hmmmmmmmm. a bit confused



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have been reading some of the posts in RECIPES, and I was quite surprised on some of the ingredients in the recipes..
    people are using vegetable oils? WHY? OLIVE OIL is so much better and better for you.. some have posted TACO BELL!!!!!!!! really? ONLY 140 calories per taco.. Seriously? TACO BELL.....yeah there may be ONLY 140 Calories but what else is in there? common people this is not just about counting calories, you should also practice to eat healthier. what good is it if you count calories but adding junk in your body?

    Can I get some support on this.

    Hey! Idea: Why don't you worry about YOU and I'll worry about ME.

    And, FYI, any oil pressed from a vegetable is "vegetable oil." This includes olive oil.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    It may not "healthy", but you can still achieve weightloss with a couple 140 calorie tacos from Taco Bell. I don't think it's realistic to completely remove "junk" food from your life.

    ^^this! you don't have to eliminate everything in order to lose weight. in fact i still eat the things i like, just use portion control and find healthier ways to prepare them

  • chefabitino
    I totally get you are saying, but strongly feel that judgment is not what we are here for. It is to support and encourage each other. Additionally, as an FYI- all oils are 100% fat.....Olive oil actually has MORE calories per tablespoon than Corn or Canola. So if folks are using corn or canola, calorie-wise they are making a better choice. Olive oil may be a healthier oil to use but not always the most appropriate.

    I am also a strong believer in not depriving your self of what you like or want because then you are more likely to binge and overindulge on that deprived item.

    I wish everyone continued success on their weight loss and healthier lifestyles!!!

    Well put! Just so you know I do not deprive myself of any food. If i want a taco I make it myself...
    i feel bad that everyone in here is ganging up on me. Perhaps I came across the wrong way... My apologies to all!
  • chefabitino
    you cant cook olive oil , vegetable oil is much more stable .. but if your not cooking it olive oil is the way to go
    you can always eat healthy so portion control is key
    you can always bring the right food or say no at a birthday party all the time.
    as long as you know what your goal is and stay within your boundries i say have what you crave
    and sometimes you need to think outside the Bun!

    True. I cook with grapeseed oil..
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Actually, never mind. I'm not going to bother. :-)

    Happy Friday, everyone!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I agree with the OP.
    I actually haven't concerned myself with calories. I eat by the amount of protein carbs fats and sugar contained in each item. First time in my adult life that I am not counting calories. I prefer it this way. Cause that taco bell taco might be 140 calories but its probably very high in fat and cholesterol.
  • chefabitino
    I have been reading some of the posts in RECIPES, and I was quite surprised on some of the ingredients in the recipes..
    people are using vegetable oils? WHY? OLIVE OIL is so much better and better for you.. some have posted TACO BELL!!!!!!!! really? ONLY 140 calories per taco.. Seriously? TACO BELL.....yeah there may be ONLY 140 Calories but what else is in there? common people this is not just about counting calories, you should also practice to eat healthier. what good is it if you count calories but adding junk in your body?

    Can I get some support on this.

    Good lord Rachel Ray has ruined the world with her EVOO.

    I believe i never said that I cook with olive oil.. I said to use olive oil.. Now if you would like to know what I cook with its grapeseed oil . Your welcome.
    And I have already apologized for coming across the way i did.. perhaps i should write a couple few hundred more times again...

    First, as many people have already pointed out.. Olive oil is not the only oil in the universe. Oils have different smoke points. Foods have different cooking temperatures. Add to those two facts, this one: Olive oil has a low smoke point, therefor it is not good for all cooking. Every amateur foodie in the world thinks that EVOO is the ONLY way to go and the ONLY oil you should EVER cook with.. Blargh. Read this:

    Second, why are you so concerned with what other people are eating? You can eat a 140 calorie taco and not die, I assure you. The key to life is moderation, and that's what most people are here to learn. Moderation. You can fit a Taco Bell taco into a moderate diet. This condescending view of perfection is what drags people down. It's what makes people fail.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I can't give you any support, sorry. I had McDonald's for lunch! :smile: All in moderation.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Unless it's ultra refined, olive oil burns at a lower temperature than vegetable and canola oil. If you're doing a stir fry or other type of cooking at a higher heat, you can't really use it.

    GRAPE-SEED oil has a great viscosity for high heat.That's what i use.

    Then why in your OP did you tell everyone to use olive oil?

    You're kinda funny.
  • chefabitino
    Hey, at least they're being honest & logging it! :tongue:

    Different things work for different people - not everyone can give up fast food, at least not all at once. Maybe in time they won't want it any more, or maybe it's a treat for them. I still eat at In-N-Out - I don't plan on ever giving that up - but I don't eat it every day or even every week, and I log it when I do eat it. And I enjoy every single delicious bite! :bigsmile: Oh, and I'm losin' weight. Booyah!

    Thank you for expressing yourself kindly.. as I mentioned earlier I apologized for coming across the way i did. But peeps are still bashing I think they believe I am on some kind of starving diet and deprive myself of foods. I am not I probably eat more then any one in here. I just chose to eat more healthier And I do exercise as well.. Perhaps I should keep my opinions to myself.....
    Sorry all!
  • kappy_hollowell
    Unless it's ultra refined, olive oil burns at a lower temperature than vegetable and canola oil. If you're doing a stir fry or other type of cooking at a higher heat, you can't really use it.

