Birth Control and Weight Gain

I've recently started seeing a guy and things have been going well. Currently he's in the Navy and stationed quite far away so, although we've only been on a few dates, we talk daily and both admit we have feelings for each other and based on how things are currently, want to continue with what ever this is.

So, although I'm not at the point of being intimate with him yet (I still will have to consider this at one point in the future, albeit with him or not), this is the first time I've had to think about sex properly since I became single in March. Before I used condoms but after one pregnancy and one termination (if you want to make high and mighty comments about this don't even bother - you have no idea how much it affected me, and still does, nor is it in any way part of the discussion), I really don't feel safe with just condoms anymore.

After reading about birth control online I've realised a lot of women report increase in weight gain as a result of the hormones making them feel hungrier. Now, after losing all the weight I have done, and still trying for more, I would be devestated to gain weight again.

Now, anyone who is on any type of birth control - pills, iud, ius, implant, or anything else - could you please tell me your experience with the product and your weight, plus any you have perviously used, as well as the brand name? Any tips or tricks to not gain excessively? Any other side effects?

Thank you!


  • auctoritas
    I've been on the pill before, but I'm not currently. When I was using it, I used it mainly to stop periods, so I was taking it constantly and skipping the sugar pills. I gained a little weight, but some of it was attributable to the way I was eating at the time... My main problem was that my hair started thinning.

    I almost went on the IUD, and ended up not needing to, but I did tons of research and the hormonal IUDs affect your body less than pills do. It's more convenient in some ways, like you don't have to remember to take a pill everyday... but like any BC it has some downsides - you have to check that it's there now and then, you can't use menstrual cups (and possibly tampons, don't remember). Non-hormonal (copper) IUDs are also effective and worth looking into if you want to avoid hormones altogether.

    Nuvaring is a decent alternative but will affect you hormonally in the same way pills do.

    I will warn you away from the shot, it has far more downsides than up. Implants are kind of along the same lines - the release of hormones is strong at the beginning, peaks, then tapers off near the end of their lifespan, which affects different people in different ways.

    You might just have to try it for yourself if you have no idea how hormones affect you. Some women lose weight on the pill, some are unaffected, some gain. If you're worried about gaining because of overeating, just keep tracking your calories if/when you're on it.

    I'm really sorry for your traumatic experience, and I hope you recover from it.
  • kimber_av
    alllllrighty. get ready haha.

    I worked at a womens health clinic so I saw many girls go through what you went through. Just know you did the best thing for you and it. and your time will come. dont beat yourself up or let anyone else put you down.

    Now I"ve also been on many times of birth control. I never had much weight gain. some pills can cause an increase in weight.. but its mostly because the ladies start to believe the pills make them hungrier. mind over matter most of the time. However, the depo shot will indeed make you gain. so stay far far away from it. I think IUDs are a bit intense if you havent had children yet.

    So I would suggest a low dose hormone BC. There are many low dose pills. The only one I didnt like was lo loesterin. it was too low and I had break through bleeding too much.
    I loved the nuva ring. its a super low dose because its near the organs, constant intake etc etc. if you can get past the whole "sticking something in me for a month" thing, its really great. You just have to make sure you take it out for the week and ALWAYS remember to put it in the exact day it needs to go back in. like all BC its as effective as you are. but its nice not to have to remember a pill everyday.
    So schedule an appointment and talk to your doctor once you decide a traditional pill or the nuva ring.

    best of luck!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I am happy to report my experiences on this issue, because I had to think really hard about it too, and my gyno gave me some pamphlets that are clearly ads, but no other advice on the subject.

    I quit taking my pills to see how it affected my weight. I am not as hungry since I stopped. I dropped a couple pounds, but not many. Since it was only a couple, I think you should use whatever form of birth control that is right for you, regardless of weight. I'm glad I stopped taking it though. I had been on it for years and I was curious about what my natural hormones are like.

    I am considering switching to the Paragard IUD, but I want to stay off all forms of birth control (other than abstinence) for a couple months to see what my periods are like. I hear that the Paragard can make cramps a little worse, but golly gee, I don't even know what my normal periods are like since I've only had one since stopping the pills a few weeks ago.

