

  • congrats! you look great! good luck with the next 20!
  • I deal with it at work. 80% of the people I work with are overweight. I am not. and I watch what I eat, bring packed lunches, skip the catered lunches and deserts. They call me a health fanatic, obsessed etc. when i'm not. I dont overly stress counting macronutrients/calories. Just try and eat healthy meals. Oh well. I…
  • I'd like to be 6lbs less than todays weight. we have 6 weeks! good luck everyone!
  • yes it can be a bit disheartening. That is why I stick to weighing only ONCE a week (normally, this week was an exception). On a set day, set time etc. and even still I focus more on a range 2lbs range up or down because fluctuations are inevitable. Good for you for knowing yourself and turning to how you feel rather than…
  • Pilates! I hate the inner thigh flab. I got the 10 minute solution DVD of pilates from walmart with the band. $15 I think. (it was years ago). they have moves to target inner and outter thighs. HIGHLY recommended
  • Thank you! and that is the point of my post. it is amazing how our bodies will become so used to eating better and one "bad/unhealthy" meal will send it into a tizzie! It shows how well tuned our bodies are to stimuli it encounters. Not only did I bloat from the meal I felt sluggish and unmotivated. As a Psychology major…
  • TourThePast - thank you for seeing the light hearted curiosity in my post. Gracious day I didn't think I'd get a lecture and told to stop making a big deal. Just found the happenings interesting figured i'd share and see if other people noticed how different foods can change things for a few days becuse of how our bodies…
  • haha Yeah its in a humorous manner. I know its heavy and full of sodium which will make the scale go up. just amazed at how drastically ONE meal can change things. just sharing with others and seeing if anyone else experienced this. one meal may seem to be HORRIBLE. but i'm proof that- it'll pass through haha. the human…
  • just a little "non health research but personal experience" stuff. I hate doing strength training. I dont like a lot of muscles on females. so in order to get my body fat down I eat a healthier diet (carefully watching my fat grams) lots of water to help flush flush flush and I do pilates and cardio. pilates is resistence…
  • thats not too low at all. just keep it to yourself. people should mind their own business. I'm 5'6 and i'm 133. its not too low at all
  • it's best to have your own scale in your home. That way you can start at xxx weight and then always use that one and see the DIFFERENCE. not just the number. because I've noticed a difference in scales. so now i Only go by mine so i know what i've lost rather than a set #
  • My grams famous Coffee Knudge Coffee with baileys and brandy. careful though- it can be dangerous :-p
  • I had it as well. I'm 24. and I hate seafood haha. so things I do More water (just seemed like a good idea) more grains and fibers more veggies obviously less meats and high cholest. foods. I switched from cow milk to soy milk Take fish oil pills. exercise regularly. even if its just a 30-45min walk every evening. it takes…
  • you can doooooooo it!!! <3 just had to add my 5 cents hehe
  • hummus. yum. just be careful because blue cheese and hummus will add up your fats quickly. but i do think hummus is a better form of fat?
  • #1: the fact that I have 12 pairs of pants I cant fit in. and zero money to buy new ones haha- college life. #2: I live in the south- so bikini season is very long here #3: fashion fashion fashion #4: My ma is naturally thin (5'10 143lbs) #5: my sister is naturally super thin (6ft 135lbs) #6: looking good for my college…
  • another good estimate is take your weight, divide it by 2 and thats how many oz you should shoot for. ex. weight: 200/2= 100oz. i try and shake it up- throw in a bottle of flavored water, or diet green tea it def helps
  • I only have 15lbs to lose. and I also eat 1200 calories a day and then burn more to create that deficit you are talking about. those of us with less to lose do have to do it this way. We cannot eat back the calories ( I never understood why you would want to anyways! haha) so my schedule is... I eat 1200 calories a day and…
  • EXACTLY! Thank you. I never said it was the final determining factor. but it is the first thing people see. therefore when attracting strangers its the first major factor. Then all that other stuff comes along.…
  • haha no need to get nasty. geeze louise. a blind person is a totally different situation. I study evolutionary psychology and human sexuality. I'm going off of MANY years of research. no need to attack me just because you don't agree with my post.
  • Not weird at all. No one likes to admit it. but I will. The first thing we notice about the opposite sex is their body. and evolutionarily speaking a thin fit body is a healthy body. Therefore they most likely have better genes and its all about finding the most suitable mate to make the strongest offspring. after all, we…
  • Senior here! didn't gain 15 as a freshmen but its happened over time! haha. I'm trying to lose 10-15 as well. =] College makes it nearly impossible to be healthy
  • Thats super interesting. I've always wondered about all the fad diets out there and how healthy they actually were. Looks like the popular ones are the worst haha
  • alllllrighty. get ready haha. I worked at a womens health clinic so I saw many girls go through what you went through. Just know you did the best thing for you and it. and your time will come. dont beat yourself up or let anyone else put you down. Now I"ve also been on many times of birth control. I never had much weight…
  • Thats the one I've used a couple of times. My family is german and I loooooove the food. Good luck!
  • Okay I'll do Jullian/my style of motivation.. Dont take this personally.. its not personal haha. this is an email I have saved for the days I dont feel motivated. You don't want to go to the gym do you? You'd rather sit on your chunky *kitten* and eat dinner infront of the tv wouldn't you? Well i guess then you don't want…
  • edit your routine. our bodies will naturally settle and get used to what we are doing. so maybe switch up your diet (if you tend to eat the same breakfasts/lunches a lot) do different types of workouts or increase the amount. and a good way to keep your cardio effective.. do run/walks. it messes with our body so the…
  • i work at a Doctors office and drug reps cater restaurant food in EVERY DAY. - a heavy meal AND desert. I have to use a lot of self control to pack my lunch and not even enter the lunch room. and the holidays are the worst because other doctors, drug reps, facilities etc- all send us massive amounts of baked goods and…
  • I weigh myself daily, record weekly I weigh daily to see how the foods I eat are effecting me, and to keep me from a nasty surprise of a x amount of weight gain. If i see it going up i can stop it immediately. record every friday so i am not obsessing over the little fluctuations during the week.
  • Stress is a factor. However, I had PERFECT skin until I was 20. then BAM adult acne. switch to an acne cleanser, see if that works better. Seems like you are washing your face enough not to have any other things coming into play.