    You beat me to it - Olive oil isn't always a substitute for other oils.

    ^^ THis.... Have you ever tried olive oil as a replacement in cookies or cupcakes... gross. :sick: :huh:
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    I choose to eat healthy and I don't eat junk food. Of course it is possible to cut it out of your life! home prepared food tastes so much better and has to be better for you.
  • chefabitino
    I have been reading some of the posts in RECIPES, and I was quite surprised on some of the ingredients in the recipes..
    people are using vegetable oils? WHY? OLIVE OIL is so much better and better for you.. some have posted TACO BELL!!!!!!!! really? ONLY 140 calories per taco.. Seriously? TACO BELL.....yeah there may be ONLY 140 Calories but what else is in there? common people this is not just about counting calories, you should also practice to eat healthier. what good is it if you count calories but adding junk in your body?

    Can I get some support on this.

    Hey! Idea: Why don't you worry about YOU and I'll worry about ME.

    And, FYI, any oil pressed from a vegetable is "vegetable oil." This includes olive oil.

    WOW!! um.. olive is a fruit NOT a vegetable.. They grow on trees not plant...sorry to have burst-ed your bubble.....
  • Rosiered2
    Rosiered2 Posts: 87 Member
    I have been reading some of the posts in RECIPES, and I was quite surprised on some of the ingredients in the recipes..
    people are using vegetable oils? WHY? OLIVE OIL is so much better and better for you.. some have posted TACO BELL!!!!!!!! really? ONLY 140 calories per taco.. Seriously? TACO BELL.....yeah there may be ONLY 140 Calories but what else is in there? common people this is not just about counting calories, you should also practice to eat healthier. what good is it if you count calories but adding junk in your body?

    Can I get some support on this.

    I would have disagreed with you before and said that I can lose weight and still eat Taco Bell occasionally AND actually I would allow myself Taco Bell IF I wanted it.....the thing is I am getting much more excited about getting the inside of my body HEALTHY and not just about losing weight. Not everyone has the "healthy" goal, they only have the weight loss goal...and that is purely up to them. But if the goal is weight loss AND health, it isn't good to make poor food choices. So, while I completely agree with you, I know the time will come when I'll want something that isn't really good for me.....and if I eat it, at least I will know what I am choosing to put in my body. Health is a much better goal because with it will come weight loss. At my most recent dr visit, I have lost 26 pounds and dropped my cholesterol levels by 26 points! And that definitely did not happen eating taco bell.....
  • chefabitino
    Please everyone except my apologies...I just expressed an opinion and it came across the wrong way...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have been reading some of the posts in RECIPES, and I was quite surprised on some of the ingredients in the recipes..
    people are using vegetable oils? WHY? OLIVE OIL is so much better and better for you.. some have posted TACO BELL!!!!!!!! really? ONLY 140 calories per taco.. Seriously? TACO BELL.....yeah there may be ONLY 140 Calories but what else is in there? common people this is not just about counting calories, you should also practice to eat healthier. what good is it if you count calories but adding junk in your body?

    Can I get some support on this.

    Hey! Idea: Why don't you worry about YOU and I'll worry about ME.

    And, FYI, any oil pressed from a vegetable is "vegetable oil." This includes olive oil.

    WOW!! um.. olive is a fruit NOT a vegetable.. They grow on trees not plant...sorry to have burst-ed your bubble.....

  • scsksouthern
    scsksouthern Posts: 23 Member
    You're right chef, people eating taco bell ain't gonna make their goals unless they are real real discipline. We gotta eat right too or the exercise is pointless.

    You need to read what you wrote here and admit that you are wrong... "people eating taco bell ain't gonna make their goals" and "we gotta eat right too or the exercise is pointless". Man, I know LOTS of trainers/athletes/skinny people who have the occasional taco bell fix, and if people are active (sports, exercise, etc.) and eat right MOST of the time, then the exercise most certainly isn't "pointless". You and the chef been drinking way too much olive oil!!!
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Dang this thread :) I was already feeling guilty enough as it is for eating taco bell for lunch yesterday...LOL It was friggin good though :)
  • chefabitino
    My way is is the only way and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong! :indifferent:

    You need a

    I never said my way is the only way.. I just expressed my opinion.

    Yep. But you chose to express your opinion in a general call-out that strongly implied that everything else is wrong, whether or not you realized it.

    Why not worry about your own diet instead of posting threads calling out for other people to worry about theirs? People change at different rates and to different degrees. I used to eat 3-4 cheesy double beef burritos at taco bell, yesterday I had two small tacos there instead.

    Yeaah I know and I have apologized so many times but They don't read that....Wrong way to express an opinion...
  • chefabitino
    You're right chef, people eating taco bell ain't gonna make their goals unless they are real real discipline. We gotta eat right too or the exercise is pointless.

    You need to read what you wrote here and admit that you are wrong... "people eating taco bell ain't gonna make their goals" and "we gotta eat right too or the exercise is pointless". Man, I know LOTS of trainers/athletes/skinny people who have the occasional taco bell fix, and if people are active (sports, exercise, etc.) and eat right MOST of the time, then the exercise most certainly isn't "pointless". You and the chef been drinking way too much olive oil!!!

    I have already 6957847364058392 times.