    I'm sorry to hear that condoms had failed you. I had one slip off one time with my husband. At the time, we were just boyfriend and girlfriend, and we were still in college, so I went immediately to the health center for some Plan B. It was scary, and very uncomfortable. I have been fortunate to never have been pregnant, and I hope to keep it that way. :)

    Good luck to you in whatever you decide! Feel free to send me a message if there is anything I can do to help.
  • rubixcyoob
    Thanks ladies, I've got a son so I am able to get an IUD as well

    And thank you for being nice about everything <3
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I have done a ton of research on birth control pills because I have thyroid problems which affects my menstrual cycle, and I am sensitive to hormones. There is a great website that does a comparison of all of them ( and the main thing is that the type of hormones in certain pills (along with dosage) cause more fluid retention than others. Hormones might increase your appetite and you'll know if that's happening, but fluid weight is the major cause of birth control related weight gain. I am currently on the generic for Loestrin, and it has 20 mcg of estrogen and I forget how much progesterone. Before I was on Low-Ogestrel (I think?), which had higher estrogen and a different type of progesterone. It sounds really complicated, but it really mostly depends on the type of progesterone and the dose of estrogen. Low estrogen pills have a lower risk of fluid retention, and certain types of progesterone cause more "androgenic" effects than others, such as acne, etc.

    Here's a chart on the "androgenicity" of certain pills:
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Also, I tried Lo-Loestrin and didn't get a period for almost three months, so that one was a little "too" low for me! I wish I could get off the pill completely, but I am not looking to start trying for children until next year (I just got out of law school, need a little breather) :-) As the previous posters said, you should go with what seems best for you!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I've been taking BCP for over 20 years, mostly on Ortho-cyclen and for the last few years without any breaks, and I have been everywhere from 120 to 170. The pill did give me boobs and hips but any effect it's had on my weight is nothing compared to the effects of diet and exercise.
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    I've taken 3 different forms of birth control at this point but i also have some other factors playing in so here's my story. To begin with, I didn't have to deal with weight so much as emotionally and mental side effects.

    I started with Seasonique because the 4 periods a year thing sounded great and at the time I was dating a Marine so I wanted to lower the chances that the TMO would be during the few times I got to see him. I didn't notice much weight gain with this one (I also didn't take it very long) but I did notice I complete lack of emotion or just depression. I already suffer from mild depression and possibly bipolar disorder (I didn't want to go to the doctor for a diagnosis) so it took me a while to realize the pills were affecting me this way. Shortly after I stopped taking it though, I was my normal crazy self. :P

    Next, I tried Lutera, which is one of the lowest doses you can get. Side effects: mild weight gain, larger boobs, decreased libido, and being a moody b**ch. Again, everyone's hormones are different but my current boyfriend can tell you I was not a nice or happy person during that time. God bless him for sticking with me.

    Finally, I am currently on the Depo shot and have been since May. It's a love-hate relationship. My libido has plummeted and I have gained some weight. One of my friends has been on it for about 3 years and she's gained significant weight, but she blames her sweet tooth so I don't know which caused it. But I'll keep taking it for the time being because I've seen an amazing improvement in my mood stability (And NO periods.:happy: )and I don't have to worry about pregnancy. My boyfriend and I also had to purchase Plan B one day and it's not an experience I want to relive.

    My advice is to talk with your doctor and try different ones out to see what works best with you. As for weight gain, don't worry about it. If you've already lost 53 lbs, you know about good diet and exercise. You're not going to start a pill and wake up one morning 100 lbs heavier. I think it's because it tricks your body into thinking you're pregnant which makes you want to be lazy and indulge, but you can resist. Good luck finding what works for you!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I think a lot of it depends on dosage.

    I was a moderate dose pill cyclessa and noticed an increased appetite and gained 5-10lbs over time.

    Then I was taking a high dose pill, lo-orgestral and gained 12additional pounds and despite exercise and diet had a very hard time losing.

    I went back to cyclessa because lo-orgestral also increased my blood pressure. I lost that 12lbs plus some.

    I was having really bad mood swings and migrain headaches on cyclessa so I talked to my doctor and she switched me to loestrin 24 fe which is a lower dose pill

    I actually noticed a decreased appetite and eat like I did before I took pills. So I average eating 200 cals less a day. I've been able to lose a couple more pounds from that alone and I also feel normal. No mood swings at all.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I take Loesterin 24 FE and I've lost 28 pounds.

    Do I think it caused me to gain weight? No not really.. I think all the drinking and bad eating I did in college caused that :)

    It's been farily easy to lose with Loestrin..but I find I'll lose steadly for like 3 weeks and the week I go off, I gain but then its gone again with in a few days so its nothing major to worry about.