hmmmmmmmm. a bit confused



  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Unless it's ultra refined, olive oil burns at a lower temperature than vegetable and canola oil. If you're doing a stir fry or other type of cooking at a higher heat, you can't really use it.

    You beat me to it - Olive oil isn't always a substitute for other oils.
  • kantone999
    kantone999 Posts: 174
    It's all relative. If you're going out with friends who all want Taco Bell, go have fun with your peeps and eat a 140 calorie taco. Certainly it's not as healthy as other choices you could make but doing without food until you get to the "perfect" meal may, in the long run, be worse--especially if it makes you snarf up everything in site because you let yourself get too hungry. If I'm running late in the morning and don't have time to make my filling, healthy oatmeal, I can grab a portionpak of Cinnabon cereal in the shop downstairs. Is it as good a choice as the oatmeal? No. Is it better than the Sausage McGriddles someone brought into the office? You betcha.

    You can't really judge a food choice if you don't know what they passed up.
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    I have removed junk food from my day to day life. It is realistic. Its is your choice what to put into your mouth. I choose healthy!

  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    olive oil, canola, butter... all I use ... for a reason =)
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Why does it matter to you? Personally, I have a hard enough time dealing with my own eating etc. I don't need to keep track of anyone else's, especially if it's someone I don't know, or don't know well. I figure other people can eat what they want, it's not my place to judge--and I expect the same respect from them. Also, everyone has different goals, some people may want to eat an "optimal diet" (whatever they happen to think that means), while others may simply want to lose weight while living their lives and eating the foods the enjoy. And while olive oil may be healthier than vegetable oil, as others have pointed out, extra virgin olive oil has a very low smoke/burn point, which can make it difficult to work with, so while I mostly use olive oil, I do use vegetable oil, and I've yet to drop dead or experience any major health issues because of it. Bottom line, worry about yourself, once you're perfect, you can start with everyone else.
  • kathyl05
    kathyl05 Posts: 67 Member
    We all have our thing; no need to criticize. I would be on the ceiling if I drank espresso. To each his own-
  • Tasha_uk
    Tasha_uk Posts: 70
    Unless they have asked you, its none of your business. Just saying.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    No starving going on here! I couldn't live without Chick-fil-a and small sweet tea! The last time I tried to lose weight, I tried eliminating every bad thing and only stayed on track for a month. I started a few days before Christmas and I'm still going strong!
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    My fiance brough home Taco Bell last week, and i ate one. THen i looked up how much sodium was in that single taco, which didn't even stop my stomach growling, and remembered why i don't eat them anymore.

    As for veggie oil, i think it tastes bad.
  • hotmama1174
    hotmama1174 Posts: 109 Member
    I totally get you are saying, but strongly feel that judgment is not what we are here for. It is to support and encourage each other. Additionally, as an FYI- all oils are 100% fat.....Olive oil actually has MORE calories per tablespoon than Corn or Canola. So if folks are using corn or canola, calorie-wise they are making a better choice. Olive oil may be a healthier oil to use but not always the most appropriate.

    I am also a strong believer in not depriving your self of what you like or want because then you are more likely to binge and overindulge on that deprived item.

    I wish everyone continued success on their weight loss and healthier lifestyles!!!
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    personally, I don't like olive oil. It smells vile to me, tastes almost as bad, so why on earth would I use it? if I *must* use an oil, its vegetable oil, and 750 mls lasts me 6 months or more. I prefer dripping!
  • Swopkin
    Swopkin Posts: 53 Member
    Even though I find your concern touching, I must say that I do not quite like the condescending tone of your post. Some people take little steps to go from a meal entirely made of junk jood to a healthy meal. Habits are hard to beat and going cold turkey might not be the best approach for everyone. Moreover, I think junk food once in a while should be allowed as long as it's no excess. I, myself, am a strict vegan, but I enjoy a portion of french fries every month or so. This is my 'guilty' pleasure and as long as it doesn't interfere with my goal of losing weight and getting a healthier body, I can't see why not.
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    It may not "healthy", but you can still achieve weightloss with a couple 140 calorie tacos from Taco Bell. I don't think it's realistic to completely remove "junk" food from your life.

