

  • Fat tissue in particular DOES indeed store toxins. Dieting releases these toxins and the increases can be seen in bloodwork (if you have a baseline before dieting). "Most of us have been exposed to organochlorines found in pesticides, dyes, solvents, etc., and we contain residues in our adipose tissue, where they are…
  • I don't get this from the OP at all. She wants to maintain a healthy weight. There's TONS of evidence that rapid weight gain during pregnancy makes for a much harder delivery so she's right on track to prevent that. Shame on you for your insensitive and unsupportive post.
  • Ugh! I've seen similar stuff happen. So much for that mandatory food service training, huh?
  • What a FANTASTIC idea! I bet they'd be good with almond butter too...Or dusted with cinnamon.
  • I hit a plateau last summer that lasted 3 months! The best way to start losing again is to change up your routine. This article was on MFP a little while ago that explains what's happening and how to change it. Wish I'd had this info last summer! Good luck! The Most Dreaded Word In Weight Loss: Plateau In the world of…
  • The secret for me is planning ahead. I pack up lunch and healthy snacks the night before so I won't be tempted to grab whatever's available when I'm in a hurry and get hungry. I keep clementines, apples, pomegrantaes, granola bars, Laughing Cow light cheese wedges and flat bread in my snack drawer so if I ate everything in…
  • Exercise does tend to make you eat more because your body is trying to stay the same weight it is. You will eventually get used to a new "set point" so just keep doing what you are. Stay away from refined sugar which always turns on my appetite. Go for some really filling foods when you eat. Avoid refined sugar and flour…
  • Lake Jackson, TX
  • List your favorites or how you'd have it/customize it: Uh-oh...I hope we don't have to eat them all next! :>) 1. oatmeal - Silver Palate Thick and Rough with vanilla, brown sugar, almonds, bananas and strawberries. 2. toast - no butter, Polaner strawberry Just Fruit 3. ice cream sundae - Not fond of ice cream but I do like…
  • CAFFEINE is the diuretic, not the coffee or tea. And there's enough water in most (espresso is a possible exception) to offset the water loss. It's important is to drink pure water because it doesn't need to have other things filtered out by the kidneys.
  • If her insecurity causes her to overeat to make herself feel better, the connection to weight loss is obvious.
  • For hiking, hop in the car and drive around the block. Most blocks where I live are 1 mile (quarter mile each leg). Then walk it and see how long it takes. If you walk 1 mile in 15 minutes, that's 4 mph. Look up walking 4 mph and MFP will calculate your burn. After you have a baseline, you can count steps in a tenth or…
  • It's all relative. If you're going out with friends who all want Taco Bell, go have fun with your peeps and eat a 140 calorie taco. Certainly it's not as healthy as other choices you could make but doing without food until you get to the "perfect" meal may, in the long run, be worse--especially if it makes you snarf up…
  • Do you have other friends? If not, you need to make some. How about moms of kids your daughter's age? You automatically have at least one thing in common. It's NEVER a good idea to make one person your sole source of friendship, entertainment, etc. It's just too much of a burden for anyone, no matter how much they love…
  • There is another option and that is UAE (uterine arterial embolization). That shuts off the blood supply to the tumor and it eventually goes away. It's usually an outpatient procedure.
  • Feel free to add me!
  • It DOES work! I lost 1/2 an inch of belly fat the first FOUR DAYS I tried it.
  • HIIT. Hi-intensity interval training. Just add short bursts of top speed running to your daily walk and see the difference it makes in a month! I lost half an inch of belly fat the first 4 days!
  • If you're going to quote me, quote me. Don't misquote me. Fat doesn't make you fat and I never said it did. Excess calorie intake makes you fat because you store those calories as what? Fat. And yes, the research clearly shows that if you eat the same number of excess fat calories and carb calories, more fat will be stored…
  • Angel Food cake = 129 calories, .1 gm fat and 15 grams of sugar. Devil's food cake = 180 calories, 3.5 grams of fat and 20 grams of sugar. The devils food cake figures are WITHOUT icing, btw. Both are 1/12 cake slices.
  • No studies have born out weight gain due to late night eating but studies HAVE shown it increases BMI. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/17/health/17really.html
  • The "obsession" with fat-free is based on research that says if you eat 100 fat calories and 100 sugar/carb calories that 90 calories of fat get added to your bodyfat compared to 60 calories of carbs. This is assuming the 100 calories are in excess of your daily burn.
  • Corn syrup is high carb but regular icings are half fat and half sugar. This recipe eliminates the fat, 90% of which is converted to bodyfat if it's surplus calories. It takes roughly 40% of the calories in corn syrup to convert them to fat. So...do you want to eat regular icing and convert 90% of the fat AND 60% of the…
  • The scale is not the only way to measure progress. Find a pair of pants that are snug and check the fit once a week. If they're looser, you're doing fine.
  • You don't have to take your scale and look "mental." Here are some rough "measures." 1/2 c. cooked cup rice ---- tennis ball 1 pancake (1 ounce or 5") ---- compact disc diameter (CD) 1 piece of cornbread (2 ounces) ---- bar of soap 1 slice of sandwich bread = 1 ounce, larger loaves = 1-1/4 oz. 1 cup of pasta/spaghetti (2…
  • We can't keep from getting old. But we can keep from being aged.
  • If you are eating WHOLE fruit, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Whole fruit, even the poor much-maligned bananas, have a lot of fiber which aids the metabolism of the sugars in them. Fiber slows down the absorption rate of sugar so you don't get the "spike" you can get with cane sugar. If you drink fruit juice, research…
  • 1 c. of fresh strawberries dunked into a Laughing Cow Light Swiss wedge. Only 75 calories.
  • Start with small changes. What's one thing you eat (or drink) that's high cal/low nutrient? Start drinking it mixed with water, gradually increasing the water until you're drinking pure water. Eat all sandwiches ope-faced to cut out half the bread. Skip bead with meals. Eat whole grains instead of processed cereal. Leave…
  • Try Strawberries in a Cloud. For the cake, make (or buy) an angelfood cake, turn it out of the pan right-side-up and let it cool COMPLETELY. Carefully cut the top 2 inches off the cake, making two intact rings (top and bottom. It helps if you gently slide a plate under the top as you cut it). Hollow out the center of the…