

  • the right timing for this post.. i have been down on myself because i have been so unmotivated.. i lost wieght last year .. 30 lbs and gained 15 of those pounds back .. lack of motivation .. i have been thinking about getting back in shape but thats all i have been doing is just thinking .. and not serious thinking at that…
  • i have a hard time sticking to water. i know i should make a effort to but i prefer ice tea..
  • skinny crock pot on facebook.
  • i would say either do it in the AM before the family is awake or go in the room and lock a door in the later part of the day or evening ..Tell your spouse to work with you with the kids .. its a partnership...
  • what an unexpected treasure!!! you deserve it .. A gift from the gods .. Enjoy your new discovery .. Wear the hell out of that stuff and RoCK it !
  • Dear Denyse ... I just started here a few weeks ago and think its better than Disney land for Dieters. Its just alot of fun and you get to meet alot of people and you get results. Granted not always the results you feel are due to you .. but results non the less. At this rate that you are going it sounds you will total out…
  • i felt irritable because i was always hungry and felt like i was cheating because i was going over my 1200 calorie limit.. . i was unrealistic in shooting for 1200 calories and someone mentioned i should be more realistic with my goals instead of trying to loose 2 bs a week.. So i thought about it and decided that was…
  • i never consumed alot of either (fruits or veggies) .. but ever since i started MFP i have been more concious about exchanging unhealthy cravings for healthy snacks .. so i started eating lots of apples and canned peaches and then i started adding other things like veggies such as baby carrots because they are always in…
  • im at 202.. want to get down to 165 for now .. ultimately 130 or 135 .. ..funnny your Callie and im Cali hahaha .. You can add me .. this should be fun!
  • first time i came across a rude comment to something i posted was yesterday .. How did i handlle it .. I thought about commenting on the rude remark but thought better of it skipped over it and chose to focus on the other 23 remarks by people that were being respectful and positive and i forgot about the rude poster untill…
  • Diet Coke , occassionally fudge and Nestles nutty chocolate covered icecream cones .. yuuumm just had one yesterday (the icecream) and It was 290 calories but it was the llast one lleft in the house so no more of those in the house for awhile. I hadn't had one before that in I dont know when .. I have to go a long way away…
  • i appreciate everyones comments .. it has been helpful..I have been over my calorie intake by 100 calories last few days .. I guess its best i up my calorie intake to 1500 instead so i dont find it a struggle and not feel so guilty ... I think the idea of eating protiens like 1oz of beef jerky is a good idea I will…
  • bump
  • I really like this post.. Last weekend i had a couple of bad days Sat and Sun.. I didnt exercise and i ate too much .. Felt really bad but made up for it the folllowing days and lost a pound.. Now the past few nights i didnt have a chance to exercise and felt a little guilty but more than anything felt more guilty that…
  • look decent in my cloths ... be able to wear a bathing suit one day and to look good in the cloths i wear for an interview and not have someone be prejudice against me for how i look.
  • thanks for your suggestions .. appreciate it :)
  • max out all my credit cards visiting everybody .. :)
  • its not only that she gained some weight but she looks wrecked because she does not care to dress herself appropriately or fix her hair .. something else is going on maybe depression..
  • think i will add Humus and Cucumbers to my list of snacks.. Currently i have raw almonds, agar jello with fruit cocktail, fuji apple wedges (with a dab of caramel sauce), just added lowfat cottage cheese with canned pears to my list and going to add celery sticks with palmeto cheese mmmmm...
  • i appreciate you guys being so supportive ... I will definately not let this past weekend ruin my goals .. Thanks so much :)
  • If you are low on your protien count somedays i think its good to use as a suppliment .. but like others say you dont want to make it your main protien source ....
  • my favorite exercise machine at home is the treadmill.. I had it for years though and just started using it finally.. I have collected several pieces of equipment over the years but i have hardly ever used them.. Now that I joined MFP i plan to slowely incorporate them into my routine... .
  • This was really informative .. I have always wondered about what people thought of other weight programs.. I am glad my aunt suggested this site to me .. Its free and im loosing wieght! And Im doing this in the comfort of my own home.. No meetings and i have exercising equipment at home so no need to go to the gym ...…
  • somedays there it is just too hard to keep up with 1200 calories .. .. Somedays i go over.. Yesterday i was over 345 and today i am under 700 calories ..
  • Ive been eating only 2 meals a day with exercise and have managed to loose 5 lbs in one week.. So i dont believe that either
  • i think that's cute too.. venus hahha... good one .. privates would do just as well..
  • If i had kids .. i think i would kind of feel weird if my kid said to me "Mommy are you going to go wash your vagina" I think i much rather hear something cute like " Who Ha" or "who who" hahaha .. i dont know.. I never liked the word Vagina .. sounds ugly.
  • thanks for posting the charts... needed that !
  • oh this is disconcerting .. I just started and lost 5 lbs in a week.. I was so surprised and happy.. then i started daydreaming about getting to my goal weight faster than i anticpated... But from what you guys are saying i could platue at anytime .. that would be depresssing .... ... so how long does it take to platue? ..…