    ^^this! you don't have to eliminate everything in order to lose weight. in fact i still eat the things i like, just use portion control and find healthier ways to prepare them

    Exactly. I even still order a pizza once a week ever since starting the weightloss journey. Haven't gained, only lost. Just need to remember that I'm not eating 4 slices anymore.

    But at the same time I understand people who don't want to touch food like that. If it works for you, have at it :)

    I totally agree!!! what's works for one does not for another !! I look forward to my once a week Pizza night. that is my cheat day!!
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    you cant cook olive oil , vegetable oil is much more stable .. but if your not cooking it olive oil is the way to go
    you can always eat healthy so portion control is key
    you can always bring the right food or say no at a birthday party all the time.
    as long as you know what your goal is and stay within your boundries i say have what you crave
    and sometimes you need to think outside the Bun!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Luckily we are all (hopefully) adults whom can decide on our own what we want to eat.

    I have lost weight, and I am a lot more healthy than I used to be and from time to time I eat something outrageous and bad for me.
    It puzzles me how many people on this site are so concerned about what others want to eat. I am here for me.
  • original_cake_face
    original_cake_face Posts: 131 Member
    I have been reading some of the posts in RECIPES, and I was quite surprised on some of the ingredients in the recipes..
    people are using vegetable oils? WHY? OLIVE OIL is so much better and better for you.. some have posted TACO BELL!!!!!!!! really? ONLY 140 calories per taco.. Seriously? TACO BELL.....yeah there may be ONLY 140 Calories but what else is in there? common people this is not just about counting calories, you should also practice to eat healthier. what good is it if you count calories but adding junk in your body?

    Can I get some support on this.

    Good lord Rachel Ray has ruined the world with her EVOO.

    First, as many people have already pointed out.. Olive oil is not the only oil in the universe. Oils have different smoke points. Foods have different cooking temperatures. Add to those two facts, this one: Olive oil has a low smoke point, therefor it is not good for all cooking. Every amateur foodie in the world thinks that EVOO is the ONLY way to go and the ONLY oil you should EVER cook with.. Blargh. Read this:

    Second, why are you so concerned with what other people are eating? You can eat a 140 calorie taco and not die, I assure you. The key to life is moderation, and that's what most people are here to learn. Moderation. You can fit a Taco Bell taco into a moderate diet. This condescending view of perfection is what drags people down. It's what makes people fail.
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    You say you're a chef, but don't appear to know much about cooking. As others have pointed out, olive oil is not a suitable all purpose oil. That's the first reason that came to my mind, not to mention several other economic and personal reasons. In applications where its flavor, which is olive oil's foremost benefit, will not be detectable similar health benefits can be achieved by subbing a less expensive oil. Other oils are prefectly acceptable for both cooking and health. Canola oil is held in high regard by the ADA and AHA. If I'm cooking Korean, sorry but your olive oil does me nothing; I need sesame.

    And yes, people eat at taco bell. Not everyone's weight loss journey is the same and the point of what they are doing and how they choose to do it is their own. If we were to take a poll of the "point" of all this, I think positive encouragement would rank higher than negative posts would.
  • JohnFox27thCentury
    You're right chef, people eating taco bell ain't gonna make their goals unless they are real real discipline. We gotta eat right too or the exercise is pointless.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    Yes, worry about your pwn choices. I ate jelly beans today....I learned that there are alot of calories in Jelly beans and I have had my last jelly bean for a long time,and I need to walk extra today. This is an individual journey and learning experience for everyone. Some will make it to their goal, some may not. But picking apart someones choices won't help.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I used to order the following at Taco Bell:

    2 supreme chalupas
    1 nacho bell grande
    1-2 crunchy tacos
    Large Mountain Dew
    1 order of cinnamon twists

    Knowing that I can substitute the higher-calorie items for a couple more tacos has done wonders for a person like me. Now I can order:

    4 crunchy tacos
    Bottle of Water or Diet Soda

    and be well on my way to a lifestyle change that I can enjoy and keep up!:flowerforyou:

    There's something valuable on this site for everyone.