first 2 weeks i had enough knowledge to venture on my own. Exercise isn't always easy but maybe start slow and add a few more minutes each day.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Hi. I don't believe in diets.

    My advice to you would be to believe in yourself. Know that you can do this. Don't guess that you can do it.

    For food: Follow the food pyramid. You can't go wrong there. Don't deprive yourself of anything that you like to eat. Moderation and portion control is the key. Drink water, get enough rest.

    For exercise. Find something that you would love doing. Cardio is good for the body. It helps with fat loss. Strength training is good too. Make sure you give your body rest days, even if it has to be 1 to 2 days a week. Don't overwork your body.
  • voodoomoocow
    voodoomoocow Posts: 60 Member
    Watch your portions, count EVERY calorie (even just a bite of something), set multiple (and realistic) goals and reward yourself for reaching them, and try to be a somewhat active member in the community and add lots of friends for moral support and encouragement.

    The community constantly has challenges and work out routines where everyone gets on board, so it'll help you if you need external motivation.

    Make sure not to punish yourself if you go over your goals. Don't ever think "Man, I screwed up today. I'll start FOR REAL tomorrow." Just keep pushing yourself. One piece of cake or a fancy italian dinner isn't going to make you gain 20lbs. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Thin people eat cake too! They just know how to portion control, and will make up for extra calories in exercise.

    You'll eventually get used to portion control when you start seeing how many calories are in dishes, so it'll take a few days-weeks to get adjusted to it, so don't get discouraged. You'll even learn to "plan ahead" when there's a special event (like a super healthy breakfast and lunch so you can enjoy that piece of cake later). Eventually you'll be able to judge how and when to stop eating. Even more importantly, you'll begin to question if that piece of cake is worth an hour of exercise!

    Discipline and motivation may be slow to begin with, but if you are confident in yourself and serious about weigh loss, you'll feel comfortable in no time!
  • SashaBrettLavender
    Hi! Im new here and starting this journey with my husband, since we got married we have both gained weight and have become unhealthy. What would you suggest I should do with my cream of wheat. I know its good for me its just very bland without sugar, I don't want to add sugar, what could I add?
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    I found Zumba. It's been awesome for me. I also log EVERY bite that goes in my mouth. There are ays I eat ice-cream at the end of the day because I have enough calories left. That is always fun. Welcome!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hi! Im new here and starting this journey with my husband, since we got married we have both gained weight and have become unhealthy. What would you suggest I should do with my cream of wheat. I know its good for me its just very bland without sugar, I don't want to add sugar, what could I add?
    Cinnamon, or sugar free maple syrup?
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    Hi! Im new here and starting this journey with my husband, since we got married we have both gained weight and have become unhealthy. What would you suggest I should do with my cream of wheat. I know its good for me its just very bland without sugar, I don't want to add sugar, what could I add?
    Cinnamon, or sugar free maple syrup?

    Half a grated apple and cinnamon..nom nom
  • jo2907
    jo2907 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi! Im new here and starting this journey with my husband, since we got married we have both gained weight and have become unhealthy. What would you suggest I should do with my cream of wheat. I know its good for me its just very bland without sugar, I don't want to add sugar, what could I add?
    Cinnamon, or sugar free maple syrup?

    Half a grated apple and cinnamon..nom nom

    Hi All

    Sorry if i sound a bit silly, is creamed wheat, like Porridge? I'm in the UK and have never heard of creamed wheat.

    If it is the same stuff, i love my porridge with a spoonfull of low sugar jam. the one i use is only 26cals for 15g!
    Also i like the sound of cinnamon on my porridge, does anyone know if cinnamon has any calories in it?
  • jambondan
    Before pics are a good tool. I just posted mine at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jambondan and they motivate me not to quit! :)