45 days+ gone and struggling...

I have had the best time on MFP and been doing really well but the past few days I've found really hard! I know there's always a point where everyone struggles a bit. I suppose what I want to hear is that what I'm going through is normal and that after a few days of carb'ing out I'll get back to normal and start to want to up my exercise again... comments welcome...


  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    What you are going through is normal.
    Here is an inspirational bit I copied from another MFP'ers blog...I hope she doesn't mind me sharing, I have this at my computer where I can read it whenver I start feeling like I want to quit.

    "Remind youself that this is worth it. It may be a slow, stressful process. But it is worth all the blood, sweat, and tears you put into it. Sometimes you cheat, sometimes you do not exercise, sometimes all you want is to be able to eat all the foods in the world, and not think twice about it. But you cannot do that! Giving up is the easy way out. You have already made the effort to start this fat loss journey and you are damn well going to finish it! You can do this! Anyone who sets their mind to it and puts the dedication towards this can do this....DO NOT GIVE UP!!! "

    Hang in there!
  • geraldm55
    geraldm55 Posts: 130
    we all struggle so what you're going through is normal. I find that when I hit a wall I change my routine slightly, for example today I did tae bo and I loved it. the body reacts well to change and so my changing things once in awhile I seem to get positive results.

    if you're looking for new mfp friends please feel free to add me.

    In His service
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    What you are going through is normal.
    Here is an inspirational bit I copied from another MFP'ers blog...I hope she doesn't mind me sharing, I have this at my computer where I can read it whenver I start feeling like I want to quit.

    "Remind youself that this is worth it. It may be a slow, stressful process. But it is worth all the blood, sweat, and tears you put into it. Sometimes you cheat, sometimes you do not exercise, sometimes all you want is to be able to eat all the foods in the world, and not think twice about it. But you cannot do that! Giving up is the easy way out. You have already made the effort to start this fat loss journey and you are damn well going to finish it! You can do this! Anyone who sets their mind to it and puts the dedication towards this can do this....DO NOT GIVE UP!!! "

    Hang in there!

    Thanks I needed this too!
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Totally agree with everyone! We all struggle from time to time!
  • Julie2402
    Julie2402 Posts: 126
    hi, i know exacty how you are feeling, i posted much the same thing yesterday! just try to stay focused and in control, go for the healthy snacks and keep reminding yourself of why you are on a weight loss programme. goodluck!
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    When I don't feel like working out I will take walk or get on my bike. I go in one direction for at least 30 mins. Any type of exercise is better than none. Make it a priority like going to work..sometimes we wanna sleep in. We we've ll done damage to our bodies. Its your temple take care of it.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Definitely just something you will get past. Look at all the positives. There is something little that happens everyday to us that we never paid attention to before. Is it that you can walk farther, faster, easier? Do clothes fit differently? Compliments from people that you didn't expect? Double chin is disappearing? Thighs don't rub together? Cross your legs? Eat more because you are making healthier choices (veggies, fruits, etc.) Start looking at the pluses and not the minuses and this journey and life style change will become easier and easier......and funner, believe it or not.
    On that note, I am going to go take advantage of the sunshine and ride my bike 9 miles... You know why? Because I can and because I love it now!!! :)
  • ldennett
    ldennett Posts: 75 Member
    I find it helpful to remind myself of everything I didn't like about being heavier (e.g. feeling like a failure, being tired alot, no motivation, unenthusiastic, physically weaker) and everything that has been going well since I started my journey (e.g. feeling like I am in control, more energy, more enthusiasm, greater willingness to engage with people, looking better in clothes). It kind of makes the occasional blahs about putting so much effort into weight loss feel insignificant.

    My other advice is to remember that you still need to live your life while you are losing weight. You still need treats and things to enjoy right now. Life screws things up sometimes. Not everyday will be perfect. It's just important that most days incorporate your healthy choices.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    We all struggle at some point. It would be abnormal NOT to. It always grinds my gears a little when I see people suggest that losing weight is easy. It isn't! If it were, nearly everyone would be the ideal weight and no one would stay obese for long. There is only one true failure in your weight loss odyssey: quitting. Stumble. Fall. Fall hard. Then pick yourself up and keep going like nothing changed.

    I had a bad day a week ago. Not sure why, but I had one of those days where I was constantly hungry and nothing was enough. Two extra bowls of cereal, some crackers with cheese, a cookie. I didn't enter it all in my diary, but I went after the next day like nothing had happened. A week later? I'm down 2.6 lbs. in spite of a couple days of water retention. And I'm going to go for my first 5K in under 25 minutes tomorrow night.

    We all experience what you're going through. And as long as you don't give up on yourself over the long-run, there is no amount of stumbles and falls that will stop you from achieving your goals. :wink:
  • BamaGurl47
    I really like this post.. Last weekend i had a couple of bad days Sat and Sun.. I didnt exercise and i ate too much .. Felt really bad but made up for it the folllowing days and lost a pound.. Now the past few nights i didnt have a chance to exercise and felt a little guilty but more than anything felt more guilty that last night i felt incredibly hungry and nothing satiated me .. I went over my calorie count but i ate healthy things instead of unhealthy so i hope that made a difference.. Anyway . i was feeling lazy today but reading this post makes me want to get back in the game again and has given me the motivation to go exercise which is what im going to do after posting this .. so thanks for bringing up the topic and thanks to everyone for contributing positive and motivational posts. :)
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    It is normal, but try not to give in to it. Sometimes it doesn't seem worth it. That it is just easier to eat what you want, well.. Cause it is. But if you really want this you really have to fight for it. Fight your brain that is telling you to give in..
  • lyndyloo5
    lyndyloo5 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you so much for your posts :)) I have put the past few days down to experience and am feeling a lot more positive about myself again. After all, there's no point in getting 45 days in, 16 lbs down and then quitting! I've walked for miles with my little boy over the past 2 days and tomorrow I'll be taking my sorry a%s back to the gym.
    This is what makes MFP so different!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I appreciate the post. I hurt my back and haven't been exercising so I feel sluggish, but i know it will pass. thanks to everyone who posted replies; it really helped me, too.
  • cressamarie
    I am brand new on board today. My daughter is trying hard to help me. Found this site and am going to get started. Wish me luck too. Sounds like I am not alone.